Peter Anderson

Peter Anderson MCND Salesman WL app

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Common Roleplay name:

 Peter Anderson, Henry Anderson, Dr Mladen Anderson and Bouncer Archange/Antonov


Steam name:






Your Current Playtime (3 Days minimum):

 2w 1d 


Your Current warns (10 warns limit take a screenshot. Exceptions may be made): lpn-uwKkuabuFm18va4J75pnqn9MR9jp5FK2N-NzU84ocB_--bkIrTXLUbkntdl0gESFDBoUuQ7uXVPxTIqATFVO7LhrJNBsVPTiYIyT4EdvGC1SKjLLv_LARaTAeLJfUI3kJXvu


Why do you want to join the MCND?: 

One of the main reasons was the fun that I experienced whilst playing on MCND. The second is to supply the masses with as much items as I can whilst preserving the secrecy of MCND. Considering MCND is technically a vendor job it is perfect for this. Also I am looking to regain some money after losing it all to MCND.


What do you know about MCND?(50 words minimum):

 MCND is a GOI operating from London, NYC and Hong Kong dedicated solely for the capture and selling of anomalies and weapons. The group is really powerful considering their unlimited funds and resources. As such they are able to manipulate even the strongest of people. Considering their main goal is to make as much money as possible they prefer to stay neutral with other GOIs to attract more customers. Whilst on server they are basically a Gundealer/Drug dealer job. They also serve as Hitmen and Mercenaries for hire.


Why is MCND different from any other GOI?:

 Unlike other Groups who capture, research, or kill anomalies MCND sells them to the highest bidder in order to, as I mentioned, “Make as much money as possible”.  Their sheer influence and power can allow them to manipulate people and governments in the ways that no other groups can. Whilst not being the only group that profits off anomalies they stand out do to their as mentioned before sheer influence.


Someone has revealed to you that you are MCND, what do you do and why?:

Since the job is supposed to be kept a secret I would send competent agents/bouncers to track him down, cuff him and carefully bring him to a secluded place where I would interrogate him to find out how he got info that we are MCND and if he told anyone else who we are, if he told anyone it's just rinse and repeat from there. If the Agents/Bouncers are unable to cuff him, the last resort is an assasination.


Have you read the Job rules and the Code of Conduct in the Thread(One word isn't a valid answer)?:

I have and understand that I will be severely punished if I break any one of them.

Edited by Peter Anderson
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Gonna wait for feedback

Would also recommend to lengthen the answers on question 1 and 3

Had a bunch of WL but the cool ones are that I currently have.

Marshall, Carter and Dark Salesmen (Current manager)

Alpha-1 Commander

O5-8 "The Gangster"

Director of the Department of External Affairs

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Have seen you active on MCND and you seem competent

Accepted. Request the role on the main discord use this as evidence.

Had a bunch of WL but the cool ones are that I currently have.

Marshall, Carter and Dark Salesmen (Current manager)

Alpha-1 Commander

O5-8 "The Gangster"

Director of the Department of External Affairs

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