Troll and Hater

Larry's report on "Ez Big"/ Norra Black listing

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Your name in-game: Larry Kirkor205277022_Beztytuu.png.1a74e38a52d97f9c17f074897c0f9282.png
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:424791061
Admin's you report name: Ez Big/ Norra
Admin's you report SteamID:
Why do you want him demoted?: Not rly demoted i want my WL back, the situation looks like this:

I was playing HOS and then i seen a seucirty guard just doing nothing walking around pointlesly at ez jails so i told him to go patrol lcz for me then he started disrespect in game chat (can be checked) the A1 commander was there with me so i cuffed him then he broke out and started his escape so we shot him. After that E11 falmer tmod name i don't remember cuffed me for "murder" (forgot to add here before he put me in jail i explained to him why security was shot and he said that's not a reason) when A1 commander and me explained to him that legal codex exist and reasons to shoot in the rules exeist too he just left jails after that i got released and i with two other ppl (A1 commander and someone else) cuffed him and jailed him for random detention, and here where it all starts from what i remember he broke out of cuffs (or got released by Ez Big during rp situation for some reason) and after that he got gassed because an event was going on, after that i check scp-rp rules and RDA should be a warn so i reported him  and nobody took the sit so i just continued playing and arguing on ooc was it RDA or no before making this post. After few minutes from that i walked into ez jails and got blacklisted from HOS no reason given.
Evidence: -


Now Norra Part of this post

This one is much more shorther

I had granades that as SA shouldn't have, sigma-66 just gived me and disconnected and it's an rp offense (illegal owning weaponry) like 10 mins in jail or demotion if used it. And ok i wouldn't make a report if it would be just a demotion or jail but blacklisting for a one time thing in RP? I didn't even used the granades it was healing and mustard if i rememeber correctly.




Oh and please don't start "You are the worst SA/HOS i seen" in the comments because it's pointless filler

as long as i don't break the rules there is no reason for BL


Edited by spooky boi
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You are 100% unfit to have the HoS role. My experiences today concerning you were filled with constant FailRP, breaking of NLR, disrespect, and just a blatant atmosphere of immaturity. During Plague's event, I was the E-11 CMDR. I tried to coordinate people during the quarantine, and all you did as HoS was run around, purposefully inhale SCP gas, and then yell via comms shit like "THE GAS IS SAFE, INHALE IT!". After which you'd turn into 008, get shot, complain for getting shot, and repeat the entire process again.

Multiple people expressed several complaints regarding you, concerning such behavior. You showed zero regard for safety, and did not in any way coordinate your men towards anything fruitful. All you did was backtalk on Foundation comms. Oh, and let's not forget to mention your blatant radio spam, and you arguing about staff decisions in OOC rather than addressing any complaints privately, like a mature person would.

Big boy roles should go to big boys only.

🇺🇸 Riley Windrunner 🇺🇸

SCP-RP Staff Manager


Lead of A-1

O5-6 "The American"

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you memeing right ?

3 hours ago, Yokishi said:

and all you did as HoS was run around, purposefully inhale SCP gas, and then yell via comms shit like "THE GAS IS SAFE, INHALE IT!". After which you'd turn into 008, get shot, complain for getting shot, and repeat the entire process again.


5 hours ago, spooky boi said:

i check scp-rp rules and RDA should be a warn so i reported him  and nobody took the sit so i just continued playing and arguing on ooc was it RDA or no before making this post.

No words...


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5 hours ago, Yokishi said:


You are 100% unfit to have the HoS role. My experiences today concerning you were filled with constant FailRP, breaking of NLR, disrespect, and just a blatant atmosphere of immaturity. During Plague's event, I was the E-11 CMDR. I tried to coordinate people during the quarantine, and all you did as HoS was run around, purposefully inhale SCP gas, and then yell via comms shit like "THE GAS IS SAFE, INHALE IT!". After which you'd turn into 008, get shot, complain for getting shot, and repeat the entire process again.

Multiple people expressed several complaints regarding you, concerning such behavior. You showed zero regard for safety, and did not in any way coordinate your men towards anything fruitful. All you did was backtalk on Foundation comms. Oh, and let's not forget to mention your blatant radio spam, and you arguing about staff decisions in OOC rather than addressing any complaints privately, like a mature person would.

Big boy roles should go to big boys only.

Ok so all of this has nothing to do with the topic of the report but sitll if i broke so much rules explain when and how i did failrp constantly or when did i disrespect someone with something more serious than "move idiot" and NLR and here i admit i had to once or twice walk into the NLR bubble because it was in the middle of LCZ and i had to move around because LCZ was constantly gassed by ultra creative event of just thorowing gas and your "backtalk and balant radio spam" here there is no comment needed i was talking with people about rp on /f comms and you are having a problem with it? Oh and stop writing about rp situations that didn't broke any rules "uhh he said gas is safe" yes it was safe if you have a gas mask i never said inhale it i just said it's safe, as i stated in the post already for black list you have to break ooc rules otherwise it should stay in rp punishments. And about the "Staff decision" all he did was in rp so it has nothign to do with his staff rank, i said in ooc that he's wrong and breaking out of cuffs is good enough reason to shoot somebody and that he RDA-d me and that he should know that as a staff member.

Edited by spooky boi
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1 hour ago, spooky boi said:

Ok so all of this has nothing to do with the topic of the report but sitll if i broke so much rules explain when and how i did failrp constantly or when did i disrespect someone with something more serious than "move idiot" and NLR and here i admit i had to once or twice walk into the NLR bubble because it was in the middle of LCZ and i had to move around because LCZ was constantly gassed by ultra creative event of just thorowing gas and your "backtalk and balant radio spam" here there is no comment needed i was talking with people about rp on /f comms and you are having a problem with it? Oh and stop writing about rp situations that didn't broke any rules "uhh he said gas is safe" yes it was safe if you have a gas mask i never said inhale it i just said it's safe, as i stated in the post already for black list you have to break ooc rules otherwise it should stay in rp punishments. And about the "Staff decision" all he did was in rp so it has nothign to do with his staff rank, i said in ooc that he's wrong and breaking out of cuffs is good enough reason to shoot somebody and that he RDA-d me and that he should know that as a staff member.

1. It has everything to do about the topic of the report. The topic concerns your viability as the HoS, regardless of what situation you partook in, they all matter.

2. You repeatedly disobeyed commands, and insulted people on Foundation comms during said event. Which I wouldn't care as much about, had you actually done anything close to the duties of a HoS.

3. You broke multiple counts of NLR, and FailRP. Yes, you did in fact multiple times say that the gas is SAFE to breathe. Nothing to do with masks. You never, not once, mentioned masks, and EXPLICITLY stated that the gas was "HEALTHY" and "SAFE" to inhale. Every time you died, you'd run back to the same spot, and immediately yell out on Foundation comms that the SCP nades were perfectly fine to be in.

I had to tell everyone multiple times on F comms that, and I quote, "The HoS is lying, don't listen to him", to which you kept replying that the gas was perfectly safe to inhale. So you're lying not only about that, but also about it being safe with a gas mask, which you never said to begin with. Everyone part of the event was a witness to your nonsense. Hell, I even went as far as saying, and I quote, "HoS, shut the fuck up.", to which you replied, "Disrespect?"

Example of your blatant lack of cooperation:


🇺🇸 Riley Windrunner 🇺🇸

SCP-RP Staff Manager


Lead of A-1

O5-6 "The American"

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8 hours ago, Fixer said:

Can we also ban him from SA? I am personally tired of all the trouble he causes how he carelessly uses the surface comms.

Oh and uh if you want me to say something about the thread ummmm no evidence lol.

he is banned already


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3 hours ago, Yokishi said:

1. It has everything to do about the topic of the report. The topic concerns your viability as the HoS, regardless of what situation you partook in, they all matter.

2. You repeatedly disobeyed commands, and insulted people on Foundation comms during said event. Which I wouldn't care as much about, had you actually done anything close to the duties of a HoS.

3. You broke multiple counts of NLR, and FailRP. Yes, you did in fact multiple times say that the gas is SAFE to breathe. Nothing to do with masks. You never, not once, mentioned masks, and EXPLICITLY stated that the gas was "HEALTHY" and "SAFE" to inhale. Every time you died, you'd run back to the same spot, and immediately yell out on Foundation comms that the SCP nades were perfectly fine to be in.

I had to tell everyone multiple times on F comms that, and I quote, "The HoS is lying, don't listen to him", to which you kept replying that the gas was perfectly safe to inhale. So you're lying not only about that, but also about it being safe with a gas mask, which you never said to begin with. Everyone part of the event was a witness to your nonsense. Hell, I even went as far as saying, and I quote, "HoS, shut the fuck up.", to which you replied, "Disrespect?"

Example of your blatant lack of cooperation:


Ok so the topic is about a specific situation more specificly the RDA by e11 flamer and things that happened few mins later, i didn't reply to you both on the screenshot and your "HOS shut the fuck up" ( Also from what i know knowing peoples job without seeing their ID is metagame unless you see them wear secuirty/researcher etc. uniforms you didn't see me in game responding to you on radio and you knew my job multiple times even after death from what i remember) I didn't reply to you on screenshot you can see i asked a question before and nobody responded so i just guessed an answer, and i didn't respond to your 'HOS shut the fuck up" but somebody else disrespecting on comms. I already explained the gas it doesn't changes anything if i start it again, oh and the NLR/FAILRP as i stated previosly  i had to walk into NLR zone few times becuase of gas, oh and please specify what failrp you are typing about, you are just typing failrp and thinking i will know what you have in mind, could you give a situation, location etc?

Edited by spooky boi
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Oh right, that was the guy who thought it would be a good idea to let CDC unguarded. When I contacted him via comms he just gave me that answer "I am busy and I don't care", "Security Guards go to CDC ".

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Every single interaction with you is pure retardation beyond any reason. Norra doesn't do shit randomly he has reason in that little noggin of his. Most HoS are very dumb yet none get blacklisted think about that.


Had a bunch of WL but the cool ones are that I currently have.

Marshall, Carter and Dark Salesmen (Current manager)

Alpha-1 Commander

O5-8 "The Gangster"

Director of the Department of External Affairs

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Basically every time I see or hear of you, it's never positive, you've gotten to the point where your whole shtick is being braindead to the point where it hurts.

At this point I wonder if you're mentally challenged or intentionally trying to see what you can get away with. From trying to get an SD arrested for "slander" because he -1'd your app or something, to this shit.

You've made it impossible for anyone to like you or even give the benefit of doubt because you've proven that this is what you want to do time & time again

On 3/31/2021 at 11:29 PM, spooky boi said:

as long as i don't break the rules there is no reason for BL

Most retarded reasoning I've heard in a while. "I'm going to be the most powerhungry, retarded SA/HoS to the point where everyone wants me gone but so long as I pussyfoot around the rules I'm untouchable!", evolve & develop common sense already.

You've had 36 warns & even been unbanned a bit ago, 36 chances & one huge chance to read the rules again, change for the better & stop being the way you are, yet you've taken none of them. So why do you even come close to thinking that you deserve another chance for HoS?

On 3/31/2021 at 11:29 PM, spooky boi said:

Oh and please don't start "You are the worst SA/HOS i seen" in the comments because it's pointless filler

But it's true :((((

Edited by Fricky Hecks
Added -1 & like 1 extra sentence

just punch through his fucking head

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I agree with everyone, you are a power hungry little shit, don’t cry since you don’t have any brain cells. Wind runner explained it perfectly, I will explain in monkey language something for you

if monkey is a fake high power(Site Advisor or HoS) and abuses it, big SMT monkey can and will block you for going that monkey

Edited by Bansheey






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Im sorry just no you were BL from HOS for a reason for being so unfit for the roll same with SA 

You need to show to SMT that you are worthy of the job by starting down from the bottom again and working your way up.

Ace Rews x

Ace Rews 

Current Ranks:

Scp - Executive Administrator 

Scp - Lead Discord Support

Scp - Group Manager

Head Of External Affairs - HOEA

Unusual Incidents Unit - Manager- Head Of Obama Branch 

Ethics Committee - Head Of Staff

Head Of Manufacturing  - Keters Bitch

GRU Division "P" - Soldat

Chaos Insurgency Delta - A.C.E



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I think attempting to appeal your Blacklist was the most appalling decision you could have made. As you have highlighted the community's opinion of you.

2 hours ago, Agent 58 said:

You need to show to SMT that you are worthy of the job by starting down from the bottom again and working your way up.

 As Ace said, your only way outta this is to actually earn an actual leadership position. Go play Nu-7, Field Agent or even a Security Guard and learn to follow others.

As well as take responsibility for what you have done because as a leader you're the last link in the chain. There is no-one else to blame but yourself.   

"Before you can order others, you must know how to follow orders yourself" 


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I mean at this point I don't think anyone would object to perma-banning him.
I remember calling him something like a "narcissistic power hungry little shit." after arresting him one time. His response was, "I know and I love it." Fyi, it isn't a good thing to brand yourself a narcissist as though you are proud of it.

Personally I don't think people like you should have access to the internet, let alone access to this server.

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