Max - Shush

Max's Event planner Application

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Basic Information:

Steam Name + Profile link:  schkoopi

Roleplay Name (e.g. GM TRP Johan / Jedi Padawan Ngannou): CG CPL Max/ Jedi Sentry Max

Teamspeak Name: Max

Playtime on the Server: 4w 1d 16h 14m

SteamID ( STEAM_0:0:85168592

Any experience in staffing on a roleplay server: No

Current Age: 15 

Warns/Bans: 1 FailRP

Do you have a working microphone and is it understandable?: Yes it works and is understandable

Event Plan:

Death Watch have come to the planet and began harrsing the nearby civilian camp, they begin making immidiate demands for the surrender of the Republic Base situated on Rishimoon with Civilians lives at stake. However, little do the Republic know that the injured civilians they have begun treating, are in league with the Mandolorian Occupiers.

A Refugee representative hsas turned up at the Jedi Temple, seeking the Jedis aid. Will the Jedi be able to help him in defending himself for his oncoming pursuers who's sole motive is monitary gain?

Map: RP_Werwolf_Rishimoon

Enemies, HP, Amount:

DW Trooper, Base HP, 2 (modeled as injured civs for 1 life only to try infilitrate GR) 
DW Trooper, Base HP, 2
DW Warrior, Base HP, 2

DW Commando, Base HP, 1 (can be EP if needed)

Sith Warrior / Sith Marauder (depeding on the EC's saber preference) (Slavers), 90-175k (depending on jedi activity at the time could go lower or even higher), 2 (modeled as Aliens)

Passive, HP, Amount: Civilian REP, 10k, 1 (EP)

Republic's Execution:


To start off, the leading Battalion will give the order to have part of CG escort 2 civilians to the medbay area accompanied by 2 Medics. CG will stand ground around the Medbay for the time being as the Civilians reported a gang of violent Mandolorians in the area. In the Meantime the Republic will open negotiations with the Death Watch members who demand control over the base. If the 2 Death Watch infiltrators fail in turning off GR it will be reported that they were saboteurs and the Republic will open fire on the Mandolorians who attempted a Sabotage tactic. However, if the Death Watch infiltrators succeed in breaking into GR and turning it off. The Republic forces will send CE to investigate this matter (possibly accompanied by some CG depending on CE activity).  

In the meantime ARC+RC will be dispatched off base to investigate a tower near the scav camp where they will find 1 of 2 terminals keeping a ray shield active within the Death Watches main operations base. They will then return and regroup with the rest of the regiments, helping to push the Invaders out.

In the meantime the Republic wouldve driven the Mandolorians Occupiers too flee into the tunnels toward RO. 104th, GM and possibly 41st (depending on activity) would go around to RO for  a flank whilst the heavier duty regiments such as 501st, 212th and CT chase them from Main Base throughout the tunnels. CE will be providing transport for flanking regiments until the Death Watch are driven out of the RO.

Once they are driven out of RO, RC+ARC will commense the search for the 2nd terminal linked to the rayshield. While RC and CE are busy hacking the rayshield terminal, CG will set up barriacdes, 104th will get a mountain flank set up, 41st will get on the mountains surrounding the camp and 212th will get perm to set up a tank to counter another stolen Republic Tank while the other regiments commence their push clearing out scav camp.

Finally, CE (and maybe Jedi depending on activity) would take off in an attempt to clear the skys of the Death Watch whom are trying to flee


The Jedi will aid the War Refugee who will make a request regarding building a refugee camp nearby (this cannot be the scav camp since its already inhabited and must be done through PassiveRP) The Teacher subpath (and most likely all consulars) will commence the PassiveRP (which will be building a temporary establishment for any refugees that may come by). The Civilian reported he was being chased to this planet by a group of people who's entire economic funding runs off slave trade and slavery. Sentinel's will be lurking in the shadows, protecting the Civilian as the Guardian's begin looking around the world for the Slavers.

If the Slavers are found before the refugee camp is finished, a group of (preferably) Consulars will be sent to negotiate with the slavers to leave the refugee's alone. Once these negotiations likely fall through

If the Slavers are NOT found before the refugee camp is finished they will sneakily assault the civilian and attempt an assasination. It will once again be up to Sentinel to protect the civilian. If the civilian dies at any point in time the Slavers will attempt to escape the premise in which case all Jedi will try to stop them, regardless of whether or not the combat will be on the ground or possibly in the air.

Event Character Execution:


Death Watch will approach the Main Gate about a minute or 2 after the civilians have been let in. The Death Watch Commando will begin negotiating with battalion, and open fire if the lights in MB go out. If they are fired upon first they shall retaliate. They will Infiltrate the HQ and keep the GR off for as long as possible until they flee toward hangars. They will slowly fall back through the tunnels and keep fending them off at about half way. Once they get flanked the EC's will flank the flank through RO and ambush 104th and GM in the tunnel. Once RO has fallen they will make a Last stand Defending the roof tops of scav camp, until finally falling back into the buildings of scav camp. During this defence they will have access to 1 Stolen Republic Tank/ATTE (depending on how bad the situations previously played out)


The Civilian will be the EP who will LARP his way into extending the creation of the refugee home. Meanwhile the two other EC's will be hiding on nearby mountains, trailing the civilian and his Jedi entourage. If the 2 slavers are found they will begin demanding agressively the Civilian and threatening that other Slaves lives may be at stake due to the jedis ways. The Slaver EC's will not fall for any negotiation except for constant monthly funding of their unethical slave trading operation, which they will not hint towards even one bit in order to give the lower ranks and guardians some combat during the event. If the civilian is successfully assasinated/killed, the EC's can try to hide from the Jedi and RP their escape in 20% intervals. The EC's will have a ship set up for their escape behind a nearby mountain, but the EC's are NOT allowed to force leap or use any force powers for that matter as they are merely saber wielders and not force sensitve in that regard. If the EC's manage to escape the Jedi hunting them whilst in a republic vehicle such as maybe a Jedi Fighter they may [RP] Escape without percentage intervals only under the conditions that there is nobody trailing thei ship. The EC's are obviously also not allowed to jump out of their own ship to steal a freshly spawned Jedi Ship as that would class as FailRP.


Event Information:


The Death Watch have been working to find a new and larger base of operations in order to build strength and take over Mandalore. The Leaders of Death Watch are intrigued by the  recent infrastructual development that has been seen on the Republic Rishimoon base. Infrastructual developments such as Tunnels are highly valuable to these Mandolorians due to their rather secretive nature, giving the Death Watch a great opportunity to stow away any illegal cargo they may hold. 

They Negotiate with the local civilian population and offer them a life without constant raging war. The civilians have no choice but to agree as the constant CIS attacks are ruining their attempt at a peaceful way of life. The Death Watch manage to recruit most of the civilian population to their cause, and relentlesly executed those who wouldnt oblige in fear of them telling the Republic about this.


War refugees are common place during such troubling times in the universe and the people need someone or something to look up to in such dark times. The Jedi, Galactically Renowned Keepers of Peace, always willing to lend a hand to those in need. Most refugees look up to them in search of a last hope for life. However, compared to other Refugees this representative of an entire refugee chain finally takes  initative and tracks down a Jedi Hideout, but the slavers are not far behind. A new gang of Slavers known as the Tush'dar are trying to rival major Slaving organisations by profiteering from this war. They take over transport ships and enslave every being on the ship to do their bidding. They are a ruthless and criminal organization that has been allowed to prosper as a direct result of this constant war conflict. However, stories of this organization have begun to spread and transport ships are being more careful. The brave Representative took it upon himself to seek the aid of the Jedi, but was secretly trailed by 2 members of the Tush'dar clan in order to eliminate the refugees chances of successfully evading the enslavement.

Have you ever Done an Event Before?: No

What was your event and was it successfully executed?: N/A

Do you understand the responsibilities a event-planner has? If so, what are they?: Yes, I understand the responsibilty of an event planner is not just to consistently deliver events, but to consistently deliver new, creative and fun events for both the Republic forces such as clones and jedi, aswell as the EC's

Do you understand at the beginning of passing the application stage, you will have to undergo a training phase until completely trusted to create and host events?: Yes a trial stage is obviously necesarry for any position with such power.

Anything else?: Just want to clear up my 1 FailRP warn was when I was a CT #### playing Pirate and thought it would be funny to release a prisoner after I was exectuted in an RC interogation which was obviously a stupid move. As well as that I want to try push the boundaries of Jedi Events in terms of creativity and over arching fun, without actually crossing that final line. This obviously doesnt mean I will neglect clone events since clone is obviously always going to be the larger part of the community.

W-G E-Planner

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- The application itself is detailed and effort has been put in

- Good use of each regiment

- Jedi event seems alright

- However, you have done the same as other applicants, which you have -1'd for doing a "generic base attack". Whereas this may be more detailed which i 

Could've done a planetary where you can be more creative, as it seems base attacks are generally more stale and more limited to what you can pull off

However, Good luck. Looks like a good application overall

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-competent guy 

-nice event plan 

Current Ranks:


Past Ranks: 501st Commando Squad Leader - Battalion Captain - DU Lieutenant Colonel  -  Jedi Sentry - Jedi Scout - 104th Colonel 


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EP app looks good but from what i see you -1 apps for "Base Attack", well Congratulations you have played yourself because you just made a base attack event.


Edited by Hazard

Current Ranks:
CT 7231
Past Ranks:

212th Vice Commander | 212th ARC Colonel | JT Vice Commander | 41st Lieutenant Colonel |  
CE Lieutenant

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Nice Application
Active Member of the Community

Current Ranks
-= Jedi Umbra - Spearman =-

Past Ranks
-= Event Planner - Obi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Force Master104th Executive Officer -  74th T SMO =- 
Senior Medic - 501st Captain DU 2nd LT - CT DCPL =- 

Animated GIF

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Congratulations, you have been accepted in your application to become an Event Planner. Contact Stack or Ben on TS when you are ready for an Interview. 

Applications will remain open until we are ready to accept the final applicant.

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