Xan Wolf

Xan's HoMD Application

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In Game Name: Xan Wolf

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:77337464

Crafting Table experience level (Post Screenshot):image.thumb.png.4c271eda184ed71d700b08d0eb83eb90.png

What job does the Manufacturing Department have on site?:
The Manufacturing Departments sole duty is to provide the armed units of the foundation with otherwise inaccessible items such as: Selective Ammo Types; Gas Masks; Extra Weapon Attachments; and especially Ammo. Drastically increasing the odds of avoiding potential danger inflicted upon the facility. These tools can also be of high use to the MTF in assistance with containment of dangerous individuals.

Why do you think you'll be a good fit for the Head of Manufacturing?: I enjoy interacting with the many familiar; and unfamiliar faces around the facility. I would see myself as a trustworthy and approachable individual. As the job suggests it comes with responsibility, in which both attributes tend to apply. I enjoy playing the role of a shopkeeper; and hope my skills will be an asset to the facility.



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