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Everything posted by discoreverend14

  1. So i'm supposed to be entirely okay with being a plaything for admins on the server? Because he went about it in a "kind" way asking about my inventory before killing me? How about you leave players alone when they want to be left alone? Imagine a police officer asking a citizen if he could test his taser on them, to which the citizen replies "no", and the officer does it anyway. Where is the respect for personal agency? You're claiming I could be warned for RDM when I was being harassed and about to be killed? That's it's justified because the commands have been bugged and he wanted to test them? Test them on a willing guinea pig, not someone who wants to be left alone. "I would have been upset if he had not slayed me" how about don't use me as a test subject when unwilling? Are you serious?
  2. Template Your in game name: Disco Reverend The accused staff member's in game name, Steam profile link or Steam ID (https://www.steamidfinder.com/) Lvch#0666 What they had done (Please give a detailed description as to what happened): Locked me in place using a physics gun and "silent" slayed me without any proper cause Evidence (This is not required, however, if you don't have any evidence you ARE required to come on TeamSpeak and explain what happened on there with the accused staff member present. Evidence can be videos, recordings or screenshots):
  3. Admin decided he wanted to "try" something on me while physics gunning me and teleporting around to me, asking me to check my inventory before he "silent" slayed me. Evidence: