
PHYSICS Division: Strike Team #7215 "Lost Cause"

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Date: 07/05/2020
S-10 Carrier Aircraft
Strike Team: #7215 "Lost Cause" Audio Log


Lt. Colonel Lawrance: Good job Ladies we are going to Oviscity.

Master Sergeant Hank: What are we going to do there Sir?

Lt. Colonel Lawrance: Basic stuff, take care of Type-'s Artifacts, Anomalous etc. But we have a problem PSYCHE f^#£s made out a deal with-

 Second Officer Wingman: Colonel watch your language!

Lt. Colonel Lawrance: Fuck you, and your language Jeffrey!

Second Officer Wingman: Fuck you too, want me to crash to that Mountain?!

Lt. Colonel Lawrance: Try me p!&$y, anyway our Special "Diplomatic Arm" signed a contract with Council of 108 and some special people. We need to "Atomize" the Anomalous Objects and turn Humanoids to "Dust" with a device. I am waiting response from D.C. al Fine and She is probably waiting a response from PTOLEMY. In this way we need to Capture them and "Atomize" or "Turn them in to dust", guys with PhD's will do research on it.

Corporal Oliver: Sir I heard rumors about Recruits assigning to Strike Teams-

Lt. Colonel Lawrance: FU½K! Why did you reminded me this!? Moans in anger. But corporal is right, UN will send some new people to work with, AND WE ARE FU#!&ING GETTING THEM!

Second Officer Wingman: Lawrance I will make the Twin Towers Accident happen again.

Lt. Colonel Lawrance: Fine, but we will get the new recruits if they fuck feel free to send them back, or shoot them in the head. Anyway since I need to say you this We will meet with some GoI's or Groups when we are, These guys are:

Renengade Latrans in their political name (UIU), they will prevent our job so we will take care of the silently and kill every operative they have.

Reefers (Gamers Against Weed), yes they will be annoying as hell to deal with, when you capture them make sure to brainwash them, or shoot them they don't do anything to the world, even you will make a better future for the world.

Kewpie (Foundation), like you know we have some Contracts or Deals with them, but as a reminder we are on "Loose" currently, if they mess with us we will mess with them.

A Sub-Warhol (Are We Cool Yet?), They deal with "memetics" it says, if they get in our path we will get rid of them.

Carcinoma (Chaos Insurgency), always been a problem and the funny thing is; PSYCHE fuckers will not be against us! When you see one of them make sure to aim for the Head. 

McConnell (Marshall Carter and Dark), if we see a heavly armed club, wear your Orange Suits and ask them if they serve Rum, if not deal with them.

Second Officer Wingman: Captain says Double Speed Ladies!

Lt. Colonel Lawrance: Let me get an Oorah!

Corporal Oliver: OORAH!

Sergeant Ozbi: OORAH!

Private Hill: OORAH!

2LT Deadeye: OORAH!

End Log.



Mk1 Untiram Lazer



Entry Log: Untiram Lazer (EQUIPMENT #4728)
Dr. Wilson P. | PTOLEMY Division, Research and Development.

Hello is this thing on? Oh it is? OK sorry sorry, after the request of PSYCHE Ambassadors we development a laser which will be used by a PHYSICS Strike Team. Untiram Lazer will turn Anomalous or Anomalies to designed objects, or lock them inside. For an example if you use Untiram Lazer will lock a Dimension Hopper in their own dimension, Atomize the Anomalous Objects of course the object will not have his anomalous ability so it will do nothing. Wait I forgot the Date!? F#½k sorry today is: 12/03/2020 For Humonoids or Alive things it will turn it into a Dust which will eat CO2 and spit out O2. You will put some needed chemicals in the Untiram Lazer and activate it. But we have a problem.

So as you know Finger Prints are all diffirent or Snowflakes but they look same, Anomalies or Anomalous is the same. They might look like same, like do the same thing but they are not all of them are diffirent. So you need to do research and oversee the Anomaly his powers backstory even Hair can change the Chemicals need in the Lazer. After you do the research, You may brainwash the person which got effected by Untiram Lazer, and weaponise it, it is your choise. If you have any problems with the Lazer please contact: PTOLEMY Division, Research and Development and ask for Item/Equipment 4728




The Contract

Date: 6/05/2020

Between: Ambassador Yulin, Lt. Colonel Lawrance and D.C. al Fine


Lt. Colonel Lawrance: So what are we doing here?

Ambassador Yulin: So let me explain Lawranc-

Lt. Colonel Lawrance: You are gona call me Colonel Lawrance or Sir, if you don't I will change your profile to "TERMINATED".

Ambassador Yulin: Sighs anyway "Sir", So Ma'am D.C. al Fine requested me to sign a contract with Some Special People and Council of 108, they approved it. Basicly you and your squad will be considered "Loose" and you will not follow PSYCHE or your higher ranks only D.C. al Fine. But you need to accept Two things. First you will accept the new recruits coming from United Nations and accept Untiram Lazer Project.

Lt. Colonel Lawrance: Sounds good to me who will do the documenting?

D.C. al Fine: There will be no documenting, this will be count as Highly Classified so if you sign here it will be accepted and tommorow you and Strike Team #7125 will have 2 hour flight to Oviscity.

Lt. Colonel Lawrance: Sounds good to me lets change our code to "Lost Cause", "[DATA EXPUNGED]" was getting old anyway.

D.C. al Fine: Then it is all done please sign bellow your name and get this over with.


Under-Secretary-General: D.C. al Fine     PSYCHE Division:Ambassador, Jack Yulin   

                             indirrrr.png.9aac970928342751e4f593a3cbc9b762.png                                                                           1604820084_signature5ebdf8cf74d74(1).png.9c92ee9bfc3d7ea27c629a4583413f6c.png


PHYSICS Division: Strike Team #7215, Lt. Colonel Lawrance



Quartermaster and Armorer Requests of Strike Team #7215


Strike Team Operative:

(2-3 Slots WL)

AUG, QBZ Assault Rifles.
Pistols Requested by Operatives.
Remington Pump-Shotgun.
Elastic and Tactical Handcuffs.
Anomaly Scanner.

Mk 1 Untiram Lazer.

Black, Grey, White, Orange Suits

Strike Team Specalist:

(1 Slot WL)

M27 Assault Rifles.
Anomaly and Heart Scanners.
SVU Full-Action Sniper Rifle.
Capture Handcuffs.
Flash and Smoke Granades
Breaching Charges.

Mk 1 Untiram Lazer.

Grey and White Suits

Strike Team Recruit:

(2-3 Slots VIP Level 30)

M27 and M14 Assault Rifles.
Pistols Requested by Recruits.
SMG's Requested by Recruits.



Strike Team #7215 "Lost Cause" Recruitment Card


Please keep your answers Detailed and understandable.

Your Name:

Your ID (Just put the part after "0:"'s): #########/7215

What is GOC?

What is the Fivefold Mission?:

What is the Golden Rule?:

What are the Precepts?:

Why do you want to join Strike Team #7215 "Lost Cause"?:

Have you read the Operatives Handbook?:

Give us Anomaly or Anomalous examples using the Common Codewords (And Explain what they do):


Little OOC here you can find all of these answers at GOC Field Manuals but do not copy them put your word in your application, we will still rejects applicants who just copy pasted their answers or spread some random things in their application. We want everyone on this job, we are respecting you and we are thinking you will respect us.




A Note from Colonel Lawrance.


Hello Recruit, so I think you know why you got invited to us if not ask your Commander I can't be arsed with your care. We are at Ovis City to keep everything running. Ofcourse we need to use the Lazer Shit but it was the greater good, we expect you to be respectful because it would be easiest way to you join GOC or even a Strike Team. We will get rid of the Anomalies and maybe weaponise them against our foes. We don't realy need to follow Diplomatics now so we can TRUELY get rid of a Group which is against us, in that means we will be in the middle. Let me explain all of the other Strike Forces will be stay too hiden or They will put up UN Flags at rooftops. Some of them are Too Passive and focuses on Research and Destruction and not deal with other Groups, some of them are focusing on preventing a group to do its job. But Strike Team #7215 will be diffirent, We will know our place, in the middle. When we need to be aggresive and arrogant to other groups We will. If we need to stay Hidden we will not even seen in public. We will hold tranings every 2 Days to make you understand better. Oviscity is a dangerus place, there is multiple Groups in here all anomalous or dangerus, and we sneaked in to Site-19 and looked at GOC Files, Strike Teams died because: They were too Passive, or Too Agressive shooting every Anomaly they see. And that caused too much attention and they got assassinated. To the Passive ones they died because information leaks. On Research all the time non being seen etc. Thats not how we will work, and we will not be to aggresive too. We will be in The Middle do what ever needs to be done, or act like whatever needs to happen to keep People safe. If there is a too dangerus Group out there that could the entire City we will make an agreement and never be seen until they go, Or if we have some Terrorists wandering around, we will put up a United Nation Flag on the Rooftops. I Hope you understand it Recruit, if you don't read it again! Don't stop until you fully get it!


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Lunar, you picked the wrong time for this

Edited by Elk

insert all my fucking wls here so i can prove i have worth in life


Earlier today I was really horny, and I saw what I thought to be a blank dvd. I thought, DVDs have a tight hole, they might feel pretty good. So I put my soft pp into the hole of the DVD, and for a few seconds as I started getting harder, it felt pretty good, but then, once I was fully erect, it started being painful. My pp was stuck in the dvd, and I had to break it in half to get if out. It was then when I flipped the broken dvd over and realized that it was not a blank dvd, but a copy of the movie UP. Well guys, guess I fucked up.

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12 hours ago, Joseph Stalin said:

- SVG, anomaly and player detector, the ability to destroy anomalies, good cuffs, a good shotgun and suits. The only thing your group doesnt have is riot sheilds and frag grenades

- 30 VIP for GOC. Dear god why VIP slots for GOC even heirarchy didnt say VIP slots for GOC. I understand church and Sarkics as they use people in the past like converts and 2191s. If a GOC recruit shoots foundation or attempts to raid then it would fuck over relations anyway.
Edit: any sort of VIP/PlatVIP slot for GOC.

- GOC will not work. It is just bum buddies with foundation or raids them. Its better ot leave that kind of RP with the foundation.
Maybe an MTF which deals with the anomalies that spawn on surface and destroys them as they constantly disappear and reappear, they could set up surface bases, monitor GOIs and so on.

Let the suits go please for dear god.

Edit2: Who else is managing it?


Yes I know and I tried to make it OP cause I didn't want Hierarchy to make GOC Roam around with G3A3, M16 and H&K G36C, If this gets accepted I will remove %60 of the stuff anyway and change it. If you want to see GOC with SMG's and worse weapons wtf is wrong with you.

The sad thing GOC will have a unWL'd job too, I will try create some documents to make them understand and all. Operative's Handbook already explains IC stuff all I need to do is something OOC. And I expect the group owners to not change relations over a random guy. And they will be handled quite well and be respected. Aka you will not have a diffirence between a SGT and a Recruit (Yes Rank matters in Command but I am not talking about it) we are all expandable, we will do the same rescue Operation to a Recruit or to a Major.

So last GOC's problem they were too passive or agressive, and they requested some Events to happen to do their RP and shine. My plan is to let GOC create their own Events. And I saied nothing about being Bum Buddies with Foundation, we could start a war at the first day ;), Anomalies need to be researched on and can be weaponised after their research is complete. And I am focusing on making GOI's Slaves not deleting them, aka work for us.

I didn't want Suits too, my plan was Anomalous Weapons (Lazers Gravity Guns etc.) which you will recharge or get ammo from Untiram Lazer, so if people want to get stronger they needed to use the Lazer and Research. But as you know our hierarchy can't code that well, if GOC lasts long and they know and understand to code stuff like this I will change it.

I am not managing it and I am looking for an Owner, if you think you can do 2 Tranings Per Day, Create Documents, Slavery other GoI's, Keep in watch of relations (Like change them for even a crossfire kill), and mass tranings per Week or 2 Weeks, keep watch on Applications and do tryouts actively DM me. If I can't find a good owner who will do those stuff, I will go to Owner and after GOC is setted up and going all fine I will demote myself to Manager or Co-Owner and get an Owner.







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1 hour ago, Lunar said:


Yes I know and I tried to make it OP cause I didn't want Hierarchy to make GOC Roam around with G3A3, M16 and H&K G36C, If this gets accepted I will remove %60 of the stuff anyway and change it. If you want to see GOC with SMG's and worse weapons wtf is wrong with you.

The sad thing GOC will have a unWL'd job too, I will try create some documents to make them understand and all. Operative's Handbook already explains IC stuff all I need to do is something OOC. And I expect the group owners to not change relations over a random guy. And they will be handled quite well and be respected. Aka you will not have a diffirence between a SGT and a Recruit (Yes Rank matters in Command but I am not talking about it) we are all expandable, we will do the same rescue Operation to a Recruit or to a Major.

So last GOC's problem they were too passive or agressive, and they requested some Events to happen to do their RP and shine. My plan is to let GOC create their own Events. And I saied nothing about being Bum Buddies with Foundation, we could start a war at the first day ;), Anomalies need to be researched on and can be weaponised after their research is complete. And I am focusing on making GOI's Slaves not deleting them, aka work for us.

I didn't want Suits too, my plan was Anomalous Weapons (Lazers Gravity Guns etc.) which you will recharge or get ammo from Untiram Lazer, so if people want to get stronger they needed to use the Lazer and Research. But as you know our hierarchy can't code that well, if GOC lasts long and they know and understand to code stuff like this I will change it.

I am not managing it and I am looking for an Owner, if you think you can do 2 Tranings Per Day, Create Documents, Slavery other GoI's, Keep in watch of relations (Like change them for even a crossfire kill), and mass tranings per Week or 2 Weeks, keep watch on Applications and do tryouts actively DM me. If I can't find a good owner who will do those stuff, I will go to Owner and after GOC is setted up and going all fine I will demote myself to Manager or Co-Owner and get an Owner.

this is the part where you stop talking 

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So I knew GOC is going to be added, and I know that Hierarchy is just gona make it Advanced Field Agent. First of all, I am not suggesting GOC, I am suggesting a PHYSICS Division, Stirke Team, I never named jobs or anything as "GOC". This is a Strike Team where Rank Shows Respect, not Power. Yes I suggested bullshit stuff and make OP, but I never saied they will be like that %100 or a LOADOUT This is a Request made by the Strike Team (I wasn't gona do it but Hieararchy can't balance anything). Yes we will carry out basic missions of GOC but we are on "loose" in that means we can do other things that GOC couldn't. And we can decide what will we do. I didn't write this down because I wanted to be all of it In Character. If you played at GOC most of your time will be spent in the base in corner waiting for an anomaly. Or waited for an Event Like GOC v Foundation War. Strike Team will create their own event, if we need to we will not be seen in public or plant up an UN Flag (Aka be very passive and hidden when need to or take control of the surface). Hierarchy can't do advanced coding so I am gona stick with the Suits, my plan was use Anomalous Weapons or Equipment mostly custom but they can't code very well. When they can code things like it I will change it to it and get rid of the Suits. Yes I will talk with Xunt if I need to but they can just reject this suggestion and make another GOC and test how fast will it die. If you want a group where you will wait at your base and wait for this text "Anomalous Activity Detected" and find and bring back to base then go AFK. Cycle repeats, I knew that GOC is gona get added with any shape of form and decided to write this and prevent another disaster.

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Personally, I think the OP should take some time to reformat and reconsider what he has set out in the thread, it looks like a mess in both the thread and from his replies to comments on the thread.

40 minutes ago, covid-20 said:

hi who the fuck are you and why are you suddenly becoming so entitled 

That's a bit ironic considering you are being toxic to this player for no reason... I don't really play anymore so its not even my place to comment...

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3 hours ago, covid-20 said:

hi who the fuck are you and why are you suddenly becoming so entitled 

lol entitled? could have worded it differently but dunno where you pulled that word from. he’s suggesting a division to a GOI that hasn’t been released hence why I said what I did, stop crying thanks 

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While i dont think it should be done exactly as lunar wants it done, GOC should be added, especially with church and sarkics doing anomaly shit, might cause too much combat but combat is what people enjoy

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I honestly think GOC should be added to counter all the new groups. I don't know yet how Fors or Japer lead their groups in relation to the SCP Foundation and if we will fight or not, still I think that a GOC which will just ignore Foundation and Focus on combating the other groups and actually making securing anomalies on Surface hard, is really good and should be added. Maybe not just one division tho.


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On 5/16/2020 at 5:14 PM, Lunar said:

So I knew GOC is going to be added, and I know that Hierarchy is just gona make it Advanced Field Agent. First of all

no spoiler warning? -1

Lunar,  it makes no sense how your trying to establish a really professional GOC with documents, trainings etc but It being unwhitelisted will completely contradict that. Relations will just get fucked, as it only takes one Recruit to pull a pig brain move, then in the eyes of another group the GOC or "Blue helmets" are hostile and KOS.

People will complain it's imbalanced. 

The group doesn't really differ that much from the last GOC, other than slight changes which most likely wont benefit or drastically change anything anyways. Yet you make out as this wont be anything different from standing around or bullshitting the Foundation into giving you comms so you can grab n snatch the anomalies. I just don't see it working or being the almighty saviour of the inevitable re-addition of GOC. 

How comes a Strike Force that has gone rogue is taking recruits too? Like are they completely segregated from the GOC that they are a splinter group, cause I mean you still refer to them as the GOC and wouldn't they be like their own organisation at that point.

On 5/21/2020 at 9:48 PM, Mark Kuntson said:

I honestly think GOC should be added to counter all the new groups.

With 5* MTF's why can't Foundation?

Edited by Jack Wasza

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46 minutes ago, Jack Wasza said:

With 4 MTF's why can't Foundation?

no offense intended but the Foundation has 5 MTFs, 2 of which are whitelisted and have competent people almost all the time but they are intended to stay inside, then there are 3 unwhitelisted ones, B-7, E-11 and Nu-7, B-7 is too retarded most of the time, E-11 doesnt see it as their job or doesnt know they can do so, Nu-7 isnt made for doing that but does do it sometimes

MTF Haroow-23, Banshees old MTF might help out instead if it were added or suggested

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