
Perma weapon command / tool. Again.

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What your suggestion is: Add the perma weapons command to the server

Scriptfodder/workshop link:
Any additional information: This will be helpful to the server in many ways, basically how this works is that once you do the command "!Permweapons" It will open a mini screen that an admin/event planner can give weapons to people on the server or through a steam id, Once you click on the player you want to give a perma weapon for you simply put the weapon command in, For example you go to the player "212th ARC COL Max" either through the server list when opening the permweapons menu or through steam id, Then you will choose the option to give a weapon and put in "wo_rpg" or whatever   weapon he wants , after that the 212th ARC will spawn with the RPG everytime he respawns until someone removes it from the permweapons menu, this can be helpful for events or for special roles for ECs to spawn with a certain weapon or item that an EP wants and would be really helpful for the EPs

i suggest this again as it was accepted but not implemented along time ago and would be really great for events, sims and EPs  

Edited by Victor

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Good Idea don't know how it would work in practice.

EPs would have to spend more time giving each separate person the guns, and then remove them once the event is over.

I personally have a bind that just gives everyone 5+ guns, so a-lot less effort to press that instead.

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I see your point and i do agree with it hiwever this could be used for a specific EC that the EP may want him to have a certain weapon and doesn't have to give it to him everytime he dies and that could go with SIMS too if you want a certain person to have an item stuck to them, this can be hsed many ways but yeah

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So, this tool will be very tedious to work with if you have to give weapons to lots of people since you need to manually add and remove each one of them, so it might not even work for SIMs ( unlimited lives will be possible ) unless a staff or an EP ( for event) put a ton of time on it. Also if the event will be a planetary then it will end up delaying the event as the EP will have to set that as well.


But I have an idea where it can be useful which can help with EPs getting ECs.

Currently EPs are logging in how many events each EC has participated and is used to give out the EC participation medal ( chocolate medal).

We can improve on this plan by doing this:

  • Each Event participation is worth 1 Event Gun Coin
  • An EC can "buy" with his Event Gun Coins a weapon that is not in the ECs normal loadout. The EC will be able to use that weapon during the whole event using this tool.
  • Example of weapons that ECs can buy are: CIS shotgun, RTC, Flamethrower ( might be a bit too op, so it should be expensive), GHs, etc.

This will give another reason to go EC and rewarding the ECs that play many events and step up to be ECs when no one else does. 

Past Ranks



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+1 - Victors Idea

I swear this got suggested orginally and got denied but it stills a good idea to have and makes the EP's lifes easier

+1+1 - Darkerblues idea

Actually gives a reason to play EC then not to recieve a teamspeak medal on it, be great to see this implemented and you could get more coins for Main-Storyline events and Planetary



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6 hours ago, DarkerBlue said:

So, this tool will be very tedious to work with if you have to give weapons to lots of people since you need to manually add and remove each one of them, so it might not even work for SIMs ( unlimited lives will be possible ) unless a staff or an EP ( for event) put a ton of time on it. Also if the event will be a planetary then it will end up delaying the event as the EP will have to set that as well.


But I have an idea where it can be useful which can help with EPs getting ECs.

Currently EPs are logging in how many events each EC has participated and is used to give out the EC participation medal ( chocolate medal).

We can improve on this plan by doing this:

  • Each Event participation is worth 1 Event Gun Coin
  • An EC can "buy" with his Event Gun Coins a weapon that is not in the ECs normal loadout. The EC will be able to use that weapon during the whole event using this tool.
  • Example of weapons that ECs can buy are: CIS shotgun, RTC, Flamethrower ( might be a bit too op, so it should be expensive), GHs, etc.

This will give another reason to go EC and rewarding the ECs that play many events and step up to be ECs when no one else does. 

Good idea, however, the medal system has changed to be only being recommended by an EP, for example, if you get recommended once you get the bronze EC participation rewards, if you get more you get more medals etc. Also giving out weapons to those who have a certain EC medal would also be a good idea if the buying EC guns doesn't work but yeah point stand that this tool would be greatly used as the suggestion you made 

-Past Ranks

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