Kaneki Fujimoto

[MC&D] Application

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MC&D Application

 Common Roleplay Name: Kaneki Frost

Steam Name: Rainbow

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:229303029

Your Current Playtime(3 days minimum): About 6 weeks and some hours.

Your Current Warns (10 warn limit, take a screenshot. Exceptions may be made.): 
I have one warning: 




Why do you want to join MC&D?:
I find MC&D a fascinating GOI, I've been observing the individuals who play the MC&D GOI, and I must say that I am impressed and would enjoy the RP myself. Obtaining the MC&D Salesman WL will open more gates of oppertunities for me to RP. MC&D enjoys to sell stuff, and so do I. 

I find the GOI MC&D a calm GOI, take the Chaos Insurgency for example. They just go raid every 5 minutes, as MC&D, you don't have to, and you can just sell your products as much as you want. Especially with your Bouncers and Agents. I want to join MC&D because I enjoy what MC&D brings, so many RP oppertunities, and they rarely get taken, it would be time for me to change that.

What do you know about MC&D?(50 words minimum):  
A quote on quote "club" based in London, England. Catering to the ridiculously-rich and with a substantial, Financial and political binds worldwide, this group has caused considerable problems for the Foundation. Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. is known for collecting rare and unclear items, along with providing its members the most expensive, exclusive, and rare experiences available.

These activities have resulted in dispute with the Foundation on many occurrences. The group is not known for the use of force; they prefer to apply extreme political, and financial pressure to achieve their objective. When forced to use more direct means, Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. employees outside agents, and it is very gruelling to attach said agents to the organization.

Why is MC&D different to any other GOI?:
This may seem like a tough question. I'll attempt to answer my best guess: MC&D differs a bit from other GOI's, reason for it being they usually execute their acts through political and financial ways. For example as the Chaos Insurgents would just use their lethal weapons. MC&D would perhaps basically deal with situations passively if possible. As mentioned, my best guess is; that they apply great pressure financially and politically.

Someone has revealed that you are MC&D, what do you do and why?: 
I would attempt to spread misinformation, and come up with excuses that we are not "this... MC&D?" I would simply ask questions, such of "I do not know what this "MC&D" Is."

Yet if things were to escalate, I would inform my Bouncers and Agents to spread misinformation too, for if to be questioned by a civilian/officer, they could simply reply with what I said too. "Never heard of MC&D..."

Have you read the job rules (In the Rules thread) and the Code of Conduct/Permissions in this thread?(One word is not a valid answer):

I've been reading the Code of Conduct for some minutes, and I can say that I am able to keep the code, and it will be unbreakable.

Thank you for reading! 
Any feedback will be appreciated.

- Kaneki Frost



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Accepted, get the role on discord and fill out the spreadsheet info section.

Stop leaving idiotic comments on MC&D applications, especially if you are in MC&D Brad Geiser.

insert all my fucking wls here so i can prove i have worth in life


Earlier today I was really horny, and I saw what I thought to be a blank dvd. I thought, DVDs have a tight hole, they might feel pretty good. So I put my soft pp into the hole of the DVD, and for a few seconds as I started getting harder, it felt pretty good, but then, once I was fully erect, it started being painful. My pp was stuck in the dvd, and I had to break it in half to get if out. It was then when I flipped the broken dvd over and realized that it was not a blank dvd, but a copy of the movie UP. Well guys, guess I fucked up.

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