kanye west

Event planner me bruv

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Event Planner Application
Event Planner applications are only needed for people that are currently not staff on SWRP

- Being a staff member isn't a requirement 
- Must have atleast 2 week playtime 
- You must have TS and be active on it 
- You must be able to speak and understand English 
- Must be atleast 14 years old 
- You must have good lore knowledge 
- Type "W-G E-Planner" in the "Anything else" section 


Basic Information

Steam Name + Profile link: Sexy Offender

Roleplay Name: freddy or allah if i'm feeling exotic 

Teamspeak Name: freddy

Playtime on the Server: The server is not currently out, but my playtime on SWRP is 11 weeks.

SteamID (http://steamidfinder.com/): STEAM_0:1:184604498

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: 

W-G DarkRP - superadmin

W-G Jailbreak - superadmin

W-G SWRP V1 - superadmin

W-G PurgeRP - Senior Admin

W-G MilitaryRP - Senior Admin & Mod (I was staff twice)

W-G VietnamRP - superadmin & lead mentor

W-G SWRP V2 - Security Staff

W-G SCP-RP - Secuirty Staff

W-G WW2-NRP - Security Staff


Current Age: I am 19

Warns/Bans: I do not have any warnings or bans. (subject to change)

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes, I have a very nice microphone and I can speaking very nice English ! 

Event Plan

Create an event plan, this is what we will use for your first training event. Make it easy to understand and original



 I am currently unaware of the Imperial RP map rotation, so my event plan will be a vague outline which may be executed on any map

(most likely RP_Kabulairport_v2)


Enemies, HP, Amount

Gay Batty Bum Boys  -  5000  -  5     ||     Non Believers  -  100  -  50     ||     ISIS Rebels  -  Default  -  Everyone Else


Imperial Execution

Fleet inform the ISIS Rebels that there has been an outbreak in non believers running through the capital state. He then instructs all of the ISIS Rebels to run into the control tower screaming "ALLAHU AKBAR" (which in their native language of retard means "i love god"). After the control tower has been taken over, the Fleet will then notify all of the rebels that that their leader Al-Arland Qearney has been captured by the US (American) SWAT team. Following this, they will demand radio silence whilst they negotiate for the life of Al-Arland Qearney.  


Event Character Execution
Run around screaming mumbo jumbo whilst AK-47 shots suppress the sounds of the non believers screaming.



a good one


Event Information

I think I have been pretty clear, no need for further information



Have you ever Done an Event Before?: I have done countless PMEs

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: Ran around as a Chewbacca blowing shit up, yes.

Do you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: You spelt responsibilities wrong, I've changed it, I believe that makes me exempt from this question.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yeah

Anything else?: W-G E-Planner 

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I dont need to explain why



Edited by Endo

Current Ranks

GM 2nd LT Endo, Reserve Medic Purpose


Past Ranks

Battalion 2nd LT Purpose, Temp DU supervisor, 41st Supervisor, CT Supervisor, GM MJR Purpose, 21st Medic LCOL Endo, 21st JR Medic LT Endo, 21st PVT Endo, DD Endo, 442nd SGT Endo, 104th TRP Endo, Jedi Initiate Endo

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I can tell from your application you've put a lot of effort into this, but something about the story seems familiar.
Feel free to reapply in the future with a real app Freddy!



Current Ranks

[Purveyor of wet panties]


Previous Ranks

[Maddie McCann's Abductor]

[spokesman for the Jimmy Saville appreciation society]

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