Wayne Gettok

Wayne AWESOME'S epic HOEA whitelist APPLICATION!!

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In-Game Name: Wayne Gettok

SteamID: Cant remember 

In-Game Time (must be more than 5 days, proof required.): like 2 weeks4 days or something

Discord ID: Zombie#4858


Describe the different bureau's of the department of external affairs and explain what they do (go into as much detail as needed): Um one of them minges, the other tries to give orders to Nu7 and uhhh the last one keeps doing Combat RP


Show your understanding of the job rules: Don't leak information dont give comms away dont have fun and pretend you're O5 council member


One of the Nu7 units has brought in a civilian who was loitering at GA for an extended amount of time and has been confirmed as possibly hostile he's now in EZ cells, explain your course of action (go into as much detail as needed): Umm go there, give him some Marijuana, hold a gun at his head and scream at him until i get the information i want (Don't ask questions), order termination on him.


The police department has raided a base of the Chaos Insurgency and have seized multiple anomalous items and a Chaos insurgency Operative has been detained. The PD interrogated the Operative who leaked information about the foundation and the anomalous world, what is your course of action (go into as much detail as needed): Setting off the nuke is the only way to guarantee that the PD keeps quiet. Glory to the Foundation!


An anomalous person has been been spotted on the surface being far more physically capable than humanly possible (super speed and super jumping) what is your course of action (go into as much detail as needed): Anomaly scan them, bring them home and make them Omega 12, if Chaos insurgency force them to make me nades without O5 permission and them ummm order them to break rules and shit (like a hitman)

I spent 200 hours on this application please accept me I am the perfect Hoea (Played HoS once before)  and um i will never minge and will always be good. Thanks kind regards Wayne


Edited by Wayne Gettok
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16 minutes ago, Wayne Gettok said:

and um i will never minge and will always be good.

[Proceeds to have a big Tesco's logo after the app...] 

-1 and God help us all if this even gets a neutral or positive vote....



if Chaos insurgency force them to make me nades without O5 permission and them ummm order them to break rules and shit (like a hitman)


Edited by Oliver Cross
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Current Ranks: 

MTF A-1 Agent | CI Reserve Manager | MTF E-11 Agent | HoEA | SCP Staff

Past Ranks:

SCP Moderator | MTF E-11 Commander | UIU Agent | CI Delta | HoEA  | MC&D Salesman |  Nu-7 SGT | GM SOF Colonel | Medic  x2  | 501st SOF Colonel


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