
unban request

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Server you got banned from: SCP-RP

Your name in-game: Brian Wright

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:99431795

Admins' name that banned you: (So long ago I forgot)

Admin's steamID: N/A

Why did you get banned?: FailRP/Abusing flamer

Evidence(Un-necessary): N/A

Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Well uh, I got banned maybe 1 month ago and have learned from my mistakes and just want to get back onto the server and start having fun.

Anything else?: Nope.

Edited by TheRedSpy
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Good times~ Also 42 days isn't quite three months...

On 3/18/2021 at 6:37 PM, TheRedSpy said:

Well uh, I got banned maybe 3-4 months ago  (TheRedSpy, 2021)

TheRedSpy. 2021. unban request. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 20 March 2021].

Edited by Avery Winters
Forgot to cite my sources <3


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11 hours ago, TheRedSpy said:

no need just say -1 and why you dont gotta call me retarded


what is with you people 

What is with you lying and hoping to fool us so you can probably minge around again? Quite rude if you ask me.

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5 hours ago, TheRedSpy said:

you havent even given me a chance 

Take a moment to be honest with yourself & ask yourself if you deserve a chance. Whatever conclusion you arrive at, it's important to notice the fact that everyone who has commented here thus far are so adamant on not letting you come back.

I myself have never met you so I do not know what kind of person you are, but based on the video that Avery shown, along with everyone being hellbent on -1ing your appeal, I can piece together your attitude.

And so I'm gonna -1 this.

just punch through his fucking head

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I think I'm the one who banned you? I dunno, probably not. Either way.

Bruh, you were literally running around named "funny" using the flamer indiscriminately and hitting Foundation members while doing it (on purpose suggested by your movement and aim) 

This would make it Mass FailRP and just all round not being here to RP at all. That's probably why you got banned and why you will remain banned for a little longer. I'd give it about 2-3 more months before you can come back.

Consider your actions and learn from them because you won't be given another chance afterwards. Take some more time then get back to us.

Viktor Svetsken

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13 hours ago, TheRedSpy said:

you havent even given me a chance 

Honestly i am in favour of second chances however you have to understand that staff have to draw a line in the sand. 

When they ban, they mean it. Whats the point of standards if they aren't maintained.  

Regardless of the outcome of this appeal, i do hope you move on positively.  As well as, in some cases a little honesty goes a long way.


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Not here to roleplay. You've displayed some seriously immature behavior, failed to tell the full extent of the truth in your un-ban request, and I honestly don't see you changing anytime soon. The appeal failed to convey any kind of remorse.

🇺🇸 Riley Windrunner 🇺🇸

SCP-RP Staff Manager


Lead of A-1

O5-6 "The American"

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