Haram Bae Hoovy

Add OD to the server

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What your suggestion is:

OD stands for "On duty" and refers to the on duty officer. OD is in charge of granting/denying shit in comms,commanding base operations and leading events. When someone takes OD they add OD to the end of their name.(For example 41st 2nd LT Hoovy becomes 41st 2nd LT Hoovy OD)

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Any additional information:

We've all seen it happen. Someone will ask for permission to do something like leave base and be hit with either nothing or 2 "granted" binds and one  "reason?" bind at once followed by a bunch of "voids" in ooc. 

Additionally there should be a better way of finding out which battalion is leading an event than having to ask in comms or ooc whenever you join. 

This is why I suggest the OD system that I have seen work well on other servers. It is pretty straightforward and makes sure that the chain of command is always clear. Even in hectic combat situations it is immediately apparent who is in charge and will eliminate confusion in the case of multiple battalion or other high ranking officers talking in comms at the same time.

The rules regarding OD are simple

-Anyone with a higher rank may take OD off of a lower rank. 

-OD may never go afk and must hand over OD to someone else before going afk. 

-OD may give orders to higher ranking officers
(but of course can have OD taken off at any point by higher ranks) 

-Any change of OD must be announced in comms
(2 binds necessary for this:"I am now OD!";"I am no longer OD!")

-Whenever feasible there must be an OD
(so when no battalion are available, one of the regimental officers takes OD)
This ensures there is always a proper chain of command.


With regards to OD outranking every other officer I have seen servers where there were rules like OD is only  equivalent to a certain battalion rank so wont outrank admirals or the like. If a specific battalion rank is to be picked as OD equivalent I leave the specifics for battalion to decide. The same goes for rules regarding when Jedi can take OD and when they have to listen to OD.

Edited by Haram Bae Hoovy
for some reason had change of command instead of chain of command
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2 hours ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

makes sure that the chain of command is always clear

Yeah it's called Battalion. If there isn't any then go from the next highest rank. Seems pointless adding a whole new rank when a MCO or SCO or Commander or reg hierarchy can grant. They have enough knowledge to grant people.

Huge -1

Why would I trust a 2nd LT to grant stuff when reg hierarchy exists.

Edited by Solaire



dance yoda.gif

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33 minutes ago, Solaire said:

Yeah it's called Battalion. If there isn't any then go from the next highest rank. Seems pointless adding a whole new rank when a MCO or SCO or Commander or reg hierarchy can grant. They have enough knowledge to grant people.

Huge -1

Why would I trust a 2nd LT to grant stuff when reg hierarchy exists.

oh you must have misunderstood the point of this. So basically all this does is make clear who is in charge rn. The only reason a 2nd LT is there is because I used my own name as example. Realistically OD will nearly always be Battalion or some Commander if no Batt are available. 

The real benefits of OD is that you always have someone who is in charge of the base and who knows they are in charge of base. So for instance you don't have to ask in ooc(someone with perms grant please) since you know who is OD and OD knows they have to pay attention to comms. It's basically just a formalised version of leading batt and I've seen it work on other servers and feel like it could improve the current server. 

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I dont think this is Needed.

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  Yoda - DS Commando F-91 CWRP Senior Event planner - CWRP Discord Staff Manager
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CT 2459 - CE PFT MEDIC COLONEL CG Detainment Droid - Battalion Sand - Battalion Colonel - GM LT Colonel 5x Regimental Medic Jedi Ace CWRP Senior Event Planner Jedi Watcher 501st Colonel Jedi Paladin - Jedi Phantom - Jedi Beast Tamer Jedi Lorekeeper CWRP Jedi Event planner - 501st Gamma ARC Colonel Obi Wan Kenobi Plo Koon - Mace Windu




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13 minutes ago, Sandy_Shores said:


I dont think this is Needed.

it's not needed but it is a quality of life improvement. 

5 minutes ago, Your_Uber said:


It is Battalion job to do that, not just normal regimental clones
If there isn't any battalion members, then next highest clone grants it or denies 

Which is super inconvenient and convoluted at times. It works but it's tedious and there are quicker ways to do this. Instead of going "who's in charge rn" every time a request is made, you could do it once and then designate the person in charge with OD in their name. 

This system is a quality of life improvement. It's not strictly necessary but it does streamline the way we do things rn.

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What are you thinking?

Battalion's purpose is for Granting and Denying Requests, and if there is no Battalion it goes down the line.

This sounds more like someone wants Power

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51 minutes ago, Archer said:


What are you thinking?

Battalion's purpose is for Granting and Denying Requests, and if there is no Battalion it goes down the line.

This sounds more like someone wants Power

Aight so to everyone thinking I'm tryna give myself power or some shit, that's BS. Who get's to pick OD is still the highest ranking officer. So for instance if Battalion is on it's Battalion that get's OD, if no batt is on one of the Commanders takes OD etc. If a battalion is afk a Commander takes OD etc. All this does is make the wait time from: 
-permission to leave Base to go training
-no one answers
-asks in ooc for someone to grant 
-a bunch of battalion all hit their binds, sometimes the same sometimes different answers
-if there are different answers in comms check who was highest ranking or who voided his bind
-leave base to go training

(of course the above scenario doesn't always happen but we all have seen it happen and it's slow and can easily be done better)

to this:

-permission to leave Base to go training
-OD grants or denies 

This just streamlines a process that rn is inefficient. Coming from a server that implements this kind of system it just really grinds my gears that this process is so slow here.

OD is not a permanent rank, it switches  to whoever from battalion wants to be in charge of denying/granting shit rn and can be revoked by higher ranking members of battalion anytime. 

It just makes it easier for everyone on the server to know who is in charge of granting shit and who's orders they need to follow in combat. This is useless as a powerplay tool since people only really get it when they would have been able to grant it anyway. In practice it falls to the highest ranking active battalion or a lower battalion rank who is in training and getting OD for that person. I appreciate the feedback but honestly so far it seems that most of the criticism has not actually understood the concept.

Please ask questions about this instead of coming with criticism that just shoots right past what I am trying to propose.

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Currently, the Way that it works, is fine. All Battalion grant and that is someone you need to deal with and if a Battalion is not responding ask the next highest rank.
Currently, This is a Useless Suggestion, and stop trying to defend it.

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11 minutes ago, Archer said:

Currently, the Way that it works, is fine. All Battalion grant and that is someone you need to deal with and if a Battalion is not responding ask the next highest rank.
Currently, This is a Useless Suggestion, and stop trying to defend it.

Horses work fine as well. But if you've experienced cars you don't wanna go back to horses. The way we do this rn is slow and can be done better. I understand if something new feels weird but I encourage you to engage with concepts you are unfamiliar with.

Edited by Haram Bae Hoovy
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55 minutes ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

Horses work fine as well. But if you've experienced cars you don't wanna go back to horses. The way we do this rn is slow and can be done better

Horses and battalion are like nowhere alike. Horses to car upgrade are useful to the entirety of Society.
Battalion is doing what they need to do, and On-Duty system is rubbish and battalion should be On-duty constantly already. 

so if battalion is AFK on the job get them swapped off.  But my opinion stands, This is useless as our current system works.

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Waste of time, effort and brain power

Just leave battalion to grant, if they dont grant then someone else should

There's just no need

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41st ARC 2nd LT | Administrator | Jedi Padawan | Detainment Droid 

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501st Commander | 501st Sergeant | Jedi Operator | Jedi PadawanEvent Planner Clone Guard Private

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T-SEC Lance Corporal Fonollio


Jump Trooper Lance Corporal | Hutt Clan Henchman


Jump Trooper Lance Corporal | Pyke Henchman


Jump Trooper Jr Medic 2nd Lieutenant


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Adding on to it it would go Batt > MCO > SCO > CMDR > VC > EXO > then highest clone on which people can say in ooc "hey theres no batt on Mco can you grant or Commanders can you grant?" Its as simple as that


Current Ranks
  Yoda - DS Commando F-91 CWRP Senior Event planner - CWRP Discord Staff Manager
Past Ranks
CT 2459 - CE PFT MEDIC COLONEL CG Detainment Droid - Battalion Sand - Battalion Colonel - GM LT Colonel 5x Regimental Medic Jedi Ace CWRP Senior Event Planner Jedi Watcher 501st Colonel Jedi Paladin - Jedi Phantom - Jedi Beast Tamer Jedi Lorekeeper CWRP Jedi Event planner - 501st Gamma ARC Colonel Obi Wan Kenobi Plo Koon - Mace Windu




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8 hours ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

We've all seen it happen. Someone will ask for permission to do something like leave base and be hit with either nothing or 2 "granted" binds and one  "reason?" bind at once followed by a bunch of "voids" in ooc. 

If your hit with multiple granted and a Reason from Battalion then you listen to the highest ranking Battalion always as they are the higher rank, Its one of Battalions duties to Grant/Deny requests in comm's and if there are no batt on then it falls too the MCO, SCO, Regimental Hierarchy and then the highest clone. just a pointless thing to add when there's already a system in place.

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CWRP Vice Manager

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Jedi Aegis
501st Marshal Commander
DS Commando F69
501st Vice Commander
Temp 501st Commander

Jedi Senior Guardian



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57 minutes ago, Sandy_Shores said:

Adding on to it it would go Batt > MCO > SCO > CMDR > VC > EXO > then highest clone on which people can say in ooc "hey theres no batt on Mco can you grant or Commanders can you grant?" Its as simple as that


and even simpler would be check who is OD and done. This is unnecessarily long

50 minutes ago, Key said:

If your hit with multiple granted and a Reason from Battalion then you listen to the highest ranking Battalion always as they are the higher rank, Its one of Battalions duties to Grant/Deny requests in comm's and if there are no batt on then it falls too the MCO, SCO, Regimental Hierarchy and then the highest clone. 

which is convoluted and could be done easier by just checking who is OD and done. The current system is way less efficient

51 minutes ago, Key said:

just a pointless thing to add when there's already a system in place.

there is a mechanism granted but it can be improved.

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1 hour ago, Archer said:

Horses and battalion are like nowhere alike. Horses to car upgrade are useful to the entirety of Society.
Battalion is doing what they need to do, and On-Duty system is rubbish and battalion should be On-duty constantly already. 

so if battalion is AFK on the job get them swapped off.  But my opinion stands, This is useless as our current system works.

and the OD system is a useful upgrade to a server. I've seen it work better than the system currently in use here which is why I want to improve the experience for everyone. 

Just because something works to a degree does not mean that it can't be improved and work better.

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1 hour ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

and even simpler would be check who is OD and done. This is unnecessarily long

As I Say in a Statement below, You are still performing the same action as you would currently, This does not update the Speed of finding the OD, And as stated by Key, all the Batt would have to have OD in their name as they all run the base.


1 hour ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

and the OD system is a useful upgrade to a server. I've seen it work better than the system currently in use here which is why I want to improve the experience for everyone. 

How does it work better than our Current System? Our current system works as it is.  Just because you don't get granted in a Microsecond does not mean that a Whole system needs to be introduced


1 hour ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

which is convoluted and could be done easier by just checking who is OD and done. The current system is way less efficient

This makes no sense, as your still completing the same action but are having to look at names.  You are still opening your TAB and going down to battalion to see who has OD in their name rather than they are on.


1 hour ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

there is a mechanism granted but it can be improved.

It could, But this suggestion is not the one to fix it.


I hope that I do not need to respond to this conversation again as it is starting to become tiresome.

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9 hours ago, Archer said:

As I Say in a Statement below, You are still performing the same action as you would currently, This does not update the Speed of finding the OD, And as stated by Key, all the Batt would have to have OD in their name as they all run the base.

Looking for one person with OD in their name is much quicker than having to check who outranks who and who is active rn. Also since you are just asking for OD you don't even have to know who has it. You just ask OD to grant and done. As I said before I have experienced this working on other servers and it does work better if properly implemented.

Additionally Battalion all have different jobs such as doing trainings for assigned regiments or holding meetings with other battalion or regimental leadership. This will naturally lead to them not paying 100% attention to comms 100% of the time. With the OD system you have one batt devoting themselves to comms and the like and all the others can concentrate on their current tasks. 

This also eliminates the problem of multiple competing answers in comms since there is only one OD. 

9 hours ago, Archer said:

How does it work better than our Current System? Our current system works as it is.  Just because you don't get granted in a Microsecond does not mean that a Whole system needs to be introduced

I am glad that you see that my proposal can be faster. I understand that a new system can feel daunting, same as cars must have felt to a society running on horses. If a system is faster it should be attempted even if it may cause some temporary confusion while everyone get's used to it. The longterm benefits outweigh the short term costs.

9 hours ago, Archer said:

It could, But this suggestion is not the one to fix it.

Why not? I believe I have demonstrated that it would be quicker and that you have acknowledged this. As stated before I have seen this work on other servers where I was battalion equivalent  so if you have any more fears regarding this proposal I'd be happy to dispel them. Apprehension to new systems like this is normal but shouldn't hold us all back.

9 hours ago, Archer said:

I hope that I do not need to respond to this conversation again as it is starting to become tiresome.

Nah mate it may be tedious but I believe that with  enough arguments I can convince people since I know for a fact that this system works.

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1 hour ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

Looking for one person with OD in their name is much quicker than having to check who outranks who and who is active rn.

Is it though? Seems your still doing the same thing.

1 hour ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

Also since you are just asking for OD you don't even have to know who has it. You just ask OD to grant and done

Oh this is just battalion without the OD.


1 hour ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

dditionally Battalion all have different jobs such as doing trainings for assigned regiments or holding meetings with other battalion or regimental leadership. This will naturally lead to them not paying 100% attention to comms 100% of the time.

"When the base is not under attack,  you should have your full attention on granting and denying adverts" - Battalion Handbook

That quote comes directly from the Battalion Handbook, So if a Battalion is not granting/denying they are not doing there job

2 hours ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

This also eliminates the problem of multiple competing answers in comms since there is only one OD. 

As said above by the Marshall Commander, You would listen to the Highest Ranking of the battalion that asks.

and a Secondary point, What happens if the OD goes AFK or Tabs out?


2 hours ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

I am glad that you see that my proposal can be faster. I understand that a new system can feel daunting, same as cars must have felt to a society running on horses. If a system is faster it should be attempted even if it may cause some temporary confusion while everyone get's used to it. The longterm benefits outweigh the short term costs.

Currently, as I said the Process could be faster. But this OD system is not the System to fix it as this suggestion is just retarded.


2 hours ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

Why not? I believe I have demonstrated that it would be quicker and that you have acknowledged this. As stated before I have seen this work on other servers where I was battalion equivalent  so if you have any more fears regarding this proposal I'd be happy to dispel them.

This server is different to other servers, I have experienced this first hand, and that a OD system is gonna work here due to our already firm hold on the Current Granting and denying system.


2 hours ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

Apprehension to new systems like this is normal but shouldn't hold us all back.

This apprehension is correct though, This suggestion is not needed.


2 hours ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

Nah mate it may be tedious but I believe that with  enough arguments I can convince people since I know for a fact that this system works.

If we can actually get evidence of this, That would help

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27 minutes ago, Archer said:

If we can actually get evidence of this, That would help

sure thing, how would you like it? If you want we can go check out other servers together or I can ask some of the lads from servers where this has worked to pipe in(as long as we are in agreement that this does not conflict with the no advertisement rule). I'll gladly put in the legwork for that kinda thing. I'll listen to suggestions you might have for this.

30 minutes ago, Archer said:

and a Secondary point, What happens if the OD goes AFK or Tabs out?

already answered in very first post:

23 hours ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

-OD may never go afk and must hand over OD to someone else before going afk. 

since OD has no other duties than being OD they can realistically be expected to not tab out and pay attention to comms. If OD needs to leave, OD get's handed over to someone active. Any transgressions could be punished internally by battalion.

32 minutes ago, Archer said:

This server is different to other servers, I have experienced this first hand, and that a OD system is gonna work here due to our already firm hold on the Current Granting and denying system.

could you rephrase this please? I don't quite understand what you are trying to say here.

33 minutes ago, Archer said:

As said above by the Marshall Commander, You would listen to the Highest Ranking of the battalion that asks.

which is a cumbersome solution for a problem that wouldn't even exist if we had OD. Also there would still be conflicts if there is a disagreement between two batts of the same rank.

Also realistically not everyone knows battalion ranks by heart. Even the greenest CT can understand however that one listens to OD.

42 minutes ago, Archer said:

That quote comes directly from the Battalion Handbook, So if a Battalion is not granting/denying they are not doing there job

As said by yourself however a battalion may be tabbed out or afk. This does not happen with OD. 

45 minutes ago, Archer said:

Oh this is just battalion without the OD.

not quite, with the current system one can expect around 0 to 3 answers. With the OD system you get precisely one answer. 

We already have the concept of leading batt to avoid confusion in events and it works much better than various batts giving conflicting orders mid combat. OD system is just a continuation of that train of thought.

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jesus christ stop arguing

Current Ranks
  Yoda - DS Commando F-91 CWRP Senior Event planner - CWRP Discord Staff Manager
Past Ranks
CT 2459 - CE PFT MEDIC COLONEL CG Detainment Droid - Battalion Sand - Battalion Colonel - GM LT Colonel 5x Regimental Medic Jedi Ace CWRP Senior Event Planner Jedi Watcher 501st Colonel Jedi Paladin - Jedi Phantom - Jedi Beast Tamer Jedi Lorekeeper CWRP Jedi Event planner - 501st Gamma ARC Colonel Obi Wan Kenobi Plo Koon - Mace Windu




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Just entirely stupid.


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Senior Event Planner

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CT Drill Sergeant-Major
CE Captain
CG Vice-Commander
Battalion  Colonel

Jedi Scout


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2 hours ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

since OD has no other duties than being OD they can realistically be expected to not tab out and pay attention to comms. If OD needs to leave, OD get's handed over to someone active. Any transgressions could be punished internally by battalion

People Still don't listen.

2 hours ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

which is a cumbersome solution for a problem that wouldn't even exist if we had OD. Also there would still be conflicts if there is a disagreement between two batts of the same rank.

Also realistically not everyone knows battalion ranks by heart. Even the greenest CT can understand however that one listens to OD.

In cadet Training, The Trainer should explain the Battalion Rankings. If the Trainer does not do this, It's not a Proper CC Training.


2 hours ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

As said by yourself however a battalion may be tabbed out or afk. This does not happen with OD.

How can you promise this?


2 hours ago, Haram Bae Hoovy said:

not quite, with the current system one can expect around 0 to 3 answers. With the OD system you get precisely one answer

I will have to quote the Battalion Handbook, "When the base is not under attack,  you should have your full attention on granting and denying adverts" - Battalion Handbook

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