
Doot's battalion application

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Steam Name: British Gas

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:419437356

Current rank on the server: Major.

Age: 17. I am turning 18 in August.

What is your playtime: 1 week, 4 days, 10 hours and 17 minutes. (As of writing this question.)

Do you have a microphone, is it good quality: I have a microphone but I'm unsure on quality. I've not heard it but I have reason to believe it's quite good.

Have you read and looked through the Battalion Handbook: I have been through the handbook twice and even written down notes.

Do you meet the requirements: Yes I do.

Quick summary about you: I'm a seventeen year old born in Berlin Germany but I have moved to England at the age of 10. I am currently studying English literature and mixing and mastering in music. I have always tried to be a leader for I have reason to believe I'd be a very good leader due to past experience.

I try to get as far as possible and my goal in life is to make the best version of me I can be. I enjoy the server because it gives me something to work for and improve on. I love improving myself but I enjoy helping other people improve just as much.

In Character Section -

In-Game name: CT Major Lord Doot

Highest rank obtained: Major as of now.

What current rank do you have: Major.

What is your current regiment: Clone troopers.

What should we pick you for Battalion: Leading is one of the skills I add to my CV. I've always been trying to lead, weather that is in a game of football down the road or just a simple college group project. I've got plenty of experience leading events for the Clone Troopers. I've got the CT hierarchy to be able to say that I'm good at what I do.

I may be a little on the rough edge when it comes to people but I get good results. I believe in the saying when you show me respect I'll show that respect back tenfold. I may not have had the best start when coming to behaviour but I've really been trying to fix myself and make myself more of an enjoyable person to be around. I love this server like they're my actual brothers and I see us all like a large dysfunctional family.

Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion: Leading events and guiding the troopers into battle. Without battalion we wouldn't be a stable army more like an angry mob that doesn't know why they're angry. Battalion can grant or deny certain activities depending on how reasonable it is. If someone wanted to leave main base to let's say; Visit family. It would be denied because it's a random reason and makes no sense. But say they're leaving main base to be able to train their regiment, themselves or just get themselves prepared for something then it would be granted as it's a valid reason and makes sense.

Have you ever been demoted, banned or kicked: I have one RDM warning because I thought the training lightsabers were like the training DC-15A and did no damage. Turns out it did and I cut a child in half and now I live with it as a burden on my warns list.

Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank: I do understand, Battalion are the leaders and the people most capable to lead a large group of people successfully. But I respect everyone, doesn't matter if I love, hate or neutral. I have a respect for them because I treat them how I want to be treated. No one holds more respect with me but some people have a different kind of respect.

Battalion is supposed to be a disciplined rank because without that it would be chaos. Battalion need to be disciplined otherwise they would be more likely to become power-hungry or corrupt. We need them to be so they can remain controlled during events so they're able to stay calm even when everything has gone to shit.

TLDR; I respect everyone. They need to stay calm during events.

What do Battalion do during Combat, when they are not leading?: They stay in the mid to front lines, assisting their supervised regiment or assisting any regiment that the leading battalion tells you you need to go support. You're to use the equipment you have in the needed areas such as a sniper when you're in the backlines or shotgun when in front and up in their face. Just don't be a complete idiot and rush head first into enemy fire unless you're in a large push.

What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted as part of his mentoring session?: Get all the training that your battalion mentor tells you to do out of the way but do not rush it. Complete every task which can be a basic training with training your faces, formations and anything else you're taught in Cadet training. Second thing you need to do is; successfully host an event using the advert system as you're not yet permitted to the open microphone. Finally finish the event with the debrief, Tell them all how it went, How well they did and how you believe they could perform better.

What is the job of the Co-Leader during events?: Giving the callouts in advertisement/voicechat when the leader is unable to, taking over when the leading Battalion leaves and you're also supposed to grant and deny any kind of requests. 

Anything else: I might be doing a temp period of EXO on the 12th so if I do get accepted. I'll need to try ask if someone else can fill in my temp period.

Edited by Doot
Formatting it just to make it easier to read.
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Great guy

Knows how to lead well and enforce and follow rules well

Been doing great work in CT and im sure will have a great week as a temp Exo if hes not batt by then

Talks to the regiment a lot and is a great part of the regiment

Current Ranks

CT Commander


Past Ranks


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-From just reading his application I got a pretty good impression.

-Probably the best graphic design of all of applicants

-After speaking to him, he turned out to be a very friendly informative guy.

-Your playtime is quite low compareted to other applicants, however this doens't show incompentece.

Edited by Klavigar

Current ranks

HLRP Trial mod



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After what i have seen from your attitude earlier which also resulted in your arrest, it does seem clear that you are far away from being ready to be battalion.  After finishing the CT debrief you decide to say to every sdvetiser "Fuck off" which i know could be used as a joke sometimes but not in every advertisement ( i have seen you say fuck off at least 2 times before ). You then proceed to cuff barry who was pretty upset about being told to fuck off which you abused your EQ by cuffing him for no reason. You were arrested after that then decided it was a good idea to argue in OOC, you were told to knock it off and bring it to PMs which i don't underatand why you took it seriously and decided to PM barry and continue the argument.

Low playtime too

I suggest improving your attitude and get a high playtime befire reapplying.

-Past Ranks

-No one cares




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extremely toxic

mingles constantly on scav, Tries to boss around people in the regiments hes faking 

Constant Eq abuse

Minges on every job i seen him on

goes off on little things 

cant take criticism without yelling at the person

One of the worse CT SO in a while 

Been talk to by many times by staff about eq abuse toxicity and a lot more and by hierarchy

Very power hungry from what I and others have seen

Never had a single good interaction with him

if hes get batt it will only worsen, you need to improve a hell of a lot to even think about getting Batt from you behaviours to other and the way you treat others.  You also need to get off your high horse as you act very almighty. Improve before applying next time and maybe you will have a chance.




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Others have said it perfectly, you have appeared toxic to me on multiple occasions and evidently to others as well

On 4/7/2021 at 1:33 AM, Doot said:

Because I treat them how I want to be treated.

and it makes me doubt this statement, I personally don't want toxicity, therefore you, within battalion as we currently have an enjoyable environment.

Along with this, you are a relatively new SO, with low playtime and you were recently arrested.

I suggest you get more know throughout the community for the good traits, that i'm sure you have, and not for what you are known for at the moment.

Current Ranks:

Founder of The Bois

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- Really toxic especially on VIP jobs and you seem to have a really difficult time hearing "no" which results in arguments between you and staff when we are only trying to do our job. I´ve had to deal with you on two seperate sits and you dont seem to like it or want to understand why you´re getting the sit. I would recommend showing everyone and really try not to be toxic to others as it really does have an affect on your image. 

- You were recently arrested for disrespect on your Clone job as well which just shows it again. If people dont follow your orders or if you were to get critique you must be able to take that in a positive way and not start arguments as a battalion because a LOT of people look up to battalion members. 

Current Ranks


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We unfortunately don't think you are the best fit for battalion. For more information about your denial message Battalion command.
You may re-apply again when apps reopen

Current Ranks

- General

- SWRP Vice Manager

- Caesar Stabsfeldwebel

- Iniquity Revenant



Past Ranks

- SWRP Event Manager

- Grand Admiral

- 501st EXO

- 212th EXO


- CG Temp Vice Commander


- CG ARC Colonel

- Jedi Watcher

- Jedi Agent

- Jedi Consular

- Hauptamt Köningsplatz Oberbereitshaftsleiter

Finance Oberbereitschaftsleiter


- HLRP Senior Discord Staff



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