Lando Lovelace

hi there

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Server you got banned from: SCP 

Your name in-game: Lando Lovelace

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:526501347

Admins' name that banned you: Xunt or Norra not too sure actually 

Admin's steamID: STEAM_0:1:526501347

Why did you get banned?: Causing Drama 

                                                                                                    ^ me xx 

Evidence(Un-necessary): N/A 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: so uh, this is the second unban request i guess. So as you know i was banned for Causing drama specifically with John Synergy or Synergy as people call him. i was in a discord named GAT or Gamers Against Trolls (names ironic). Over the past 2 months or so ive realised where i was wrong, i looked back on what happened and i genuinely do regret it. now i know for sure there's about a 99% chance i wont get unbanned but i do wanna come back.


i want to finish what i started with jobs like ISD and GOC. ISD being a job that i was offered management 2 times. i mean i could have gone out loud considering i was in the Nu-7 discord for like 10m. i could have pinged @everyone or just pinged the roles i could, but i didn't. i could have destroyed multiple ISD documents but i didn't. even after speaking to synergy he said himself he didn't blame me for what happened but that's fine. my recent behaviour on the forums hasn't really reflected my change to well and I've realised. i should have stayed quiet instead i lashed out trying to get a kick from the responses but after that i felt like i was in the wrong.

now i don't wanna bore you with this because lets be honest my last unban request was long as fuck. i really want to change i miss the server as a whole and i made some good friends on the server, although i didn't get along with a few and my behaviour at times was unacceptable i just want another chance to thrive. 

if SMT wanna speak to me over dm's or something just send me a message i guess

Anything else?: thanks for reading have a good day : ) 


Edited by Lando Lovelace
i forgot image

i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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I gave a +1 on the last unban application based on how I've seen him reform, but if the response by SMT on the previous post is to be believed, he misrepresented the situation in his last unban appeal, so I cannot feel for certain that this post has been made entirely in good faith.

Edited by Casaboo
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2 minutes ago, Casaboo said:

he misrepresented the situation in his last unban appeal, so I cannot feel for certain that this post has been made entirely in good faith.

Xunt stated i was demoted from Management and the Internal Security Department Which never happened, You can ask Edward. 

But ima not pry into that 

i have overdosed 4 times since being banned from scp rp

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Why do you think SMTs mind would change after your last appeal 2 weeks ago?

9 minutes ago, Lando Lovelace said:

Xunt stated i was demoted from Management and the Internal Security Department Which never happened, You can ask Edward. 

But ima not pry into that 

From your last appeal:

"Eg: ISD Job Management, im pointing this out because its my main point here

I worked my fucking ass off for ISD management (love you edward)

Only to then have Norra take that away from me and i quote "Lando, you will have to get older if you want job management". This began the sprial down, worse than it was. After making multiple documents and playing hours on end i had it take from me without even being given a chance. But anyways i moved on."

Why do you keep changing your story?


Stop making these appeals, they won't be accepted.

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