Oswald Bruner

MC&D Salesman Application

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Common RP Name:
Oswald Bruner

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Current Playtime:


As 173

Why do you want to join MC&D?

After seeing how important of a role salesman fills, and how vital he is to MC&D I wanted to assume that role. I feel like I would excel as a salesman. I like to say I am outwardly friendly to most people, and after some experience that only brings good things as MC&D. Especially because we are the main supplier of everyone on surface, and sometimes out friends underground. Playing as a salesman is very RP based, which is what I'm here for. Instead of solving most conflicts with guns, we solve them with words and bargaining. Instead of just charging into the PD or foundation we try to establish neutrality. Be it by selling them weapons, drugs or anomalies. There is also a heavy amount of manipulation that occurs. Which, in my opinion, is one of the most fun and satisfying things to pull off. Be it convincing people you have a hostage, so you can get a large amount of money and/or information, which you can then sell.

In short, I want to join MC&D because I feel like I would do very well as a salesman, and the RP that MC&D does is extremely deep and fun.

What do you know about MC&D? (50 words minimum)

I know that MC&D is based out of London, with other large bases in Hong Kong and New York City. We cater to the rich and powerful specifically. Supplying them with whatever they please using our various methods and connections, nothing is off the table.  For our club in Ovis City, we are in a special spot. We deal with and sell anomalies. Strange objects that do strange things, bad or good. But, they aren't always objects, sometimes people are turned into these anomalies. But, as long as there's money in it, we're game. Outside of anomalies we also find ourselves smack in the middle between cultists, secret government organizations, their enemies and the law. But, all of these things have something in common. Money. Bountiful, limitless money just waiting to be exploited. Selling communications channels, valuable people, breaking out SCPs and organizing hits all have a high price. Crime pays big, and we have it down to a science.

Why is MC&D different to any other GOI?

MC&D is the only GOI focused on money, and money alone. Anomalies that give armor, anomalies that turn people into zombies and people who have been morphed by said anomalies. We also deal drugs heavily, which aren't cheap. For them, at least.

Rich people have their extravagant hobbies. Many of them like collecting strange things. Guess who their main supplier is? That's right, us. As long as there's a buyer, we're selling.

We also don't have any defined enemies besides the all-too-curious police. But even then we're mostly neutral until they get too nosy. We sell to the highest bidder. We also prefer to have friendly relations instead of hostile ones. Can't exactly function at 100% when everyone's out for you. More friendly people also means more bidders, buyers and above all, potential profit. We also tend to hang back and observe. Using careful organization and positioning to accomplish our goals, which is mostly kidnapping people, selling them and their comms to our good old chaotic friends and then doing it again. Because as long as there's a buyer, we're selling, and you can't sell something if you don't have it.

Someone has revealed that you are MC&D, what do you do and why?

I would first try and distribute misinformation, and if that doesn't work we have a plethora of killing methods. Shooting, beating, feeding them to a monster or making them OD on aspirin (I especially like that last one) works very, very well. But, if this was leaked to someone higher on the food chain that we couldn't kill without severe consequences we would contact and bargain with them. If it is one of our own, we would fire and possibly kill him if he retaliates. 

Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread?(One word is not a valid answer)

Yes, I have read all of the rules and know what they imply.

They basically boil down to:
Don't be an idiot
Work with people
Solve problems with words, not guns
Stay secretive

And most importantly:

Make as much money as you can.

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Seen you be capable of RP
The App in certain parts look ripped off, for example

14 hours ago, Oswald Bruner said:

Yes, I have read all of the rules and know what they imply.

They basically boil down to:
Don't be an idiot
Work with people
Solve problems with words, not guns
Stay secretive

And most importantly:

Make as much money as you can.

this is exactly what I said in my app with different words


Yes I have, simplified its just

Dont be retarded on the job
Work with your colleauges/allies
Stay secretive about MC&D
And lastly, work to get more benefit because after all

You can always become richer.

 (Yes I know these are just the general rules of the group but still)

14 hours ago, Oswald Bruner said:

I would first try and distribute misinformation, and if that doesn't work we have a plethora of killing methods. Shooting, beating, feeding them to a monster or making them OD on aspirin (I especially like that last one) works very, very well. But, if this was leaked to someone higher on the food chain that we couldn't kill without severe consequences we would contact and bargain with them. If it is one of our own, we would fire and possibly kill him if he retaliates. 

 This is basically what I said too but didint cover how I would kill them, (and yes again this is a very typical way to cover the question but it still looks the same as my answer)   This is just normal way to answer the question.


I would first cover up the leak by telling some cover story or shooting the people who heard this. Then if the one who leaked this info was one of my employees I would fire him, and if it was some ally but not MC&D I would contact his higher ups and if it was some civ I would ask how he knows our name and then shoot him.

Some other parts of the app are a bit iffy too but they are just general MC&D shit so commenting on them wouldnt be fair.

Feel free to take inspiration from other apps like I did but the answers are said the exacts same way with different words.

Edited by James Whisper
Changed my opinion.
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Yes, I did take a few words from your app and put them into mine. Most of my answers are the same as everyone's, barring the end as that was admittedly ripped from yours with different wording as you mentioned, my apologies.
I have one minor issue with your reply though, and that is my reply to the "Someone has revealed you are MC&D" question. This was written in my own words, and like you said is very typical for an answer. You might, however, find that the organizational pattern of the answer to the question is similar to yours, but I would have done this anyway because it follows a basic if/then chain. Starting at the most basic response then going to advanced responses and techniques. While the "I would have done this anyway" statement is cliché I assure you that it is honest. I would rather be denied the app than make it by with sleezy behavior. So I find labeling it as "What I said too" is slightly unjust, but I can't blame you for pointing it out as I did take the end part.

All in all, thank you for the detailed and well thought out reply to my app. Other than what I said in green, everything in your reply is true, and I am sorry for the plagiarism.

Have a good day  : ]

Oswald Bruner

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