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About PreyESH

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  1. [BASIC INFORMATION] In-Game Name: Jacky Samson STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:417803743 Current In-Game time: 4w and 15h almost Current Warnings ( Show a screenshot of your warns in game): 4 warns [IMPORTANT INFORMATION] 1. Please list the first 3 roles of Ethics Committee and what it is they do as part of the foundation and Site Administration?*: The Ethics Committee Member is a very responsible Site Administration Member which oversees the actions of people that are needed and not needed. The ECM also advises the O5 on what is a good acceptable action and what is a bad unneeded action. He steps in at situations where any resource is not used properly and wasted, for example a Class D getting hit with a Stun stick or killed for no reason at all. Then the ECM steps in and reeducates them. The Ethics Committee Member only allows cruelty and brutality. He also works directly under command of the O5-7 and serves to manage and enforce the Code of Ethics. The first three roles of the ECM are these: The Ethics Committee Member oversees everyone to ensure that they are doing their Job and purpose. With Everyone, really everyone is mean't he doesn't care about the Clearance or if the suspect is higher in Chain of Command than him. He oversees everybody, even the HoEA, SD or O-5. He punishes almost everyone who break the Code of Ethics. The ECM works with whoever he needs to, to reach his goals. He mostly works with the ISD and B-1. It doesn't matter if he likes to work with the person he needs to, because the safety of the Facility is one of his highest priorities. The Ethics Committee Member works with the Site Administration and handles every ethical problem that may be facing him with them. For example the Site Director orders an Execution on an Innocent Security Guard, there is where hes steps in and reeducates the SD. If needed he can also demote the Site Director. 2. Can you explain the 3 Lessons of the ethics committee and why they are important?* The First Lesson: The Foundation is not evil nor Villains or Monsters. You might be seeing the Foundation as the bad guys because of SCP's and getting Class D's and using them as Experiment subjects, but this is not true. The SCP Foundation does not do unnecessary brutality and terminating to Human lives. The Class D's are death row sentenced Humans, they have done bad things and we are making sure that they don't die for nothing. We do this for a greater purpose like experimenting for science, new medical substances and more. We keep secret Information hidden that needs to be secret and we keep dangerous malicious anomalous Objects hidden that could hurt people. The Second Lesson: The Foundation does not rule the world. We serve the world. It doesn't matter what anyone might think or says, we know what we do and for what it is. And if anything in actions go wrong that might effect the general population or innocent lives we are here for it. Think of us as an unknown Organization that helps the world than some Villains who let Humans be killed by Monsters. The Third Lesson: The "P" stands for protect. The SCP Foundation is here to protect people. There is a Reason we are called SCP Foundation, which means Secure. Contain. Protect. Securing and hiding dangerous Objects that could hurt anybody and hiding Information that could be used for bad things. Containing all bad Objects and researching on them. This is why we have Special Forces like Epsilon-11. And lastly, protect. We protect everybody in the public from bad Organizations that could have anything bad in mind. 3. Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Ethics Committee?* I have very good experience on this Server, especially as Site Administration. I was in the Ethics Committee before and was the third highest Rank i believe. I will be most likely very active as i don't want any whitelisted job than this one. I have good Communication and i make fair decisions. I also read and heard the Ethics Committee Orientation and always have the Code of Ethics on my second Screen. I do understand the rules of the ECM and i am against killing D Class for no specific reason. Also i do know that if i break rules or abuse my powers, i will most likely get terminated or demoted by O5 or will be kicked from the Group. I will be fair in this Job and concentrate on it and not do things i don't need to do. I also will cooperate with everyone who i have to and not argue with the Administration Jobs. I also understand to not Minge or be Power hungry. And the last thing is that i understand what the ECM is and that i shouldn´t be toxic. 4. Explain in detail what the SCP Facility is and why it is important.* The SCP Foundation stands for "Secure. Contain. Protect". They secure anomalous Objects and dangerous Weapons from the surface and secure it into the facility. They have a Team for everything. They have Security teams and they have a Science Team that researches the anomalous and dangerous Objects and Weapons. They do experiments with Death Row Inmates and helps the World with researching and experimenting. They are a secret large Organization that is in Many countries around the World and the means of that is to protect Humanity all around the world. They find new ways to cure Illnesses and more. 5. If you are playing Ethics Committee and a situation has occurred with the O5 being unethical and unlawful by ordering mass executions of high ranking members, what would you do? I would collect various Information and gather many Foundation Personnels and consult them over this Situation. After being done and having enough Information i would inform the O5-7 and my Ethics Committee Supervisor (Gerald Evans) and tell them about this problem. 6. You hear that the Site Director and Head Reseracher have been abusing the powers of the SCPs on site(such ass 500 and 2295), what do you do? I would again serach for people who knew about this problem and then first ask of the O5's approval to punish them or demote them. If no O5 would be on-site i would simply tell my O1's to arrest both of them and have them demoted. 7. You witness 2 Researchers wasting D-Class by throwing them into SCP-106 for "Feeding", what do you do? Of course detain the Researchers. Then reeducate them and demote them to Junior Researchers if one or both are already Junior Researchers i would demote them to an even lower Personnel. 8. While on duty a breach occurs and you have the time and option of opening 1 of 2 gates to save someone from an incoming SCP, on 1 side is a fellow ECM and O1 unit and on the other 5 junior researchers, what gate do you open and why?# I would save the 5 Junior Researchers as the O1 has a gun and can protect the Ethics Committee and also because the Researchers are the primary Reason of the Foundation. I think this app is 999 words.