
Staff complaint

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Your in game name: Harry

The accused staff member's in game name, Steam profile link or Steam ID (http://steamidfinder.com/  Community Manager  Lewis

What they had done (Please give a detailed description as to what happened): I got banned 2 years ago for a reason that was never stated. I had a personal issue with some high up staff after we were good friends and fell out. At the time, I didnt appeal and left  to focus on university. Recently, I decided I wanted to come back to GMOD and play on Werwolf again. I appealed this ban and stated I couldn't see the reason on my ban as one who never given or stated. Lewis then denied my appeal saying I had no intent to RP. First of all, I  have never met this guy. Second of  all, how can the above scenario give the impression I dont want to RP? If I didnt want to roleplay why would I be here arguing a long term ban? To me I feel it was handled unprofessionally and I would like to either be unbanned so I can maybe show I have a massive intention to RP or I would like a different member of staff to take a look at the events of my appeal.

Evidence (This is not required, however, if you don't have any evidence you ARE required to come on TeamSpeak and explain what happened on there with the accused staff member present. Evidence can be videos, recordings or screenshots): All logs are in unban requests.

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Don't come back for your own sake... It's full of retards like Lewis lmao

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This isn't worthy or warranting a staff abuse thread, nor is it staff abuse, if this is a case of mistaken identity, I am sure it'll be easy enough for you to come onto our TeamSpeak - werwolfgamingts, and discuss this with Manager Lewis and try to resolve the situation at hand. 

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