Auster Schumacher

F4 Entities & WL Perms for CG

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What your suggestion is: Allow CG COs to spawn in Speeders from f4 Entities, and allow them to demote CT 4 Numbers so we don't have to call staff after every CL5/6 & Golden Rule CT break. Also give the LAAT to the CG Commander and others, as noted in GotNo's suggestion thread. 

Scriptfodder/workshop link: N/A

Any additional information: I think SOs can spawn speeders themselves, but if they can't, may as well add it for them too, we get speeder training within the first 1 / 2 days of getting 2nd LT after all and it'll just make it easier for staff as they don't need to take a sit for something that can be "fixed" with a single line of code or 2. 

Speeder in question is the "Executive Cruiser" [execspeeder] in the 'Other' section. 

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-1 on the CO f4 menu
-1 on the CO can demote CTs

+1 LAAT on commanders f4 menu


Every regiment, besides CE, that uses vehicles has it so their SO+ can only spawn it through the f4 menu. CO is a very easy rank to achieve and I wouldn't trust all of them to spawn in a vehicle when they like. And for those regiments any rank can use the vehicles. For example 212th and GC they get speeder/tank trained at ET but still are only able to spawn in themselves at SO. Letting CG who have only just been trained in them able to spawn it in freely is granting unecessary power.

Making COs able to demote CTs would mean you give all CG COs the ability to whitelist and un-whitelist anyone from CT, including CCs. Not even SOs have the ability to whitelist to their own regiment, nor can they whitelist cadets they have trained. I would maybe consider allowing CG hierarchy to demote CTs at most. What you are suggesting is giving much more power to CG comissioned officers than most other jobs on the server, a rank that is not even hard for anyone to achieve. I have seen many unsuitable people reach higher than this in CG alone. Calling staff is very quick especially for a CT demote.

Edited by Kids


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 just like kids said, and CG are to arrest and make sure everybody follow the rules, demotions are for the regiment it self soooo yeh.

Edited by Victor

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Exacly what Kids said. Aswell you can ask CT COs. As far as i know they have the ability to (un)whitelist, but im not that sure. Aswell the Staffs are always happy to do such easy claims wich would be gone then.

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+1 in allowing cmdr's to spawn LAAT's and for CG CO's to spawn speeders. -1 in allowing CG CO's to demote CT's. It's a bad idea since not everyone of them can be trusted.

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4 hours ago, Kids said:

-1 on the CO f4 menu
-1 on the CO can demote CTs

+1 LAAT on commanders f4 menu


Every regiment, besides CE, that uses vehicles has it so their SO+ can only spawn it through the f4 menu. CO is a very easy rank to achieve and I wouldn't trust all of them to spawn in a vehicle when they like. And for those regiments any rank can use the vehicles. For example 212th and GC they get speeder/tank trained at ET but still are only able to spawn in themselves at SO. Letting CG who have only just been trained in them able to spawn it in freely is granting unecessary power.

Making COs able to demote CTs would mean you give all CG COs the ability to whitelist and un-whitelist anyone from CT, including CCs. Not even SOs have the ability to whitelist to their ow*n regiment, nor can they whitelist cadets they have trained. I would maybe consider allowing CG hierarchy to demote CTs at most. What you are suggesting is giving much more power to CG comissioned officers than most other jobs on the server, a rank that is not even hard for anyone to achieve. I have seen many unsuitable people reach higher than this in CG alone. Calling staff is very quick especially for a CT demote.

What this guy said ^. CG Is well known for their hierarchy being made up from midges itself at times and I dont think it is a good idea to give any job whitelist or vehicle spawn until properly trusted and not at easy ranks like CO.

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15 hours ago, BattleCat said:

+1 in allowing cmdr's to spawn LAAT's and for CG CO's to spawn speeders. -1 in allowing CG CO's to demote CT's. It's a bad idea since not everyone of them can be trusted.

If you gonna let CG CO's spawn in the speeders, then you need to let CE CO's spawn in all turrets aswell, same goes to GC with their Speederbikes to actually make it fair. And as Kids said i guess that COs arent that trustful for it then.

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the speeders for CG is a good idea to have it as CO, because they are PST trained and should be trusted but, letting CO's demote CT 4 numbers is a no go we already demote them automatically when they break a crucial demotion rule anyway… plus if there was to give CG something i would say give CG SO the option to use the whitelist thing when we arrest but then again people could abuse it 

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The LAAT for Commander ranks has been accepted in another suggestion. The CT demotion is a tricky one, however considering CG besides from CT deals with mingey CT's the most. I think the request is pretty reasonable and will help with late nights. (The whitelist perms will be strictly limited to the Clone Trooper job and can only be performed by a CG CO+ IF they have broken rules to warrant it )

It's a no for the CG speeder spawning i'm afraid, rather keep entity spawning permissions consistent with other regiments and your need to use the executive speeder is small outside of trainings

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