Tikomatura - Lyren Trou

(IG)Documentation: Crosstesting 106 & 294 PT1

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Before you start to read, id like to mention that this is my first time ive ever wrote something like this. The grammar might not be on point either but whatever. I was also thinking about possibly contributing this to the actual scp wiki if this is any good but for now, ill let you guys have this.

I basically just documented my rp test from this night and tried to make it somewhat 



Log Entry:
Date: 22/04/2021 - 23:54 UTC // 11:54pm UTC
Leading Researcher: Sr. Researcher - Dr. Lyren Trou / CL3
Subjects: D-4988, D-4787 & D-4722
Involved Security: B-7 Commander / CL4,  three Lieutenants / CL3
SCPs Involved/Used: 106 & 294 (three cups of liquid music)

Documentation Start:
Three Class-D Personnel have been called in. D-4988, D-4722 and D-4787. Besides, four armored security members assisted. One of them the B-7 Commander.
SCP-106 was seemingly stable at first but proceeded to breach shortly after attempting the first test. [...] 
B-7 could correspond in time and contain 106 using D-4722 and the Femur Breaker within roughly 124 seconds.

The first part of the test began.
Subject D-4988 has been given a cup of Liquid Music from SCP-294 after, he started dancing.
Subject D-4988 has been sent into SCP-106s Containment Chamber and the Magnetic Field has been raised again.
At first, nothing unusual happened, but after performing and reading vitality checks and such, it was quickly discovered that SCP-106 was not attracted by D-4988 in any way. D-4988 was left alone for almost twenty minutes before 106 approached him and sent him to his pocket dimension. 
As of now, it is unclear if SCP-106 was being put off by the liquid music which was consumed by D-4988, by the "pleasure" of the Femur Breaker just prior to the test, or by any other particular or unparticular reason.
D-4988 has not been seen again and SCP-106 has not been affected in any way. At least not been observed being affected in any way.

For the second test, D-4787 has been given two cups of liquid music which one of them, has been consumed by D-4787. D-4787 began to dance just as D-4988. 
D-4787 has been sent into SCP-106s Containment Chamber with a cup of liquid music in his hand. 
It took SCP-106 significantly shorter to send D-4787 into its pocket dimension. After just 12 minutes and 34 seconds, voices within SCP-106s Containment Chamber have disappeared. 
After lowering the magnetic field again and checking in person, it was discovered that D-4787 has in fact been sent into SCP-106s pocket dimension and has not been seen ever since. 
The cup of liquid music was not found within SCP-106s Containment Chamber. As of now, it is unclear if SCP-106 consumed the cup of liquid music or if it went to the pocket dimension.

SCP-106 has been observed moving in unusual and yet not seen ways. Nothing close to what we call dancing and more like "epileptic spasming" but definitely something unusual.
It has yet not been confirmed if this behavior was the result of giving it two dancing D-Classes in a row or from consuming/interacting with SCP-294 liquids.
This will have to be looked into further.

All involved Security Personnel except for the B-7 Commander, have been given Class-A amnestics. Testing on/with SCP-106 has been restricted to CL4+SD permission only.
Leading Researcher Dr. Lyren Trou has not been put under mentioned restriction.

<//LOG END\\>


Edited by Tikomatura - Lyren Trou
Attempted to fix formatting issues, edited title

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I must agree with Isaac, a well written document. Maybe the CL5 security is a bit much but you do you. 

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Just now, Isaac Scott said:

Hey i recommend putting in a google document and sending to jack miller hr manager!

Any specific reason for that? I have just started playing again like 3-5 days ago after my unban appeal has been approved earlier this week. Who is jack miller hr manager and how do i reach out to him? I sent it to nook as he was interested.

2 minutes ago, Isaac Scott said:

Like the work tho!

Really appreciate it, thank you 🙂

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1 minute ago, Moltke said:

I must agree with Isaac, a well written document. Maybe the CL5 security is a bit much but you do you. 

Thanks ^^. I put it under CL5 as further testing would have to be done first to see, what all this is really about and in how far you can influence 106 using 294. After everything would be discovered, the O5 could lower the restriction and censor the file accordingly. 
My thought atleast.

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6 hours ago, Tikomatura - Lyren Trou said:

Who is jack miller hr manager

Jack Miller is the manager of head researcher , head researcher is a job focused on ResearchRP and it's invite only so getting recognized by Miller means you have a change of making it into HR, which , if you like doing research, is the best job to be on.

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1 hour ago, Fayne™ said:

Jack Miller is the manager of head researcher , head researcher is a job focused on ResearchRP and it's invite only so getting recognized by Miller means you have a change of making it into HR, which , if you like doing research, is the best job to be on.

Ive figured out myself earlier today but thank you for clearing it up anyway. Ive been interested in HR back in the day and i feel like i still am. Will see where i can find myself within the community and what kind of place i can get before i head for any wl groubs though. 

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