Scottish Monk

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Everything posted by Scottish Monk

  1. There is such a thing as downtime on scprp i have alot of downtime while there were CI on MC&D the Church we all had fun on surface messing with props heck even doing RDM matches the participants are okay with this The whole time I was watching subway and MT, GA at cameras therefore I saw you leave and meet up with MC&D which once again we were hostile with at the time. yea you may block all of the cameras but he does have hidden ones plus triggers so pretty valid and i can vouch he has alot of cameras -2nd point. They raided atleast 3 times in the span of 30 minutes. they do this all the time when i am on last point CI are a bunch of snowflakes this is true case they tried to get wire triggers banned that was not the case i had to call a senior admin to tell the senior moderator off of making up his own rules
  2. can we add a rule where one person is only allowed a certain amount of comms at a time I was on this morning and found out some guy had breached all of our comms and he gave all of the comms to his friend (civilian) and he waits till his friend gets back on and he gives them back to have our comms breached for indefinite until a server restart that is unfair
  3. Steam Name:scottish monk Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given:11 breaking fear rp x2 ARDM player dis x2 RDM no ban it was accidental calling fake sits (that was false) NLR (this was during an event) ban evade (allegedly said i was gonna ban evade never happened permban was issued but was reinstated as i am playing)In game level:41 Playtime: (On top of the CV)3 days 11 hours
  4. Follow this template or your app will be denied: Server you got banned from: Your name in-game: Your SteamID: Admins' name that banned you: Admin's steamID: Why did you get banned?: Evidence(Un-necessary): Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Anything else?:
  5. Scottish Monk


    the first ever winner of fortnite was 16 so yea
  6. Scottish Monk


    im just guessing since you play fortnite
  7. Scottish Monk


    why they cancelled it?
  8. Scottish Monk


    to young to know about unreal tournament 4
  9. Scottish Monk


    they ended development for unreal tournament for that crap
  10. tip for next time if you do get un banned video everything
  11. honestly whatever the verdict is ill respect it
  12. Server you got banned from:Your name in-game:Your SteamID:Admins' name that banned you:Admin's steamID:Why did you get banned?:Evidence(Un-necessary):Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:Anything else?: (you may get denied if you dont use this template)
  13. i could not remember but it was bad enough to get me banned and it was stupid and hurtful for me to say those things and im sorry
  14. ok yes i will admit i was a toxic person im not gonna deny that but people do change and i hope you can see that fair enough i probably cant change the minds of people i have disrespected but i can at least try and show i have changed by admitting my mistakes when i was on if people cant see that i get and i will fully understand if my application is denied so i think i can say all i can say without looking like a idiot
  15. ok so i was being an absolute cunt to andrew and i sent dms that i should not have it was wrong i know i stepped away from gaming and the computer for months to get my head straight and quit being a toxic peace of shit so im hoping Andrew could forgive me for being a absolute ass to him and alot of other people i re looked at my ban and i did not see any reason i suspect it was because of me being toxic and being a ass to people so im just here to make amends and if i can talk to him again i am wanting to apologize
  16. honesty if i am to be remained banned i will accept the verdict me being an arse cant change peoples minds
  17. 4 months i think i would rather i took time off to spend with family and get my head straight rather not be an arsehole because i was a real dick when i was on o wanted to make amends
  18. Server you got banned from:SCP RP Your name in-game:Monk Bryan Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:119842382 Admins' name that banned you:Andrew Admin's steamID:do not know Why did you get banned?:i was banned for being toxic and a complete asshole Evidence(Un-necessary): Why do you deserve to be unbanned?:now i know i was a complete asshole i was abusive and toxic and that wont change the minds of people but i have changed quite alot since the ban i have calmed right down so i am no longer an asshole not toxic anymore learned my lesson and if i am to stayed perma banned then i will respect that decision these things happen and hope to make amends for the crap i have done and if andrew reads this (i don't he will) sorry for being a complete asshole so thanks for hearing me out Anything else?: