Ross Fox

Salesman app

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Common Roleplay Name: Ross Fox

Steam Name: Da Epic Goose

Discord Name: Da Epic Goose#5086

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:198219248

Your Current Warns (15 warn limit, take a screenshot):

I know this looks very bad but when I was 11 in 2019 I did not realise how good and how the roleplay is on the server and I was a minge in those days but I have changed a lot as now I have the age of 14 years old as I can understand what's bad and what's good now. I apologies for all my actions back then but please don't make this convince you that now I am a minge playing on the server, people change and I am one of them. Now I can understand my mistakes and I know how to behave now as I respect and obey all the server rules. I also got permission from both the manager and owner of MC&D to apply with more then 15 warns.

Your Current Playtime: 2w 4d 48m 09s

Why do you want to join MC&D?: I would like to join the MC&D because it is a realistic mafia RP job and I would love to take part in it as a salesman as I can interact with many people and do proper RP by selling them guns, drugs, anomalies and even SCP's. I also want to join because I want to improve relations with some of the other GOC's or the Foundation. After all, in the past we have been a bit harassed by the foundation and the PD as when I was on, we got raided 3 times by the PD in 5m. I want to become part of the MC&D and become a salesman so I can recruit and convince more people to play MC&D more. I want to make rp and sell drinks to people and make black deals in the back of the club with Ci or other GOI's that we are friends with. I know the Salesman rules and I will obey them. As now I am HoMD I know how to sell and obey the rules of restrictions if I get accepted.

How often do you play Bouncer/Agent: Normally on a normal day with school I play around 3-4 hours per day and when I got vacation or it's weekend, I play around 5-6 hours if I find roleplay to make and things to make. I normally also play as an agent when the job is open.

Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread? (One word is not a valid answer): I have read the job rules and the code of conduct of MC&D and I understand all of them and I will try my best to respect, apply and obey them every time I am on my MC&D jobs. I will try my best to respect it every time I do something while on the MC&D jobs




seems very similar to your old app but eh

bit of an idiot but you are 14 so I cant really blame you

app seems a bit all over the place

no black on black so thats a plus

I apologize but this is a no from me


Had a bunch of WL but the cool ones are that I currently have.

Marshall, Carter and Dark Salesmen (Current manager)

Alpha-1 Commander

O5-8 "The Gangster"

Director of the Department of External Affairs



Application is similar to previous one and as such Marshall Carter and Dark applications have been closed due to a rebranding of the application . Once we republish it you may try again.

Take note copying the application and having it extremely similar will lead to a blacklist from salesman.







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