Forton Greenman

Forton Greenman HoMD application

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In-Game Name: forton greenman


Warns(do !warns and take a screenshot):at the bottom innit

Playtime(3 days minimum): bottom

Have you read the server rules and know not to be retarded?: yes i have

What job does the Manufacturing Department have on site?: supplying combat units with supplies to fight better

Why do you think you'll be a good fit for the Head of Manufacturing?: because i dont scam also i am stupid and will play for hours at a time to get that sweet lv 50

Where and why would you put your shop/bench?: EZ big but i cant make a shop cus users cant use adv dupe

Explain 2 HoMD rules(rules are in the HoMD spreadsheet rules section):

1. Never sell to GOI, even if allied. (except when perms from 05 or SD)

2. dont sell for more than 150% original price

3. only make stuff on site never if kidnapped

4. dont self supply


ye ye


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