
Seth's SD App #2

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In-Game Name: Alexander Krueger (However for SD, it'd be Jonathan Krueger)

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:164211367

Age: 19

In-Game Time [Proof Required]: mnQJVI7.png 

Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: E-11 CMNDR, CI Delta, Site Director (and the other positions that were mentioned in the previous App)

Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: I'm active pretty much all the time, i can work under pressure and stress, get things done when im ordered to. My extreme loyalty and dedication. My wisdom and administration skill alongside my leadership experience, I Am always willing to get the job done, no matter the cost.

What role does the Site Director have on the site? The Site Director is the highest ranked position within the site (Unless there's an O5 Present), with such a position, he is able to manage and organize the site and it's personnel as he sees fit. He is able to pass down orders, authorize raids, Direct defense and efforts within the site to achieve an objective. The Site Director is also responsible for the safety and security of the site, having the objective of making sure the site is always in Foundation control and in full operational capacity. The SD Can also act as the ''Mouth-Piece'' of the O5, Executing and passing down orders on their behalf.

What is the O5 Council?: The O5 Council, Also known as the ''Overwatch'' or ''Overseerers'', are the shadowy and mysterious Top Echelon of Command for the foundation, They are the ones who have supreme control over the foundation and can do what ever they see fit with it and they do not answer to anyone. The O5 Council is atleast 13-members strong, Their identities, operations, plans, and every day to day activity are all highly classified, As mentioned, the O5 Council have Supreme Control over the foundation and it's sites across the globe, and to some extent, They also control the world. All from the shadows. 

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You left this server due to you getting warned by me previously. You left the community for you getting warned. In NRP you were one of the biggest retards i ever met in the server and you couldn't stay due to you not getting promoted and thats the reason you left, you left finance as I actually let you in myself, you left because you didn't want to use Teamspeak for some issue when we have seen you on it previously







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59 minutes ago, Bansheey said:


You left this server due to you getting warned by me previously. You left the community for you getting warned. In NRP you were one of the biggest retards i ever met in the server and you couldn't stay due to you not getting promoted and thats the reason you left, you left finance as I actually let you in myself, you left because you didn't want to use Teamspeak for some issue when we have seen you on it previously

Hey there banshee. let me address your points there in the best way i can. 🙂

-I Didnt leave cause of your warn, I Left way after it cause hiatus, 

-You may think of me that way, that's fine.

-I didnt stay in NRP cause i wanted to get back into SCP-RP i had my fun in NRP but i had to go back to enjoy what i really loved from the beginning, ''Not getting promoted'' isnt exactly a sentence i'd say when i had reached Senior NCO In NSDAP.

-I Left finance due to it's complexity, i know that i left after you personally offered me a spot, and i apologize.

-I Didnt use teamspeak at first that's true, but then i started using it alongside OrPo, go on, ask whoever you wish.

I Hope that addressed everything, Much love banshee. ❤️

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Remember you as a competent Site Director. Happy to see you around again.


On 6/18/2021 at 2:03 PM, Bansheey said:


You left this server due to you getting warned by me previously. You left the community for you getting warned. In NRP you were one of the biggest retards i ever met in the server and you couldn't stay due to you not getting promoted and thats the reason you left, you left finance as I actually let you in myself, you left because you didn't want to use Teamspeak for some issue when we have seen you on it previously

Also about NRP some stuff he said is agreeable even if I never got in direct contact with you on the server, believe it or not there was much backchatter about you.


🔱Josh Nixon🔱
Director Nixon<

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43 minutes ago, J.Meier said:


Also about NRP some stuff he said is agreeable even if I never got in direct contact with you on the server, believe it or not there was much backchatter about you.

If people talked behind my back against me, so be it, i dont really care anymore what they think of me. i stated my reasons why banshee spoke like that against me, and that's all that matters. Thank you for your feedback though, very appreciated! ❤️

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Your application for site director has been ACCEPTED

Willing to give you another chance since I am a believer of second chances however this is your last. Hopefully you have changed.

O5-5 "The Survivor"

(Contact me Fixer#5863)

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