Banshee's Return - SD Application

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In-Game Name: Ewan Bartmann

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:427293255


In-Game Time [Proof Required]: 1 Week, 4 days

Past Experience in leadership/high ranking positions: E-11 Commander, CI Delta, Site Director, MCnD Owner ( 4-5 months), ISD member, alot from NRP including Hauptmann ( Chef d. Heeresverwaltung ) Generalstab, Hauptstellenleiter of Finance, Obereinzatsleiter of Gaustabsamt.

Why do you feel you'll be a good Site Director?: I think I would be a good site director as all my past history within and out of the community even including IRL scenarios where i've had to take a leadership position. This includes me having to make quick thinking dicisions , actual strategized goals etc. This makes someone a good leader in general but my past experience was literally a Site Director so i know i did good to not get demoted before i left for NRP and got demoted for inactivity. 

What role does the Site Director have on the site? A Site Director is the main man on site, this includes having a leadership within the site while the O5 members are not there, all major decisions will be based of him and he mans the Foundation site of that area, he will order the administration and ensure peace within the foundation.

What is the O5 Council?:

The O5 Council are the leadership within the whole Foundation, they watch everything from the side and only interfering if need be. They come as anyone, even an engineer to ensure everything is going on like it should be. They are a observer but with a leadership position rather than a observer.


BTW, i'm offically coming back to SCP. Meaning i will be active asf.

Edited by Bansheey






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(Changed my mind)

Saw you on Site Administration today and you seemed to order units around as Site Advisor and kept reacting quite toxicly when people told you that you couldn't, a good SA would've seen the mistake. Anyway, previous Director but i really hope that what I saw today is not really your "peak" performance.



Edited by Exiled


🔱Josh Nixon🔱
Director Nixon<

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16 minutes ago, Krueger said:


Sorry banshee, but you harassing and continuing to insult me, and straight up calling me a fag is something i wont forget. aswell as you balantly telling me to hang myself.

Ok, to properly respond to this. You were acting so retarded, I couldn't be bothered dealing with you. I was talking to someone and you didn't know the basics of social respect. I called you unfit because me and Ethnics were having a laugh and you couldn't understand it. You also had a biasy throughout the whole interaction between me on SCP, you are unfit for CSB and i still beleive it. You decided to arrest me but not HoEA because it was me. Next time if you have something VALID to say you do it with not a clean slate yourself.







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15 hours ago, Krueger said:



Sorry banshee, but you harassing and continuing to insult me, and straight up calling me a fag is something i wont forget. aswell as you balantly telling me to hang myself


Cope (Banshee! Apologise now!!!!1111!1!11!11!!!!11!1!)

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22 hours ago, Krueger said:

As far as having a laugh goes, i was out to arrest you anyway. not because you both were running after each other.

You propblocked behind you as you ran.

I Did not see anything related to the HOEA As i was focused on you, and when you showed me anything relative to what the HOEA Was ''doing'', you showed me a text of them or you greeting each other? cant remember.

There was no being ''biased'' , i was only doing my job as i was supposed to do. i had told you multiple times to maintain a respectful posture and i stayed quiet. hell. you got kaneki, nook, and nell all called on you. talk about social respect. Ordering B7's around as SA. Calling me the N-Word in character, Twice. and misusing foundation communications. i even gave you 10 mins in jail and promised to give you back your comms upon your release. 

I Did my job, Why cant we be friends banshee, do you really want us to be enemies?.

You just admitted that you only arrested banshee because you purposefully ignored the HOEA and you focused on,banshee why you might ask. Because you are a delusional idiot that sucked off norra to get CBS which you clearly dont deserve since you are a powerhungry monke like Joe Drakan take a sit and dont leave negative feedback with bias in that feedback if you are going to give criticism then give valid criticism not just come here and bitch about it.

Edited by ✪Kanser CS.MONEY
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21 hours ago, Krueger said:

Sorry banshee, but you harassing and continuing to insult me, and straight up calling me a fag is something i wont forget. aswell as you balantly telling me to hang myself.

cry about it kid

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Gonna cast my own die in this lot mainly to help bump it and get it reviewed by Fixer.


Your name has cropped up in the staff channel for toxic behavior a couple times and I see no ability to poke holes in the story of Kreuger. I genuinely cannot recall you doing anything memorable recently. A reality check and a change in attitude before you apply again would be my personal advice in this circumstance. 

EDIT: The user has my apologies as I mixed up some facts with him and Blizzard. My point and vote still stand.

Edited by Serrt
See "EDIT"
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Your application for site director has been DENIED

Controversial decision time. Firstly by my knowledge your return is still fairly recent so would like to see if you are actually here to stay. Secondly when you previously held the WL you weren't the best in my view or not really good either but that could have fully been due to your lack of activity and due to my busy schedule so this more of ''supporting point''. Thirdly I have heard that you can be unnecessarily toxic this was also when you had the whitelist previously. Although then I viewed some of the things I was shown with skepticism now in retrospect I think it was a mistake for me to do so. I'd rather wait and see how you reintegrate back into the server before I accept you again for this job.

You may reapply in a week though I would wait more than that before reapplying

O5-5 "The Survivor"

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