
Damien's 2nd EP Application

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Steam name + Profile Link:

Damiensjeem | https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198885425003/

Roleplay Name:

CG SGTM Damien | Jedi Padawan Damien

Teamspeak Name:

[Platinum VIP] Damien

Playtime on the Server:

1mo 6days 4hours



Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server:

not really, but played in SP with commands ETC.

Current Age:

15 Years Old


2 wars and 1 ban

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?:

yes, it is

Event Plan: 

Map: Coruscant below

Enemies, HP, Amount:

Pirate Bomber (3)(standard HP)(get grenades over time)

Pirate Heavy (2)(standard HP)(get Heavy weapons over time)

Pirate Gunner (unlimited)(Standard HP)(get some weapons over time

Republic's Execution: 

The Republic is on Coruscant because one of their ships was located in Coruscant, appearantly stolen. the Republic will meanwhile stay on Coruscant Below because they needed to re-supply.

A few minutes later there is a big group pirates, the battalion asks if they have seen the ship, the pirates will say they want money for the ship or they wont get the ship back, the Republic needs to find out themselves where the ship is located, so they will find out by going into the RC Bunks with a signal Locator. one of the Pirates Notices that they are trying to reveal the ships location, so the Pirates will attack the RC bunks to prevent the location being unhidden. when the Location is revealed, the Republic will try to go to the ship, but the pirates are keeping them away. the republic needs to take the ship in percentage, every 15 seconds they will get 10% of the capturing of the ship. when the Ship has fully been captured, the republic got their ship, and they will fly away.

Event Character Execution:

The Pirates Stole a Republic ship with a bit cargo to survive, but they realise the Republic will come to Coruscant to come take it back.

the Pirates will walk in a group out of the sewers with their weapons on safety, they will try to nagotiate to get money for the ship, but the Battalion Refuses, they walk away, and a few minutes one of the pirates realises the signal of the ship is being revealed, they are going to the point where it is going to be revealed, and try to stop the signal. if the Republic has revealed the location of the ship, then the Pirates will fall back to the ship to prevent it being captured by the republic. the pirates need to take the ship in percentage, every 15 seconds they will get 10% of the capturing of the ship. when the ship has been fully taken, the pirates got their ship, and they will fly away.


Event Information:

it will take between 30-45 minutes

Have you ever Done an Event Before?:

No, never

Do you understand the responseabilties a event-planner has? If so, what are they?:

yes, you make fun events for the people in the server, but in the morning, when there is no staff on, u are able to help people when they are stuck, but when there are people like staff on, you dont gotta act like staff because its their job.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?:

yep, i do

Anything else?:

This time im not gonna put in hidden 🙂 | W-G E-Planner

Edited by Damien

                                                                                    Current CWRP Rank(s)

                                                                                               CG 2nd LT

                                                                                         Past CWP Ranks

                          | Battalion CPT | CE 2nd LT | 104th LT COL CG EXO | 41st MJR | MCC 2nd LT | 74th ADV R |

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Both myself and Camby agree this app isn't as good as some of the competition

Feel free to reapply in 2 weeks!

former ct 2245 bong

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