John Synergy

SynergyJohn's Staff Application

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Name: John Karpathakis

What country are you from?: Greece, formerly South Africa.

How well do you speak and understand English?: I speak and understand it very well and can articulate myself.

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:213581846

In-Game name(s): John Synergy and variations of Synergy.

Age: 17 (by the time the app is checked.)

Play Time. Must be atleast 3 days. No exceptions(SCP-RP): 5w, 6d, 23h and 45 mins.

Are you a VIP/PlatVIP?: I am a PlatVIP.

Do you have a microphone?: I do and I use it frequently, except for when I am on a fully RP character that would do better with text.

Do you have TeamSpeak ( Required )?: Yes I do.

Why should we pick you? (250 word minimum):

To beat a dead horse again, I am stupendously active and I know the role. I have been aware of punishments due to my many times staffing on various communities, and there was barely any incorrect punishments on my part (I am not including the reason for my demotion in this, I will get to that after).

To elaborate on my activity, recently I had been on a small hiatus and I am now playing actively again in full force due to the holidays starting on the day of me writing this application. I have no doubt I can mimic and even improve upon the hours I had previously had, easily ranging from midday to evening each day on the server. This was mostly SoD time as well, and not just being on. The further proof that I can be on SoD more is that I now no longer have the amount of whitelists I had a few months ago, I merely play on the "???" job and occasionally get on Nu-7 or a low-ranking job.

In my tenure as staff, I had barely had any unban requests and I ensured that I kept improving with the method of staffing. The method of constantly recording, logging the information of warnings/bans and all in all that helped me to get quite the headstart on the staff team. This I say with all the truth in my heart, I can repeat it.

Now for the less joyful and confident part, I acknowledge my previous mistakes in the role of staff on Werwolf and labor to make them right. I am referring to the two reports, one of which no longer exists, of antics involving Hanz and Lando. In both cases, the user did not mind and reports were made by alt accounts of banned users such as Puggo, however roleplay was not disrupted and the players did not hold anything against it. It was wrong, but it was not as harmful as it was made out to be. 
In addition, the reports came after SMT had warned me not to do the things, even though the events occurred before, so I had essentially been warned twice for the same thing.

I lament my actions and, once again, I intend to be far better, and I can be far better now that I've gotten help in the time I haven't been staff.

How long will you be able to play per day?: At least 6-7 hours during the holidays, most of it on SoD as long as there isn't any RP experience I can gain.

Any past experience as staff?: Admin on W-G, Admin to Head Admin on various other servers such as Imperium.

Any previous warns/bans? If so why? (maximum of 15 warns, exceptions can be made.): One warning for AccidentalRDM on a civ due to a miscommunication on TS, screenshot below.

Do you know the basic ULX commands Yes/No: Yes.

Do you know what SCP-RP is about? (not just job descriptions): I'll find it difficult to explain it differently to my past applications, but once again I'll try.

SCP-RP is a server based around what's in the name, roleplay, this means that it is not like any breach server you'd find where people are constantly shooting without a spoken word. There is a balance between RP and combat that makes it unique in the way that both roles can be participated in and enjoyed. If you want to RP as a researcher for tests and rise the ranks, you can. If you prefer to shoot CI or shoot Foundation, Nu-7 and CI are jobs that you can join for that aspect. The dynamic between hostiles stems from in-character information and varies from person to person.

For the surface, the RP is largely a GOI that performs their duties, such as MC&D selling anomalies, guns, and drugs. They are now rivalled by Anderson Robotics, who sell the augments and droids. The RP tension between these two causes them to need to adjust prices and give incentive to the population on surface, mainly consisting of other GOI's such as Adytum's Wake or the Chaos Insurgency. And against the Sarkics and Insurgency, you have UIU, which gives them a chance to blend into the population to attempt to perform their goal at containing anomalies without a site like the Foundation.

Using amethyst now, the Foundation's RP revolves around their interactions with these groups and the interaction between their own units, which can range from combat units working together (or rivalling each other in some cases) to combat and passive jobs interacting. This, along with events and custom characters, gives RP to new players who have just joined, such as an aspiring researcher getting RP from higher ranks, to a Nu-7 PVT galvanizing his aspiration to rank up a bit more, which can all be obtained by just being active and doing what they do best. While the server is RP in the SCP Universe in general, the Foundation is a main focus and drives the other groups in their interactions.

Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP(1 word is not an answer).: Yes I do, I have commonly read over the rules, suggested changes, reread them when they're changed and I have also always given the correct punishment and called sits for the correct reasons, this is the reason I also know them well enough to not break them except for that stray accidental incident in which I was warned after everybody in Teamspeak was shouting. While I may not call staff for every little incident, I myself try to help wherever I can with people who do not understand the rules, explaining if it is needed.

Additionally, I would like to reiterate that it has been months since I was last staff, and I have definitely improved enough in my own life to not repeat the same mistakes I had made.

Below is a screenshot of my warnings and playtime.


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If he replys fuck me but ill explain in detail for why,


You firstly had about 3-4 staff abuse threads on you with VALID evidence, this alone makes you untrustworthy to me let alone SMT, every time I have seen you on the discord or in-game ( which im rarely on ), you seem to be immature and thinking that you will get staff again when Xunt himself said not to bother applying again.

You don't understand the basic's of thinking so I'll explain, Xunt is saying and he means. You are shadow blacklisted from Staff meaning there is no point applying but it isn't offical.







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7 minutes ago, Bansheey said:


If he replys fuck me but ill explain in detail for why,


You firstly had about 3-4 staff abuse threads on you with VALID evidence, this alone makes you untrustworthy to me let alone SMT, every time I have seen you on the discord or in-game ( which im rarely on ), you seem to be immature and thinking that you will get staff again when Xunt himself said not to bother applying again.

You don't understand the basic's of thinking so I'll explain, Xunt is saying and he means. You are shadow blacklisted from Staff meaning there is no point applying but it isn't offical.

Two threads with valid evidence, as well as it being reports that were already handled and forgotten for a few months before being brought up in a sudden effort to get me demoted by Puggo and co.

In addition, I have detailed why I think I should get it again, if you are being blissfully ignorant to what I've said in the application then I cannot stop you, but I wanted to bring it up to you at least. I have written how I did do those things wrong, and that the time came to fix them, and I have made that effort away from the community to make myself better.

Edited by John Synergy
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greek and loves my american friend egypt


- MP40 recoil slightly increased. - StG44 recoil decreased and damage increased.


- Bren Firerate increased to 570 from 540.
- StG44 firerate increased from 560RPM to 630RPM.
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As a Captona I know how much of a pain it is to get -1 on every application you do because of mistakes in your past (it was 1 FUCKING YEAR AGO). So still seeing all the "Synergy moment" shit just makes me sad.

I have had more than enough interactions with John to able to say he is a good guy there were way worse staff than him. He keeps his calm and is a very nice person (unless you tell him to give Sarkic Abomination a buff then he becomes a brutal monster).

So yes overall +1! Please forget the past like jeez this is no preschool.


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John is a nice guy who I think would be good on staff again. Yeah hes made mistakes in the past but to be fair that sort of thing got patched in the update. 

Good Luck on the app!

Edited by Ewan Miles

Head of External Affairs - Ewan Miles

Unusual Incidents Unit - Special Agent Prophet


Adytum's Gate Sarkic Cultist - Volutaar Ewan Miles


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7 hours ago, Walter Alvarez said:


As a Captona I know how much of a pain it is to get -1 on every application you do because of mistakes in your past (it was 1 FUCKING YEAR AGO). So still seeing all the "Synergy moment" shit just makes me sad.

I have had more than enough interactions with John to able to say he is a good guy there were way worse staff than him. He keeps his calm and is a very nice person (unless you tell him to give Sarkic Abomination a buff then he becomes a brutal monster).

So yes overall +1! Please forget the past like jeez this is no preschool.


Oh you were a Captona? I will be sure to mention that on your next app.

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