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 Common Roleplay Name:

Andre Wolf

Steam Name:



SteamID [ STEAM_0:1:552693746 ]  SteamID64 [ 76561199065653221 ] : 

Your Current Playtime(3 days minimum):

4 days 18 hours

Your Current Warns (10 warn limit, take a screenshot. Exceptions may be made.): 

i have 3 but cant take screanshot 

Why do you want to join MC&D?:

money,and i wanna sell guns to civs that can fight with the cis vs the foundation

What do you know about MC&D?(50 words minimum):

Marshall carter and Dark is a little group that owns a club in a little city the little city in WG scp rp 

is ovis city the marshall carter and dark short MCND is a group of mans that sells everything for money drugs,alcohol,weapons and humans (i think they sell humans) the owner of the club is known as the salesman the salesman sell all the stuff from drugs to humans but the club have a security too it calls mcnd agents the agents are the club security and the salesman security they do everything what the salesman say everything but the mcnd knows a bit about the foundation,this is why the mcnd is one of the top wanted guys of the foundation


Why is MC&D different to any other GOI?:

the mcnd is different to other GOI because they have a lot of resources and didnt wondering what happen inside of the foundation they do they own buisnnes they are still selling or auctions

Someone has revealed that you are MC&D, what do you do and why

when i am in the role of the salesman i say it my agents because they are my security and secure the club after this i get my agents the mission to find the man that revealed that i am salesman but not to kill him i will get him to the club and try to find out to which persons he said that i am mcnd if he tooled me all the names i try to find this mans that know that i am a mcnd and kill all of them 

Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread?(One word is not a valid answer):

i have read the rules and understand them

I try my best that somebody like me

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7 hours ago, Andre Wolf said:

money,and i wanna sell guns to civs that can fight with the cis vs the foundation

This is why MC&D is a vendor job rn


8 hours ago, Andre Wolf said:

Marshall carter and Dark is a little group that owns a club in a little city the little city in WG scp rp 

They arent a ''little group'' they are really fucking rich and the club in Ovis is just a tiny club they got not the only one, they own bigger clubs all over the place.


8 hours ago, Andre Wolf said:

everything for money drugs,alcohol,weapons and humans

You mentioned like everything but the main thing they sell that are anomalies


8 hours ago, Andre Wolf said:

but the mcnd knows a bit about the foundation

They dont know a bit, they know much more, Foundation literally hunt them cause they sell anomalies, and they got enough money to get lots of info on them.


8 hours ago, Andre Wolf said:

this is why the mcnd is one of the top wanted guys of the foundation

MC&D is a big threat to Foundation cause of what they do but aren't the top just cause ''they know a bit about them'' lots of GOIs know that Foundation exist and lots want them dead more than MC&D

Bing bong blan bind bin bo go bi b 




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8 hours ago, Andre Wolf said:

cis vs the foundation

cis.png.43defe1037207095e3cfecf5a0e4f4cd.png Confederacy of Independent Systems vs SCP Foundation



8 hours ago, Andre Wolf said:

Marshall carter and Dark is a little group that owns a club in a little city the little city in WG scp rp 

Breaking news Ovis city renamed to WG scp rp!


8 hours ago, Andre Wolf said:

that sells everything for money drugs,alcohol,weapons and humans (i think they sell humans) the owner of the club is known as the salesman the salesman sell all the stuff from drugs to humans

What, first of all this whole application is stupid, MC&D sells anomalies and objects that are supernatural they are not fucking mafia or som shit, and 2nd of all why the fuck would we sell normal humans thats just stupid??


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On 4/8/2021 at 12:01 PM, Rusty said:

This is why MC&D is a vendor job rn


They arent a ''little group'' they are really fucking rich and the club in Ovis is just a tiny club they got not the only one, they own bigger clubs all over the place.


You mentioned like everything but the main thing they sell that are anomalies


They dont know a bit, they know much more, Foundation literally hunt them cause they sell anomalies, and they got enough money to get lots of info on them.


MC&D is a big threat to Foundation cause of what they do but aren't the top just cause ''they know a bit about them'' lots of GOIs know that Foundation exist and lots want them dead more than MC&D

So i would say thank that you said what I need to do better If this get closed I re apply in a week

I try my best that somebody like me

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