
Boite's first EP app

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Steam name + Profile link: Doctor Box,

Roleplay Name: Jedi Teacher Boite

Teamspeak Name: Boite

Playtime on the Server: 2 months 1 week 6 days

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:170745086

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: Yes, on a prisonRP

Current Age: 16

Warns/Bans: 1 warn for failRP

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes

Event Plan:

Map: Tatooine hideout

Enemies, HP, Amount:
B1 Droids, 1250, 4

B1 Enforcer, 1350, 2

B1 Assassin (sniper), 1500, 1 (if there's enough 41st)

Tactical Droid, 2500, 1

Sith Collector, 200-300K, 1 (HP depending on Jedi on)

Corrupted Jawa, 150K, 1

Passive, HP, Amount:

Admiral Bob, 3000, 1

Jawa Trader, 50K, 1

Republic's Execution:

The Republic has received a distress signal coming from Admiral Bob on Tatooine, the leading Battalion will announce that everyone will be boarding laats and head over to Tatooine to go rescue him. When they arrive the leading battalion will send 41st and RC to scout out the area to find out where Admiral Bob is, when they see the barricades and the bunker they will inform the leading Battalion who will then send 501st, CT, 212th and CG to push up front, while 212th set up tanks and use their explosives to get rid of any barricades keeping them from getting closer to the bunker, CG will put down barricades as cover for the clones and GM will flank with 104th to help take out the Droids and assist in pushing further. while everyone is pushing up 41st will be dealing with the sniper that was found while they were scouting. Eventually when the republic reaches the bunker a cease fire will be called as the Droids threaten to kill Admiral Bob, RC will then be sent out to rescue Admiral Bob as the leading Battalion stalls for time while talking to the Tactical Droid. The admiral will be in a room with two B1 droids behind a hackable rayshield, RC will have to kill the droids and hack open the rayshield before negotiations fail. Once the Admiral has been secured the leading Battalion will order the medics to take care of Bob's wounds and order the rest of the clones to push into the bunker and annihilate all droids inside. Once the bunker has been cleared Admiral Bob will thank everyone for saving him during the debrief.


The Jedi have received word that there is a Jawa trader on Tatooine who is selling very unusual wares to a suspicious looking man, they will go to Tatooine with the clones and find the Jawa trader, when they do so they will see him and another Jawa trading everything from hilts to ancient holocrons. The Jedi will try to negotiate for the rare objects which will aggravate the Sith as the Jawas are being friendlier to the Jedi then the Sith. One of the Jawa's though has a Sith holocron in his pocket which is slowly corrupting him. Once the Sith is fed up with the Jawas and he will try to kill them and the Jedi will try to defend the Jawas but one of them grabs the sabers from their shop and attacks the Sith. The Jedi will have to calm down the enraged Jawa and deal with the sith all the while protecting the regular Jawa from the conflict. Once the enraged Jawa has been separated from the Sith the Warlocks will try to purify him. The Sith will have a ship to escape which is parked nearby (if there's aces on) and if he tries to escape the aces will be sent to shoot him out of the sky. If the Sith does not try to escape the Jedi will either kill him or try to capture him to interrogate him (depends on how combat goes). Once the Corrupted Jawa has been Purified and the Sith has been dealt the regular Jawa will be questioned as to how they got their wares. (the corrupted Jawa may be arrested if he killed a Jedi)

Event Character Execution:


The Droids will be stationed at barricades put up to keep the Clones from advancing, they will be given guns such as the valken to shoot at range and the E5C heavy blaster rifle for close range and they will get turrets and tanks to deal with the Clones' tanks etc. The Sniper will be on the mountains and will start shooting at the 41st once they have discovered the bunker, their spawn will be swapped once every so often to keep their spawn from being camped. Once the Clone's have arrived at the entrance of the bunker the sniper will be swapped to B1 Droid and the Tactical Droid will order all other droids to cease fire and threaten to kill Admiral Bob if the Republic does not cease fire as well. The Tactical Droid will negotiate for the Admirals life and demand that the republic retreat from the outer rim and hand Tatooine over to the CIS. Once RC have secured the Admiral the droids will slowly be pushed into the bunker. Once they have been pushed to the bottom they will try to flank one last time with all their might.


The Jawa's will have a tent set up with a bunch of holocrons, kyber crystals and more for sale, the Sith will be with them trying to purchase their wares but because of his attitude the Jawa's increase the price, while one of them is slowly being corrupted by the sith holocron that he's carrying. Once the Jedi have bought some stuff from the Jawa's the Sith will ignite and attempt to kill the Jawa's, in response the Jawa holding the Sith Holocron also grabs a lightsaber and begins to engage. Because the Corrupted Jawa is enraged he will engage both the Sith and the Jedi, at times straight up going for the Sith. Once the Corrupted Jawa reaches orange/red HP he will disignite and surrender as he still values his life. The Sith on the other hand will (if there's aces) try to escape in a ship or also surrender. Meanwhile the regular Jawa will be taken in for questioning.


Event Information: Admiral Bob was on his venator in the outer rim on his way to hutt territory for a mission when it was suddenly attacked by the CIS, during the attack Admiral Bob was knocked out by an explosion and kidnapped after which the venator was destroyed. The CIS took Admiral Bob to their secret hideout on Tatooine to try and get information out of him. But unbeknownst to the CIS the Admiral managed to send out a distress signal which led to the Republic managing to find out that he's on Tatooine. All he had to do now was wait and keep his mouth shut, but who knows how long that might take? Luckily for him the Republic received the signal and immediately made preparations to go and save him.

During the attack on the venator two Jawa's on Tatooine had found a buried ancient Sith temple which they quickly looted, while looting the temple they found hundreds of ancient artifacts and even what resembled an ancient Sith super weapon which was broken beyond repair. One of the Jawa's found an ancient Sith holocron which they secretly pocketed before leaving the temple but little did he know of the dark secrets surrounding it. Now the Jawa's are selling their new found wares and it has peaked a certain collectors' interest.

Have you ever Done an Event Before?: No

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A

Do you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: Yes, they are to ensure that the server has fun daily events that the players get to enjoy.

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes

Anything else?: W-G E-Planner

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Looks like a good event plan for jedi and clone

Maybe EC Health tweaks is all

Current Ranks
  DS Commando F-91 CWRP Senior Event planner - CWRP Discord Staff Manager
Past Ranks
CT 2459 - CE PFT MEDIC COLONEL CG Detainment Droid - Battalion Sand - Battalion Colonel - GM LT Colonel 5x Regimental Medic Jedi Ace CWRP Senior Event Planner Jedi Watcher 501st Colonel Jedi Paladin - Jedi Phantom - Jedi Beast Tamer Jedi Lorekeeper CWRP Jedi Event planner - 501st Gamma ARC Colonel Obi Wan Kenobi Plo Koon - Mace Windu - Yoda





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Current Rank:


Past Clone Wars / IRP Ranks In / Out Character:

CT ARC Colonel / Temp EXO | 41st ARC Colonel / Temp EXO | Battalion 1st Lieutenant/Major | CG ARC Colonel / Temp Vice Commander 442nd Major IE Commander DT SGT Event Planner 

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Unfortunately, you missed out on becoming an Event Planner this time around however I encourage you to apply when applications are next open.

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