Zander Ludwig

Platinum VIP
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Posts posted by Zander Ludwig

  1. Hello Friedrich, this is my response to your Staff Application. 

    You have 13 weeks, wich is a very good thing, and that also means you should have a lot of knowledge in the sever. You are 15, and also have a good timezone to be in. You have also been recommended by two staff members, and you only have 3 warnings, so that is also a good sign.

    Now lets move on to the scenarios:  

    When it comes to the first question, you say that you would only check the logs if no evidence was given to you. But i would always check the logs with or without evidence. Just as a confirmation on the evidence that was given to you.

    Then we have the third question. You can't freeze a player with your Physgun, but you can take him to a roof, and freeze him with the command or by pressing tab, and then go to his name, and choose to freeze him from there. 

    Then we have the fourth question. As Stellman said in his respond, your answer in the start dosent really make sense, and you also have to give the NCO+ a warning as well. 

     Overall Conclusion: 

    You are an experinced player on the server, and you also have a high rank ingame. I also think that you are well known in the community, and that most of the people like you. Your application is very short and your answers could be more detailed. I dont bealive that you have spent a very long time on writing this application, but i am going to give you a Neutral/+1 

     Good Luck! 


  2. Hello British 

    The desicion on this warn wasn't easy to make. Allow me to explain my reasoning: 

    I was SOD. It is a task of SOD, to intervene with roleplay if necessary, therefore i do not need a sit to be able to respond. The reason i was following you was because there was a report of you recklessly driving. The server wasn't busy, so i had time to have a look. 

     In this video, you can watch my observations. Firstly you can see Karl writing in chat, that he hit one of your tires. When you pass PD,  Karl says "Stop", but you choose to accelerate, instead of stopping your car.

    When looking at !rules, there is nothing that states that you can avoid gunpoint whilst being in a vehicle, regardless of your speed. Similarly to Lewic, i also believe there are certain RP situations where the speed is too high, for the driver to be put under gunpoint. In this situation, i think you were driving close to that threshold, but still not quick enough to allow you to ignore gunpoint. i was willing to see that as a grey area for you.      

    There is something to say for the fact, that the sentence "You are under gunpoint", was out vocal reach, however you are already being put under gunpoint, the moment that Karl points his p38 at you, and says stop. 

    Due to the fact that you even accelerate, i could have given you a [Tier II], however due to not being 100% clear, in terms of vocal range, and your speed i decided to FailRP [Tier I] instead. Of course, i am aware that i should have given a reason for it, but i realised that the moment i pressed enter. I shall try to avoid that in the future. 

    I hope this clears up the issue, but do not hesitate to contact me, in case you have any further questions.       


  3. RP Character name/s:

    Zander Ludwig / Thomas Kiesling


    Steam Name:



    Steam ID (😞



    Age when applying:

    15, (16 in one month.)


    What country do you currently reside in? What is your time-zone?: 

    Denmark, GMT +2


    Can you speak and type English fluently?:



    Current total game-time on the server (type utime_enable 1 in the console if you can't see your game time):

    4 weeks, 2 days and 20 hours  


    IC Rank(s) & OOC Donation Rank(s) on WW2-RP:

    IC Rank(s): Ordnungspolizei Meister, Stellenleiter Der Office of Finance and Labour, and SS-AH Mann.


    OOC Donation Rank(s): Platinum VIP, Pac 3.


    Do you own a working microphone? When you communicate do you type or speak?:

    Yes, I have a working microphone. I usually speak, but I prefer to type when I am at big occasions, such as events, and ceremonial dinners.


    When did you join the server? Have you taken any breaks since?:

    I joined the server around December 2019. Since December, I took one break that lasted about two weeks, but then I came back and I haven't taken any big breaks ever since.


    How often do you use our Teamspeak 3 server and our forums?:

    I use Teamspeak every day, even when I am not on the server because I enjoy it and want to ensure people can always reach out to me. When it comes to the forums, I try to be as active as possible by occasionally replying to topics, but I hope to increase this even more.


    List of all previous RP server staff experience:



    Staff that would recommend you?(They will be asked to verify):

    Jonathan Schwartz [Admin]

    Jonas Sonnenstein. [Senior Moderator]


    State your previous OOC punishments (bans, kicks etc.) Also include a screenshot of your list of warns. (Go in game and type !warns. Upload it to as a steam community screenshot and include the link. Your game time must be visible as well in the screenshot. Type utime_enable 1 if you can not see it on your screen: 


    State the role of staff on the server:

    At the core, the role of the staff is to ensure roleplaying quality, whether that be through enforcing the rules or providing guidance to players. Another important part of the staff team is the event planners: They have to make sure that the community and all its jobs have something to do, other than just doing their normal duties. They add additional roleplay and immersion to the server by creating special storylines or settings. It brings more content and RP to the community.


    Give some historical context about the time the server is set in (75 words+):

    The server takes place in Berlin, the year is 1943, the Germans are slowly losing but they still believe in victory. This is the turning point to the Reich. As the year passes by, that faith is crumbling more and more whilst the Allies and Soviets continue to gain ground. The French are beginning to build up a ‘resistance movement’ whilst Warsaw started to resist in April as well. Meanwhile, the Germans get their first major defeat when they surrender at Stalingrad: The first major loss. 

    In mid-May German and Italian forces in North Africa surrendered to the Allies, who used Tunisia as an easy way to invade Sicily in July. By the end of the month, Mussolini had fallen, and in September the Italians surrendered to the Allies, prompting a German invasion into northern Italy. Mussolini was rescued by a German task force, and established a fascist republic in the north; this was in vain, as he got arrested in July. German troops also engaged the Allies in the south and the fight through Italy was to prove slow and costly.  By August, Italy started to show willingness to settle for peace with the Allied forces. 

    Speaking of Berlin specifically, as this is the city our server is set in: Berlin was the target of air strikes executed by RAF and USAAF near the end of the year specifically. Berlin suffered great losses. It is in this year that minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels calls for Total War, implying that everything concerning war has a higher priority than non-combat needs.


    Have you read the server rules and are familiar with them?: Yes


    Have you read the punishment list ( and are familiar with it?: Yes, and I am familiar with them.


    Former Staff Questions (Leave these blank if you have not been staff on our server before):

    1) For how long were you a staff member on WW2-NRP/ORP?

    2) What rank did you reach before leaving the staff team?

    3) Were you demoted or did you resign? Why?

    4) In hindsight, what would you have done differently as a staff member?

    5) How have you improved since you left the staff team?

    Explain how you would handle these scenarios as a staff member:

    1) You are told by a player in admin chat that another player is randomly killing people:

    I would first of all claim the sit. I would then bring this player to the roof, who has been going around and killing people. If he keeps on shooting even, if the player is on the roof, I would jail him, and give him a ban depending on how many people the person has killed. If he doesn't shoot, while on the roof I would, first of all, check the logs and see how many people the person has killed or what the exact situation was, and then ask him how long he has been playing on the server. If he is a new player and got under 1 hour on the server I would give him a verbal warning. If he has over 1 hour, but still is a new player, I would give him a [Tier 1] warning to the RDM, and ban him if he killed over 3 people. It is vital that in the case of a tier I, the player is informed about the !rules and what the consequences could be if it occurs again. Situations of Tier 1 are to be assessed with care. To ensure they aren’t lying, I would also check the warns the person has. As a staff member, it’s safest to be strict rather than letting people go too easily. In the case of an experienced player and the kills being on purpose, he is expected to know and understand the rules, therefore I would give him a [Tier 2] warning for RDM, and then a 1d Ban. If he killed under 3 people.

    2) You are asked by a player about how to become a Third Reich official:

    So I would bring the player to a roof. Then I would show him the easiest way, to become a Third Reich official. I would guide the player through the f4 menu, and tell him that he has three options. SS, Wehrmacht, and NSDAP. I would explain to him what each regiment entails and show him he could become orpo in SS, and/or 1.SS if he buys Platinum VIP. Then we have Wehrmacht, I would tell him that he could join 23rd, right away, but he needs VIP, to join GD. If he wants to join FG, I would tell him to play in 23rd until he requires the correct rank to join. Then we have the NSDAP, I would tell him that he could be trained up for SA, or the propaganda/Hauptamt. Then he could transfer to finance or justice if he wishes to do that. The explanation of primary and secondary jobs can be explained depending on the willingness of the individual.

    3) You catch somebody not performing RP and that are messing around:

    This situation can sometimes be very dangerous for the RP in the server. Obviously, it all depends on the severity of the case. I would grab him with my physgun and bring him to a roof. I would then ask him what he is doing. I would then check his warnings, and see if he has been told this before. If he has a lot of warnings with FailRP, I would give him a [Tier 2] warning, and a 1d ban. If he doesn't have any warnings, I would give him a [Tier 1] warning, but this is only in the case of mild cases. I would explain them the fact that this is a serious RP server and teach them how they can improve their RP. Additionally, it’s important to warn them verbally as well: If it happens again, severe consequences could follow. After the entire procedure I’d return him to his original location. In severe cases and sincere no intention to roleplay, the punishment of NITRP could be handed out, which would result in a ban.

    4) Somebody acquires a rank but is not willing to RP with it properly:

    I would ask the person who reported it, (if that is the case), if he could tell me what the person had done and give me some video evidence of it, if possible. I would then go and ask the accused person, if he knew anything about it, and then give him a NITRP warning, or FailRP [Tier 2] depending on the situation. Let’s say that I now witness it myself, I would then bring the person to a roof, and ask him why he isn’t using his role correctly. If I come to the conclusion, that he really doesn't wish to do RP. then I would give him a NITRP warning [Tier 2].

    5) A player is prop spamming:

    This is one of the most simple ones. I would bring him to a roof, and freeze / jail him if he keeps on spamming with props. Then I would give him a 2-week ban, that needs to be extended to a permanent ban since I would start as a trial mod. Then I would remove all his props, by using the tool called “ Remove all disconnected players props”.


    Answer the following questions in detail:

    1) Explain the difference between Tier I rule-breaking and punishments and Tier II rule-breaking and punishments:

    So Tier 1 rule-breaking means that you broke a rule you probably didn't know about, or that you broke a rule unintentionally. So when you get a [Tier 1] you usually get away with a warn or a kick, but in severe cases, you will get a ban. Then we have Tier 2 rule-breaking which means that you broke a rule intentionally, or that you have been punished or told to stop many times before. When you get a [Tier 2] Warning you will always receive a ban, and a warning, for what you have done.

    2) Explain the difference between IC and OOC. Also define Meta Gaming:

    IC, which means ‘In Character’ is all the roleplay, information and experience you have in-game. OOC, which means ‘Out Of Character’, is the information you receive from example Teamspeak or Discord, that has an influence on the server. The difference between IC and OOC is that you can only use one of them for in-game purposes. That is were Meta Gaming steps in: Meta Gaming basically means that you use OOC information for IC purpose. For example, let’s say that I am about to get kidnapped and I am under gunpoint, and I choose to tell my friends about my location in teamspeak to come and help me. That is taken as Meta Gaming, and will not be accepted in RP situations.

    3) Explain the difference between Serious RP and Semi-Serious RP:

    Serious RP, is a heavy type of RP. There is a lot of passive RP and, depending on the server you’d have some serious and well-coordinated gunfights or dice rolls. You always have to act as in-character, and in some servers, you can't even speak but have to type instead. Then we have Semi-Serious RP, it is more relaxing, and you don’t need to be acting as your character all the time. There are not so many rules to follow IC, and you can do some more things that you would get punished for if it was a Serious RP server. Overall, serious roleplayers have higher standards and get their enjoyment out of in-characterness and quality roleplay whilst semi-serious RP enjoys the fun in lesser quality roleplay.

    4) Define PassiveRP and explain its role and importance in a serious RP gamemode:

    Passive RP is everything but combat. It is when you walk around talking with your friends, and go to a restaurant with them or for example medical RP. You can also make documents, and handbooks in-game for the passive RP. Passive RP is very popular to use on roleplay servers, as it allows you to develop your in-game character and enhance your immersion. Without Passive RP, it would be difficult to have a serious RP gamemode.

    5) Define the term of Combat Baiting:

    Combat Baiting is a common act within roleplay that can occur due to boredom or lack of seriousness in roleplay. Combat Baiting means asking for attention in order to initiate combat. In certain circumstances, you’re trying to “lurk” others, into a trap, which engages combat. For example, running in front of the M.O.I gate and sexy dancing, and then running away when 1.SS, begins to run after you. This is strictly forbidden in an RP server, and would result in a warning.


    Have you added theManager[Extreme] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes


    Have you added the Vice-Manager[Jack/Malte] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes


    Have you added the Staff Manager[Schumacher] on Steam? If not, add him: Yes


    Explain in length and detail as to why you deserve staff more than other applicants. Explain what you will bring to the staff team & your strongest points as a person/potential staff member (200+ words): 

    I believe I deserve a spot in the staff team since I want to prove myself to this community. I have been a part of this community for quite a while and I have met a lot of new people who then became my friends. WG has brought me a lot of experiences and now it’s time for me to give something back to the community. That is why I became a discord moderator on the SS discord, and now I want to take it to a whole new level. I am active for many hours every day on both the server as well as the Teamspeak/Discord. I also try to be as active as possible on the forums.

    The server has also given me a lot of experience when it comes to roleplay. As an NSDAP member, I delved into law and the historic background with heaps of amazing passive RP, whilst my role as Meister in the Berliner Ordnungspolizei has allowed me to learn more about leadership and battle tactics.

    I’m known as an impartial and thorough individual who would rather take his time to ensure the right judgement is made and I think this is vital to being a staff member. I want to help people out and make a difference for the players. I am aware of the heavy tasks that are at hand for me as staff and I’m keen on working hard to make this server even greater.


    Do you understand that you can be demoted at anytime with a sufficient reason by a Hierarchy member?: Yes 





    - You must be 15 years in age or older.

    - You must be able to speak and type English fluently and correctly.

    - You must have at least four (4) days of game time.

    - You must have 10 or fewer warns.

    - You must not be banned when you apply.

    - You must be able to speak or type quickly and correctly.

    - You must not advertise your application in any way.

    - You must not copy anything from other applications.

    - You may not edit your application without permission from a Hierarchy member.

    - You may not copy-paste parts from a previous application that you have filed unless given permission.

    - Only reply to your application if you need to specify something. Unnecessarily spamming/bumping your application will get it denied. Do not engage in grovelling under your application (posting thank you for reading my application every time someone posts etc.)


    Exceptions can be made with the permission of a Server Management Team Member.

    Edit: Removed Gunter Kruger, for staff that recommended me. Permision granted by Malte.