
Cal Reece - 096 Application

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RP-Name: Cal Reece

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:558538978

Playtime (Must be 4 days or over): 5 Days 1 Hours

In-game Warnings image.thumb.png.096826963f8b109f3a8f08d3db8ec4c0.png

Have you read the rules of SCPRP and understand them?: Yes

Have you read the SCP-096 rules and understand them? Demonstrate your understanding with an example or two: Example 1) You should report those who seek to purposely look at your face to minge/ruin RP Example 2) You can only go and chase people who have looked at your face, you can kill other people if they're actively blocking your path but you shouldn't go out your way to kill others or to get them to look at you. Example 3) You cannot abuse third person perspective to view outside your CC Example 4) You can only look at the walls inside of your , reason being it stops forced viewings of 096

Are you able to play the job often and RP correctly?: If I get whitelisted for SCP-096, I'll follow the rules and I'll RP often too. I've got a job and college, but still enough time in the day to play SCP-RP for a minimum of 2 hours.

What is the containment procedure for SCP-096 if it has breached? Explain with as much detail as you can: If SCP096 has breached, the containment procedure must be followed. Anyone who isn't B7/E11 should leave and must leave without looking at the SCP. Once B7/E11 are on scene, they can then work to capture and contain 096 by walking towards the SCP with their backs turned, then covering 096's face. After 096 is bagged, he can be cuffed and brought back to his CC. If anyone tries to remove the bag over 096's head, you can execute them as a means to stop their efforts.  

While in a test, the D-Class they have put in your Containment Chamber has run out and managed to get to the Entrance Zone after looking at your face. What course of action do you take and what do you do once your target is dead?: If there's a D-Class who escapes, I'll start chasing them. I'll use the '-Duck' when running after them and I'll use my key card on any door/checkpoint to get to the D-Class. After I've killed him, I'll sit down and wait to be captured and contained, I'll also swap to '+Duck' as I am meant to be sitting.

While chasing SCP-096-1, you pass a researcher, MTF personnel and D-Class who all look at your face accidentally. You manage to kill your original target and you circle back to kill the rest. Is this a good RP scenario and why? (Free form question.): I think that its a good RP scenario, it forces people to be careful and vigilant whilst around 096. Also, the SCP doesn't really know if it's an accident or not so the RP is more immersible and more accurate to what would actually happen. In regards to how I'd kill them, I'd go in order of who looked first, reason being is the first person who looked at me will have seen and known me for the longest, and eventually killing the last person who looked at me and then I'd sit down to be re-contained.

A Group of Interest has entered the facility and is attempting to bring you to their base. While transporting you, one of the members sees your face, however says that it was an accident and that you should just ignore it. What should you do and why?: Like above, I would still go after them as 096, with the reason being that 096 wouldn't actually know if it was or wasn't an accident, making the Roleplay more immersive, it's also part of the 096 rules and lore so I'd have to kill them regardless.

(This is my first application and any feedback is greatly appreciated, cheers mush)

Edited by CxReece
added more detail and changed playtime

Proud owner of the famous Gromit Mug.



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+1 Positive

Good application

Shows basic understanding of the rules of 096

Only 4 days of playtime and can't recall seeing you online before to my knowledge

Not as much detail on the last couple of questions but enough there to pass. For future reference on applications, try and put as much detail as you can into the questions to give you a definite +1.

Good luck with your application, for your first application it was good.

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2 hours ago, Nio Deppilf said:

+1 Positive

Good application

Shows basic understanding of the rules of 096

Only 4 days of playtime and can't recall seeing you online before to my knowledge

Not as much detail on the last couple of questions but enough there to pass. For future reference on applications, try and put as much detail as you can into the questions to give you a definite +1.

Good luck with your application, for your first application it was good.

Cheers for the feedback and the +1! I'm trying to increase my playtime so hopefully should see more of each other and I'll try and put more detail in where I can.

Proud owner of the famous Gromit Mug.



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seen him around

good app

eh playtime but within limits

Had a bunch of WL but the cool ones are that I currently have.

Marshall, Carter and Dark Salesmen (Current manager)

Alpha-1 Commander

O5-8 "The Gangster"

Director of the Department of External Affairs

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13 hours ago, oliver crisp said:


reasons stated above^

seen him before/ rp'ed with him before

pretty swag dude

good luck



14 hours ago, Kyle Webb said:


yeah this guys pretty good


14 hours ago, Alan J Miller said:


seen him around

good app

eh playtime but within limits

Cheers gents

Proud owner of the famous Gromit Mug.



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