
Unwarn Request

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My In-Game name: DU Commander GotNo


Steam Name: GotNoYT

What is the reason for your warn: Exploiting Adrenaline Shot

Name of the staff member who warned you: 501st Commander Lewis

Why do I believe that I should be unwarned:

So basicly what i did is buying Adrenaline as ABS, i leftclicked it and got the boost, but for some reason i still had the Adrenaline Shot in my inventory. So i equiped it again and leftclicked multiple times. The only thing that happend then was that it automaticly equips my keys instead of using it. Then i dropped the Adrenaline to pick it up again (like the way how to fix the weapon glitch to drop weapon, pick it up and it works again). I tried the Adrenaline again but it kept on being in my inventory. I dropped it a second time again to retry but still same result (i never died inbetween the 1st and the 2nd drop it was right after the 1st one). I just let it be then and went away (like maybe its just a 1 live glitch, as the Adrenaline always worked fine for me as medical droid and at the same time a 327th had a glitch with his head aswell). I did ABS stuff and died by an execution of Torb. I went to the Vendor again and bought adrenaline again. It still didnt disappeared and i dropped it again. as it STILL was in my inventory i just thaught that it got changed and i keep the adrenaline in the inventory the entire time and i aswell kept my speed. Later i got tpd by Brandon to check if i got Jedi speed again. I directly told him that its my adrenaline and aswell directly made  a prove by screensharing on Discord. So it was all fine. Like 5mins after i got tpd by Lewis and he asked me if i told Brandon that i used the new glitch. I asked what glitch he meant and he told me about it. So i explained him the situation i just typed here. So i told him that i just thaught that it would be normal now that you keep the adrenaline. Aperently it's not and it is a glitch. He 1st thaught that i only used it one time but i said since the beginning that i did this multiple times during being ABS (i never dropped the adrenaline ever before like it was the 1st time today). So he said as i did the glitch multiple times now and inever asked an admin about it, that he has to warn me. I tryed to tell him that i didnt even know that its a glitch and he also said that its a new one aswell and  told him the situation and what i thaught aswell and he warned me.

Reason for Unwarn:
So thats why i'm typing this unwarn-request now as i think this isnt directly worth a warn and aswell after my jedihp warn (wich i totally agree that i deserved it) i actually doesnt even wanted to get warned in any way and i learned from glitch and skillpoint abusing. Aswell i never had a verbal warning 1st for this, he could just said that if he ever see me doing it again that i get a warn so ik that the adrenaline is not ment to be staying, that would have been totally fine but i directly got warned without a verbal warning first.

Evidence: I guess its all said above (have no record as it was too long)



Thanks for reading.

Edited by GotNo
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A official recorded warning is a warning, hence the name. After your history (Jedi HP) I see it totally fair to leave you with just a warn. It is up to the staff member whether he will issue a warn, not you.

If you really didn't want to get in trouble you should have just notified someone to help you get rid of it. 


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So I'm really confused and have a few questions, surely you would've realised it was a glitch considering you are much faster than everyone else without the speed actually disappearing? You say you've used adrenaline shots before as medical droid so surely you would've known that it stays in your inventory for around 15 seconds then disappears? And considering you did the glitch in your first life and saw that the adrenaline shot didn't go away instantly, why did you try it the second time? Surely you knew what happened when you dropped it and picked it back up again, so why do it for the second life if you thought it was just a little bug in the server?

Also exploiting is a serious thing, a warn is pretty lenient considering it can be a perma ban. In future if you ever get something like this that you are unsure of notify a staff member or someone with enough power to actually deal with the situation.

Edited by Dave
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I personally saw you when you was an ABS mange to run the whole way of the run way to catch someone who was by TR3 and outpace them and myself who was next to you I would get if it lasted 10 seconds however it seemed to last over 1 minute and then longer this was seen by not only me but mutiple  GC if you see it in your inventory again surely you Would not equip it again and relaised that it’s glitched in their 

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9 minutes ago, Dave said:

So I'm really confused and have a few questions, surely you would've realised it was a glitch considering you are much faster than everyone else without the speed actually disappearing? You say you've used adrenaline shots before as medical droid so surely you would've known that it stays in your inventory for around 15 seconds then disappears? And considering you did the glitch in your first life and saw that the adrenaline shot didn't go away instantly, why did you try it the second time? Surely you knew what happened when you dropped it and picked it back up again, so why do it for the second life if you thought it was just a little bug in the server?

Also exploiting is a serious thing, a warn is pretty lenient considering it can be a perma ban. In future if you ever get something like this that you are unsure of notify a staff member or someone with enough power to actually deal with the situation.

After i died i did it again bcs i thaught this is just a glitch where it gets fixed once you died but as it didnt worked i reties it again and was still there so i thaught it was supposed to be like this and it got changed. So i thaught aswell that since you keep the Adrenaline shot in the inventory its normal that you keep the speed. Aswell with the 15secs, i tried to use the still existing shot even lonher than 20secs before i dropped it the 1st time.

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3 minutes ago, Frank said:

-1 this for unbans not for unwans also you the big special

As there is no Unwarn request Topic yet i had to do this in here as its the closest and i even asked to Admins and they told me to put it in here. Aswell big special isnt an argument for this lol.

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9 minutes ago, Fusion365 said:

I personally saw you when you was an ABS mange to run the whole way of the run way to catch someone who was by TR3 and outpace them and myself who was next to you I would get if it lasted 10 seconds however it seemed to last over 1 minute and then longer this was seen by not only me but mutiple  GC if you see it in your inventory again surely you Would not equip it again and relaised that it’s glitched in their 

I indeed realized that i was faster as i took the adrinaline i thaught it would be normal (btw i dont play MD rly often just when nearly no 74th there so i thaught it changed).

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Gotno you did it 3 times. Youre lucky it was just warning



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- It would appear that you have done this multiple times and therefore the warning should probably stand

The best thing to do would be to learn from this and if you find another bug then report it instead of abusing it.

Edited by Navas

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Denied, you have shown recent incompetency in the past IC and the fact that you have exploited / abused things for an advantage in game.


had to remove signature because of romanian censorship






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