
Pewp's Unban Request

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My In-Game name:


Steam Name:


What is the reason for your ban:


How long were you banned for:


Name of the staff member who banned you:


Why do I believe that I should be unbanned:

This all happened in August after I resigned from Battalion. It's been a while since and I have been in teamspeak multiple times without minging or being annoying. I'm still good friends with a lot of the players so I would love to get back on the server.

(My involvement in what IamTheo did can be checked with Frisby. I wasn't the one who made that change to the teamspeak channel.)


Thank you for your time


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- You haven't put much effort into the unban request seems as its permanent. At least right something meaningful.
- Even though you may have not edited the channel, you still made a laugh about it and joked about someone being dead.
- When you were on the server, you were just toxic. That is the only way to put it. I do believe that people can change and you have been on TeamSpeak once or twice and I have been able to actually have a conversation with you.
- I don't think bringing Benji, Recap and Ewan to your unban request so it looks like positive feedback is the best way to getting yourself banned as it does reflect negatively in my opinion.

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23 minutes ago, Lewis said:


- You haven't put much effort into the unban request seems as its permanent. At least right something meaningful.
- Even though you may have not edited the channel, you still made a laugh about it and joked about someone being dead.

What can I say other than I did not do it? I literally wasn't involved with this and Theo only put my name there cause we are friends. 

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-1 Very little effort made in the unban request which makes the app seem like its a "ah lets see what happens" instead of "Ya i've learned from my past seen what i did was wrong and want to come back to play the server and RP"
Making fun of someone whos dead is just a massive no idk what happened but am reading from comments
also i would only think you want to join back if people who still play the server and RP on it can say your not a minge anymore

Edited by Aleks

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23 minutes ago, Lewis said:

- I don't think bringing Benji, Recap and Ewan to your unban request so it looks like positive feedback is the best way to getting yourself banned as it does reflect negatively in my opinion.

what makes you think it's him asking us to comment you just trying to get as many negative points as you can litterly everything you listed makes no sense

Is he supposed to fucking write an essay with colouring his fonts?? it's an unban request not a advertisement and since when do you ban people for laughing? if the reason he got banned was changing that channel and he didnt do it doesn't he deserve to be unbanned?? 

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1 minute ago, Benjilol said:

what makes you think it's him asking us to comment you just trying to get as many negative points as you can litterly everything you listed makes no sense

Is he supposed to fucking write an essay with colouring his fonts?? it's an unban request not a advertisement and since when do you ban people for laughing? if the reason he got banned was changing that channel and he didnt do it doesn't he deserve to be unbanned?? 

and thats on jah

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10 minutes ago, Barry said:

Your homies arguing to every response that isnt positive doesnt look good.

YEA -1 him because other people post under his post?? look at the unban form not the comment section...


13 minutes ago, Barry said:

but from what i heard you were a cunt even if you dont think it was severe enough for a perma ban.

If you heard it and have nothing to add why not just ignore it man you're litterly a random talking about the ban of someone you don't know the first thing off... You probably don't even know what happened when he got banned 

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17 minutes ago, Barry said:


Your homies arguing to every response that isnt positive doesnt look good.

Plus i cant see any apology for anything in your request, which says to me that you dont even think you did anything wrong, but from what i heard you were a cunt even if you dont think it was severe enough for a perma ban.

wow the guys that actually know him and know the situation are responding to the posts on an unban request??!?!?!

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1 hour ago, Lewis said:


- You haven't put much effort into the unban request seems as its permanent. At least right something meaningful.
- Even though you may have not edited the channel, you still made a laugh about it and joked about someone being dead.
- When you were on the server, you were just toxic. That is the only way to put it. I do believe that people can change and you have been on TeamSpeak once or twice and I have been able to actually have a conversation with you.
- I don't think bringing Benji, Recap and Ewan to your unban request so it looks like positive feedback is the best way to getting yourself banned as it does reflect negatively in my opinion.

Lewis summed it up. You have nothing positive going for you, Sorry or not. Laughing at someone dying, involved or not is wrong.
Even without it you have shown nothing but toxic behaviour in the past.

Was somewhat ok as a Battalion atleast to me not sure about others.

I know you might "be sorry" but not enough effort imo has really been put in to show it. I'm all for second chances but I am very against this for now.

I just don't feel like you really actually want to come on and play seriously. Maybe you do and there's no way to prove it but due to how others feel about you and overall behaviour. I am against it.



dance yoda.gif

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Its been almost a year since the ban and you are all here speculating saying he is just going to come on and minge? Maybe if you dont have a single clue what he is going to be like then give him a second chance. Your acting like you couldn't just ban him again if he does minge.

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2 minutes ago, Ewan said:

Its been almost a year since the ban and you are all here speculating saying he is just going to come on and minge? Maybe if you dont have a single clue what he is going to be like then give him a second chance. Your acting like you couldn't just ban him again if he does minge.


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guys i changed my mind becasuse pewp didn tput much effort in his apology. i would have +1'd if u took me out for dinner; eating lobster and caviar,  buy me apatek phillipe watch while playing the whole concert of the nutcracker suite by tchaikovsky by yourself but for now i will have to -1 


ex rank ex rank ex rank

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The only time I have ever encountered Pewp was when we both were in CT, in CT he was nothing but nice to everyone in there and his RP was excellent. I dont believe one action should mean he wont be able to play on the server ever again, and one gotta believe in second chances, right?

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pewp just wants to get back on the grind sheesh.


Also there is a huge misconception around the whole situation. The reason I and Pewp got banned was due to a message at the bottom of, at that time ARC Commander Scruffy, teamspeak channel. 


The message originally said "R.I.P Scratch, you will be missed". However, I and only me. Went into the channel, and due to my perms. I was able to edit the channel. And I changed it to say:

"Thank God Scratch Died 

- Pewp"


Now. This is an awful thing to say. There is no excuse. Suicide isn't something that should be joked about so lightly. This came to be in the spur of the moment, and to be honest. I regret it to this day. There was never any harm meant behind the message. It was simply done as a way to fuck with Pewp. I had the privilege to speak with Scratch on a couple of occasions, and as many will agree with me on. He was a great guy. It's not only a massive loss for this community, but many others who knew him so well. 


Now, I don't expect many to accept my apology. Though I would still like to personally apologize to Scratch, Scruffy and all others involved. I am ashamed of my actions and if I could go back in time and change what I did. I would. However, that isn't how real life works. As you grow up we all make mistakes. This so happened to be one of my many. I am sorry. 


I've met many friends and had many good experiences in this community. And it hurts that many saw me leave in that way. 


Now, as a final note. If you are personally struggling. Especially with everything that's currently going on. Please reach out and seek help. Not only for your sake, but for the sake of your loved ones as well.  Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. When you feel like giving up, just remember the reason why you held on for so long. Don't give up. It gets better. 



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