Troll and Hater

RDM/ failrp

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Your name in-game: HOS Larry Cat

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:424791061

Person's you report name:Tittys277004294_Zrzutekranu(14).thumb.png.542a4eadaba3228a152fa81609b5ad5d.png

Person's you report SteamID: STEAM_0:1:519088460

Why do you want him banned?: RDM no admin on server and failrp (talking ic as 999)

Evidence(It's a must. If not provided, request is denied.):

console under~ (sadly it doesn't showup who killed you but i think it can be checked  in logs by the admins) also one screenshot 2580x1080 just ignore the errors i don't know what is causing them

[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: leave
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: 999
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: leave
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: /thorows candy outside cp
HOS Larry Cat thorows candy outside cp
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: fucking idiot
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: leave
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: failrp
[Platinum-VIP][COMMS][Foundation System]: Anomalous activity has ceased.
You to admins:  failrp
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: leave ffs
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: leave you retard you cna't be here
WINTER SALE get 60% off ENDS SOON! Type !shop in chat for VIP|Instant SCP Access|Levels/XP|PAC3|E2|3D Radio, on our store.
[Platinum-VIP](LOOC) HOS Larry Cat: leave ffs
Contract with SCP-Foundation [$3,000]
Seeing errors? Our workshop collection is here!:
The Tickle Monster: Let me throght you cock sucker
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: no
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: retard
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: its fialrp
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: you cna't be there
The Tickle Monster: Fuck yoou it is not i am a loud to be in there dumb ass
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: lol
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: have fun trying
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: nobodys gonna let u in retard
WINTER SALE get 60% off ENDS SOON! Type !shop in chat for VIP|Instant SCP Access|Levels/XP|PAC3|E2|3D Radio, on our store.
The Tickle Monster: Fuck you
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: ok
The Tickle Monster: People do you faggit
Contract with SCP-Foundation [$3,000]
● SCP-RP | Bear[TBGD] (STEAM_0:0:207445820) has joined the server ●
[Platinum-VIP]HOS Larry Cat: yes
[Platinum-VIP][COMMS][Foundation System]: Come down and join our annual movie night this Saturday, this years film, Area-51 - Panic in Terror, 2 miles under.
Epic changed their RPName to: Tittys
You died and lost $500!
[Platinum-VIP][COMMS SYSTEM] You've got 1 new communication channels: Foundation: ( /f, /foundation )
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) HOS Larry Cat: nice rdm
[Platinum-VIP](OOC) HOS Larry Cat: have fun getting banned


Edited by spooky boi
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I'd recommend always having some sort of shadowplay instead of relying on copy and pasting text, as while it might not be faked, I doubt SMT will want to take the small risk that it is indeed faked.

So for now, until some undeniable evidence comes along, -1.

just punch through his fucking head

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12 minutes ago, Kinqu Kyle said:

Show Screenshot of the conversation from the console cus anyone can fake this  smh

he already did

I don't think this is fake but there's lack of evidence for RDM but there's also evidence for FailRP (talking IC as 999)




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14 hours ago, GHOST_killer said:

Found it. Here, got some Pictures of what happened2.thumb.png.129d44197e4fd58e086ef079d270338d.png1.png.84ed9df5ba00149ece2733bef2f212e9.png

So I guess this confirms RDM? Also might be Job Abuse / NLR as he changed jobs to kill HoS after HoS called him out for speaking IC as 999? but I don't know which was first.



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