Rick Sanch3z

Rick unban

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My In-Game name: Rick

STEAMID: (http://steamidfinder.com) 

Steam Name:  Spence.fella

What is the reason for your ban:NH2RP / DTS

How long were you banned for: 6days

Name of the staff member who banned you: Wanted

Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: this was in the early hours of the day when there was very few people on and I was a mouse droid letting people sit on me in the bar while the bartender was doing cha cha slide , I was told that wanted was prop kicking people off of me so I said " wanted u smell" I feel like this was a bit of an over reaction when no one was rping and there were ppl using grapple hook on base and all around breaking rules a lot more than I was .

Evidence:unknown.png over half these ppl are afk btw

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I will start this off by saying that there is no downtime on the server, doesnt matter if there isnt anyone on the server, rules still apply. 

Now I dont see the part mentioning that you got warned for Prop Surfing earlier when you went scavenger? 

Anyways, you swapped to republic droid, you started telling people to get on your head and minging about. I started slapping the people off your head but you still continued to tell them to hop on, specially a CT. In my eyes the ban is completely valid, you got 2 warns in a span of 1h, minging around, getting CTs to break rules and get them warned for it.

Wait the 6 days.

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Now I highly doubt that this story is fully true (not saying it is complety false), you don't get warned for DTS just by saying "you smell" to an admin you probably said something much worse to get warned for DTs. The part with the sitting on heads is FailRP btw you can't sit or let other people sit on your head.

Using GH without permission isn't an OOC offence like the DTS or sitting on heads but rather a IC offence, which is classified under "using equipment without permission" for which you get put in brig. So that doesn't help at all.

Also I am not sure what you are trying to prove by a screeshoot of the server list, and what does "over half these ppl are afk btw" prove?

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HLRP Trial mod



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1 minute ago, Klavigar said:


Now I highly doubt that this story is fully true (not saying it is complety false), you don't get warned for DTS just by saying "you smell" to an admin you probably said something much worse to get warned for DTs. The part with the sitting on heads is FailRP btw you can't sit or let other people sit on your head.

Using GH without permission isn't an OOC offence like the DTS or sitting on heads but rather a IC offence, which is classified under "using equipment without permission" for which you get put in brig. So that doesn't help at all.

Also I am not sure what you are trying to prove by a screeshoot of the server list, and what does "over half these ppl are afk btw" prove?

my point was that i was not interfering with anybody's rp i  was messing around with some ppl  not causing any harm , i also witnessed wanted breaking rules on base , yet it goes unpunished



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