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Everything posted by Freeman

  1. Name: Maxinmus TS Unique ID [Tools -> Identities -> Go Advanced]: 03k0EKddBQgg1Fhlf/W0CKCUUTY= Requested Medal: 5 Year Community Service Medal Evidence: Joined SWRP Discord on the 10th of September 2018.
  2. +1 A mistake is a mistake. Tarken didn't know how big it would be, and as Haven contributed, he immediately realised his mistake. A verbal warning not to do that and how to avoid it would have been sufficient enough. Anyway, I'm going back into hiding now.
  3. Max's Staff Application In-game name(s): CG SGTM Maxinmus Steam Name: Freeman Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:75334419 Age when applying: 22 What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone: Currently living in the UK, and and my time zone is GMT. Can you speak and type English fluently: Yes. Current total game-time on the server (type !time): 1 Month, 2 Weeks, and 4 Days. I believe it was more than that before the wipe, however. IC Rank(s) and OOC Donation Rank(s) on CWRP: CG SGTM and Plat VIP Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak: I have a working mic, and I mostly use my voice. When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since: I first joined the server as far back as 2018 when I joined DU when Tanner became a temp commander. I stayed on the server until 2020 when I left for a very long time, only coming back a few times when I felt like being nostalgic. How often do you use our TeamSpeak 3 server, CWRP Discord and our forums: In order, often, all the time, and never. State all your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) and a screenshot of your list of warns: So as far as I'm aware, I've never been warned at all in my history of being on the server. I have been banned once after I decided to leave the server back in like 2020, but I can't find any evidence, because I believe that was before the warns and ban data was lost. And I've never been kicked unless it's because I was AFK. Here is the link showing my lack of warnings: State the role of staff on the server: The role of a staff member is to enforce the rules fairly and impartially so everyone on the server has a good experience. Additionally, staff members are also here to help members of the server with problems outside of rule-breaking, such as being stuck in a wall, a CT WL, asking for noclip during building, etc. Have you read the server rules and are you familiar with them? Yes. List of all previous server staff experience: On Garry's mod itself, I've been staff on multiple servers, ranging from TTT, to DarkRP. I'd get the names, but most of those communities are either dead or they've changed so much that they're unrecognizable. On WG itself, I've not been staff, but I have been EP (although I wasn't the best at it, which is why I'm applying for staff). I don't know if this counts (lol), but I'm currently working in a customer server job outside of Garry's mod. Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: As long as the reason is sufficient, then yes. Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member: 1 ) You are told by a Player that somebody is randomly killing other clones: The first thing I'd do is check Blogs combat damage log to see if RDM was committed by a player. If verified, I'd bring him into an OOC sit, and ask him why he's killing people. He'll either do one of 3 things: 1: Leave the game, breaking L2AP, in which case he will be banned for the appropriate amount of time. 2: Apologize for doing it, where we will get the appropriate warnings for RDM and ARDM (if needed) which might result in a ban depending on how many there are. 3: Not apologize, call us all twats who should get a life, and maybe use some slurs as well. Action will be taken when needed (most likely a ban). However, these 3 situations only work if the Blogs show that shot and killed other players. Sometimes Blogs go down, and in very rare cases, doesn't work. If a situation like this ever happens, I'd ask the player to send me a video recording of the player committing RDM via Discord. If verified (and I might ask another staff member to check for a second opinion), refer to the 3 situations I described above. 2 ) You are asked by a Cadet to be trained using the @ function: If on, I ask the highest IC rank to send a CPL+ to train some cadets. Most of the time this does it, but if it doesn't I'd bring a CPL+ who I know wasn't busy. 3 ) During a debrief, a CT accidently shoots someone, whilst trying to safety their weapon: I'd take no action. We'd only know that it was an accident if the CT apologized for shooting the other player, so they know what they did wrong by mistake, so taking any action is not only redundant but also pretty harsh treatment. 4 ) A CT #### doesn't salute you, despite you being a rank higher than 2nd LT: It's an IC issue, not an OOC one, so this is irrelevant to staff. 5 ) Someone commits FailRP, but claims that the specific instance of FailRP is not explicitly stated within the server rules: FailRP is FailRP. According to server rules, any not listed instances of FailRP fall under the discretion of the staff member handling the situation. For me, it would depend on what it is. 6 ) You bring a player into a sit and punish them accordingly, if they do not agree with your punishment and keep on arguing: I'd tell them that if they think the punishment is unjust, then head on over to the WG forums (and I'd give them a link to them). If they ignore what I say and are incapable of having a civil conversation, I'd just return them (if it's a warning). Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team and your strongest assets as a person/potential staff member (250+ words): I believe that I would be an excellent addition to the staff team for a variety of reasons. I’m constantly active, easily dedicated, very approachable, and organized. I’m also a jaded veteran of the server, something that not many of my fellow applicants can claim. In addition, I’m very mature when I need to be especially during serious situations like sits. I’ve also experienced and know the ULX commands thanks to my time as EP way back. But I’m sure you’ve heard the same thing time and time again from other applicants, and frankly, I might as well have written that paragraph up in Chat GPT. What you, the staff manager who’s currently reading this instead of doing something productive like washing your clothes, are wondering is; what sets me apart from the rest? As I said, it goes back to what I put in my previous staff experience. I work in a place that must deal with and interact with customers constantly. Many of these people are nice and chill, but not all are. I’ve had people who’ve gotten in my face, people who have thrown cans and shit at me. Sometimes I deal with about 6 different customers in a line whom I must deal with pretty quickly. What I mean by this is that, unlike others who’ve applied (if only because they haven’t mentioned it), I have real work experience in dealing with something that can destroy any staff member, stress. And if I’m the only staff member on during the late evening, you can be assured that I won’t suddenly start panicking like a mad horse and screw everything up because I accidentally banned someone for 500 hours when they were supposed to be banned for 50. Keeping a cool head-on while dealing with people to almost required in dealing with people's problems. As an aside, an additional, if much smaller reason, why I believe I’d be an excellent addition to the staff team is because I have Aspergers Syndrome. Having someone in the staff team who is sympathetic and understands someone with my kind of problem would be an invaluable asset to have when dealing with certain people. And that’s why I believe I should be brought into the staff team. Originally, I wasn’t even going to bother writing up an application because I believed that I should wait more time before applying, however after thinking about it, I decided to write it up anyway because it’s a win either way. If I get staff, that would be very nice, but if I don’t, I can use the feedback from my staff application to better myself if I decide to apply for staff next time the apps open.
  4. I'm not sure if you know, but the E-5 was recently buffed secretly to 120HP per shot. That will kill a ET in 2-3 shots. Also, what's to stop the EC's from rushing it? It's also designed for all weapon DMG. Obviously the worm weapons would need to be tested with it, but I'm confident it would be fine. The minigun doesn't count because it's not a unique piece of equipment. Sure it's slightly different on our side but that doesn't make it unique. That's like playing a game and seeing two things that do the same thing but slightly different. It's a gimick. And the DLT is, as I was telling to Solaire, "The Other Blaster" troopers get once they rank up. You see it every regiment. The weapon itself is unique to our regiment sure, but that's small potatos when you look at the weapon feedback channel in discord. I'm not talking about stealing equipment. I'm talking about the fact we have no piece of unique equipment in our regiment. 501st? Shotguns. 212th? RPG's, Tanks. GC? Snipers, Speeders. GM? FT. 74th? Medical equipment. CE? Ships and turrets. CG? I'm not gonna even start on them. 327th? They have multiple weapons that are unique such as their E-55 heavy.
  5. No it's not. Combat building uses the toolgun. This is a swep. Or should we call putting a shield up during combat, combat building since it's technically a barricade? Shield CG has, Barricades can be done by CE, Minigun got 327th, DC-15A is the most common weapon on the base and the DLT is basically the 'other blaster' regiments get once they rank up so it's only unique in the sense that every open world game since 2015 in unique. I fail to see an actual argument here other than misunderstandings and disagreement.
  6. Clearly you didn't read my original post. We can't combat build. So placing a barracade while under fire is not allowed. This could be used as temp use of safety while underfire if we don't have barracade set up in time OR the baracades are destroyed and the clones need a way to be kept safe. Also, again, it only stays up for 30 seconds which means it's only a temp means of protection. And why is having it immune to explosives stupid? It's a shield generator, not a barracade. Wouldn't it be more stupid to let explosives affect people inside the bubble. As for the DU having enough equipment, I could say the same for 501st with the dropship but does that mean it shouldn't be there? Of course not. Besides, DU members don't get any new equipment when they reach major so this could be something to work up to. Honestly, using 'too much stuff' is a very poor excuse since DU doesn't have a single piece of equipment that's unique to them (minigun doesn't count).
  7. What your suggestion is: Add a portable shield generator to DU SO+. It will be used in situations of combat where you can't place barracades, and to protect medics so they don't combat heal. How it works is simple. You place it down and it stays up for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds it goes into a 60 second cooldown. You can not shoot through it ether inside or outside. Explosions, blasters and various other things don't work when you're inside the shield. We'd have to test if Worm weapons work with this, but I'm confident it should work.Scriptfodder/workshop link: additional information: Not really, if you have a question, ask below.
  8. The server can't do NPC events. It's very much not possible.
  9. I don't really care about this honestly, but considering they only have one choice of weapon (that's not special) +1
  10. I agree with everyone else. With 212th, it makes sense. But for GC? No. Keep to sniping. -1
  11. I swear these kinda of maps have been suggested before. Infact, I'm pretty sure this exact map has been suggested before. I don't mind if we got an improved map to rishi, and normal rishi is pretty lifeless unlike some of these other maps. However, if this is or the seasonal maps are added, then Rishibase needs to be replaced by them as it's the same map (with a few improvements in the same way unity base improved on the rp_starwars_base map).
  12. Ah yes, another way to grind up credits which might as well be a piece of toilet role. If you want to make a credit earning job, maybe make some sort of way to spend them first.
  13. Oh, it's just you had your name to Blue so I assumed. Oh well. It's still gonna be a +1 tho.
  14. Assuming this is the correct Blue, then it's a massive +1.
  15. Calling Scragg unknown in the community is like calling the US health system good. It's just not true. He's getting a fat +1 from me. He's experianced, smart, known and moreover, he's a good person.
  16. I may be a bit rusty, but isn't Mass RDM 3 or more people? Not two people? So the ban reason is wrong. He should get a warning or two, but since he didn't kill 3 people, it ain't mass RDM.
  17. I am aware of that. Unfortunatly, most way of communication between them and me are blocked. So, this is the best alternative.
  18. My In-Game name: Unknown (I'm pretty sure it was a droid name) STEAMID: Steam Name: Freeman What is the reason for your ban: Community Ban (I forget the reason, and if I could find it, I wouldn't remember what I did. It was a very long time ago). How long were you banned for: Permently Name of the staff member who banned you: Puggo Why do I believe that I should be unbanned: First of all, I was banned in November of 2019. That was 7 months ago. And while that isn't a reason to get unbanned, it certainly does show it's been a long time since I was banned. And unless did something completly barbaric, I'd say I've had long enough to come to terms with my actions. I know I was banned from everything (the former forums (love this new forum btw), TS, game, everything). If my memory serves me correctly, one of the reasons I was banned was for player pulling. While it is true I left partitally to give it my own crack so to speak, I never asked someone to join my sever myself. I know this to be true because I'm lazy and advertising for my hypothetical server in my mind is just wrong. I'd love to see evidence to contary. Second of all, I'll address my actions on the day I was banned. I was essentially minging with other droids on the astromech droid job. And normally that wouldn't get me banned, but I switched to refugee, got captured by CG, and banned by Puggo for speaking back to him. Let me make myself totally clear; I am sorry for the chaos I caused on that day. It was wrong of me to do so, and I shouldn't have done so. I'm also apologizing to Puggo for speaking back to him and the headaches I've caused him during my stay on the server. Including going into TS that one time, and saying hello. I also apologize for my actions after I got banned, which ended in my community ban (aka getting banned on discord). Third of all, I don't expect this to go anywhere. I expect to get denied, then this account banned from the fourms. But this way at least I apologized. It's up to you what you want to do with that. Finally, I'd like to apologize to anyone I may have disgruntled or prevoked during the time before I was banned. As much I like my opinions, I shouldn't have forced them on you so strongly. That's my bad and I'm sorry for that. Like I said, I bet this won't go anywhere. But at least you've seen my apology. If the ban reason is different from what I think it is, I'll address it to the best of my ability. Evidence: None needed