
Alex's Battalion Application

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Out of Character Section -

Steam Name:


Steam ID:


Current OOC Rank on the server(eg Plat VIP, Mod):

 Plat VIP

Age (14 - Minimum):


What is your playtime (2 Weeks - Minimum):

 3weeks 5 days

Do you have a microphone, is it good quality:

 Yes and yes

Have you read and looked through the Battalion Handbook:

 I have read It through

Do you meet the requirements: I do

State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns.) Upload it to or as a steam community screenshot and include the link

In Character Section -

In-Game name: (Regiment, Rank and then your name)

 41st EXO Alex

All Previous Ranks Obtained: (Highest Per Regiment)

41st temp VC

What should we pick you for Battalion: (200 Words - Minimum)

 I think that I should be selected for battalion because I have had experience with leadership after being given and trusted with the roles of  EXO and T hierarchy before that for over a month. I also think I have shown my loyalty since I have remained in the same regiment during my time on this server and would be passing this on to battalion if I am selected. In my time as hierarchy I really enjoyed having the responsibility of managing the regiment along side the other members of hierarchy. I am active with me being on pretty much evening unless I’m out doing something and have never taken an LOA during my time in clone and only 1 in jedi. Ever since I had joined the server, I have met some of the best people I have ever met who helped me get to the rank I am today and getting BATT would allow me to meet more people and hopefully better myself more. In my time as a 41st  I have also developed leadership skills by leading countless scouting trainings and events that went very successfully. One of my weaknesses would be my lack of experience compared to other people since I have only experienced one regiment.

Describe the roles and responsibilities of Battalion: (100 Words - Minimum)

 When its Defcon 5 it is BATTs job to grant and deny requests and to order an NCO+ to train cadets whenever its needed. Another big role of BATT is supervising a regiment by doing things such as host trainings for them, help them get out of times where they need help, assist them during events and offer help when it is needed. They also are required to send reports to the Admiral on how the regiment is doing. During events it is also the job of a battalion member to lead the clones during the event to ensure they succeed.

Have you ever been demoted or striked in any regiment: (If so, explain why)


Do you understand that Battalion is a very respectable and disciplined rank:

 Yes its gives people a much higher amount of responsibility and should not

What do Battalion do during Combat, when they are not leading: (IN DETAIL)

 Listen to and follow the orders of the BATT leading, assist the regiments that you are supervising. You should stay between the front lines and the backlines depending on the equipment you have. (if your supervising 41st you would stay towards the backline but if your supervising 501st you would want to be assisting the frontlines)

What are the 3 duties a Battalion Officer Cadet has to complete before getting promoted as part of his mentoring session:

Successfully lead an event

Successfully host an open sim

Successfully host a server debrief

What rank can the Battalion Brigadier Promote and Demote up to:

 Captain and below

What rank and above can use two pieces of Regimental Equipment:


Anything else:  last time I applied I was 100% sure on if I wanted to join and took it down after making a last-minute decision to stay but this time, I made sure it is what I wanted.


Current Ranks: 

Previous Ranks:  Battalion Officer Cadet, Jedi Senior Guardian, Jump Troopers Corporal, 41st Commander, Clone Wars Event Planner


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+1 deserves it is active and a batt spot would be perfect for him


                                                                               Current ranks

                                                                                 41st ARC COL 

                                                                                 Past ranks 

                                             DU ARC COL 74th ADV R  41st Medic Major RRD AST R 212th SGT Jedi Historian

                                            season 4 episode 6 GIF by Star Wars

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You have been accepted into Battalion, contact a member of Admirality for an interview


Current Ranks

- General

- SWRP Vice Manager

- Caesar Stabsfeldwebel

- Iniquity Revenant



Past Ranks

- SWRP Event Manager

- Grand Admiral

- 501st EXO

- 212th EXO


- CG Temp Vice Commander


- CG ARC Colonel

- Jedi Watcher

- Jedi Agent

- Jedi Consular

- Hauptamt Köningsplatz Oberbereitshaftsleiter

Finance Oberbereitschaftsleiter


- HLRP Senior Discord Staff



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