
Platinum VIP
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Everything posted by レンコ

  1. My In-Game name:Ct Jessy STEAMID:STEAM_0:0:508184091 Steam Name:Jessy What is the reason for your Warn:ERP How long were you banned for:Just warn Name of the staff member who warned you:Major kids Why do I believe that I should be unbanned:I request to be unwarned because i was only standing while crouched, i even Asked him can i do this he said pretending to suck dick is not allowed, But Then i started to do me clean shoes But then , The admin tp to me and warn for erp EvidenceI dint even talk in chat or use ERP stuff like /me sucks another admin said you only get warn when you type it .
  2. No idea why i asked this lmao
  3. Yeah why not they should give him a chance
  4. AH sorry that was the procces https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JhkFuycOWc&feature=youtu.be
  5. update this is the link https://youtu.be/1JhkFuycOWc
  6. alright i will upload it on yt
  7. sorry i only had a demo thats why um sketch link probly you can virus scan that if you think i dit that on porpuse ,
  8. Your in game name:Renco The accused staff member's in game name, Steam profile link or Steam ID None What they had done (Please give a detailed description as to what happened):Okay so first it all started when i heard shots in 501st bunks , then adverted it about 2-3 mins i heard prop pushes 501st bunk i then proced to record the evidence and called a staff but as you can see he dint have much to say. im not complaining about my arrests in game point is why wound he just not do fun with all but only to single person? then arresting someone whos just trying to take evidence and not allowing me to record it< Evidence (This is not required, however, if you don't have any evidence you ARE required to come on TeamSpeak and explain what happened on there with the accused staff member present. Evidence can be videos, recordings or screenshots):Demo
  9. Althought my mistake for what i dit .close this report i pardon him
  10. Your in game name:Renco The accused staff member's in game name, :Krowlʏ What they had done (Please give a detailed description as to what happened):okay and yeah this is related to the ban, but as a staff member they should be informing the person that leavin the server would lead to punishment ,ban yet he dint mention that, neither dint i yeah thats even but Its their responsibility to deal with . Evidence there is no evidence about it but this one does : Posted 1 hour ago (edited) -1 I had a sit with you not even 5 minutes before you disconnected. You didn't seem happy about your arrest in the first place and right as I leave, you disconnect. You even tried to switch your job while detained. You could have even told me while I was with you that you want to reconnect. Also, why do you need FPS / Ping while in jail? Why wouldn't you just reconnect afterwards? This seems to me like a cheap excuse or just a blatant lie. So this all means he starts to say this here, and while not in game .. and not even waiting a min for me to connect in game ,
  11. its true i dint notice you. and no its wasnt the cell causing the lag , but however i dint knew leaving would cause a ban or at least he should had tell me , as part of staff team, as staff they should inform >aware even if he/she the person does not know the rules anyways... im not here to teach . and tho im keep repeatin, and truly admitin and i had no itend to avoid the jail time , but my mistake that i wasnt aware and dint nofity the admin yet they should had wait at least 1 min for me ? right ?
  12. as i said before, i dint know this could lead to ban, and btw what happened to the forum ?
  13. i know, but right now im desperatly to play on the server i dont really mind to serve the punishment because im responsible for what i do , and act on server ,and this does not mean im a donator guy and then ask for unban because i dit X All im asking a reduce time atleast its hard for some of you to beliveme my porpuse was to roleplay on server as scavaner but due to it yeah i got a bit anger i would admin , i was on a restricted area as scavanger then thought i would pass a cg since he was afk , but no he wasnt and as you can see in the logs i told him why shoulnd scavangers be terminated, etc.. sorry im just desperated, and i have depression problem, i would not really lie tho or find this as a excuse anyways Its up to the admins if i should get unbanned or a reduce time of the ban, and again sorry for what i dit and even tho it was a fast reaction. i do know the punishment are heavy, and they tend to teach you not to repeat them . But anyways... thanks for taking your time and reading my application and sorry again for any cause i dit .
  14. this is not about that but playing gmod on laptop is way to heavy for it, and whenever i play for way to long my laptop would overhead and causing my game to lag as well. even tho all i want a reduce time of ban, i apologies after all for what i dit . and yes i was not happy about the jail beacause as i would remember 6 month ago , every scavanger would just get terminated detained. but they sems to have changed it thats why. you can see the reconnectin log to right? after i leaved. my dissconnect dint last even a min or sec. but the waiting time of the loading dit
  15. Im fully aware of it , but as i said i had to reconnect due to my low fps and ping, as a player i have like 600 hours in gmod and im always honest my porpuse was not to leave then reconnection again to avoid the roleplay punishment all im asking a reduce time of ban because it was unfair, and if you could see my logs i was connected right away which took about 4 min i guess the connection or so
  16. Which Rank/tag do you need:Platinum vip What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): steam id :STEAM_0:0:508184091 in game name:501st PFC Fench: evidence:n/a
  17. My In-Game name:501st PFC Fench: STEAMID:STEAM_0:0:508184091 Steam Name:Renci What is the reason for your ban:LTAP How long were you banned for:2 Day Name of the staff member who banned you:Disconnect: Banned for 2 days: LTARP | -Krowly. Why do I believe that I should be unbanned:So how it happen? , well i was jailed for 15 min as scavanger while having like 15 fps and 200-300 ping i reconected on server , Evidence:Theres no evidenve but right away after i made some secs in the jail i typed retry in console also as i know there is a log where i left and connect. thats the evidence right? i feel it unfair to have an instant ban for reconnectin, but as i said earlie i was unaware of it . i even called admin and he dint warn me about the ltap thing