
Guinea's Permanent Ban Appeal

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Server you got banned from :  SCP-RP.

Your name in-game: Guinea ( I don't remember any names I used in-game ).

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:25597932

Admins' name that banned you: Unknown.

Admin's steamID:

Why did you get banned? :
Unknown Unknown as it didn't say anything.

Evidence(Un-necessary) : 

Why do you deserve to be unbanned? : 
 Today at when 4:00 pm EST I attempted to log on to the SCP RP. I was quickly denied entry and prompt with a little screen that said I would have been permanently banned. I tried checked the reason to see what had happened and it was not there. I checked the time until I would be un-banned and it said never. I'm unaware of what I did or how I did it and I'm just asking for confirmation or a un-ban.

Anything else? : If you know why I was banned, please say something in the comments.

Screenshot 2021-05-06 160245.png

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Hey, Guinea!

It appears you have 1 warning on your account from Clint Westbrook from August 2020.

This is the reason you were banned, as detailed by the warn:

RDM x5 (MRDM) and LTAP. 

I hope this clarifies any confusion! 


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43 minutes ago, Luke Ocasio said:

Hey, Guinea!

It appears you have 1 warning on your account from Clint Westbrook from August 2020.

This is the reason you were banned, as detailed by the warn:

RDM x5 (MRDM) and LTAP. 

I hope this clarifies any confusion! 


Alright thank you for telling me!

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10 hours ago, Erich Von Wiegland said:

Oh my goodness, I read it as 2020.

Massive -1

3 Days after MRDM + LTAP ban, and you request an unban

Wait a few months.



The warn was on August 2020. Why would the ban be given now? 

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12 minutes ago, Guinea said:

The warn was on August 2020. Why would the ban be given now? 

I see what has happened I originally read the comment for when he was banned so I +1ed

But in the screenshot it shows May 2021

It must have rebanned you when you attempt to join so it resets the date

(My mistake)


I go back to my original posts thoughts. 

That or a staff member banned you without warning you. On May 6th. 

Edited by Erich Von Wiegland
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