Windows XP

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Everything posted by Windows XP

  1. Server you got banned from: SCP-RP Your name in-game: Edward Garrett Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:124421662 Admins' name that banned you: Forgot Admin's steamID: Can't get Why did you get banned?: Giving money to alts Evidence(Un-necessary): Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Its been a while and I hope to have another start on the server, I understand that my action in the past were extremely stupid, giving money to accounts that ultimately just go and kill a tonne of people. I regret doing it, and hope to get back on the server doing the roles I used to enjoy. Anything else? Sorry for anyone who got intertwined in the whole thing
  2. I think this is very serious

  3. Windows XP


    +1 I think this is very serious
  4. CV Results @Evan Dark Accepted - I think you mean anaesthetics instead of amnestics for medic Welcome to ISD - Your time will be limited here as we will be removed soon
  5. no, just what is this denied
  6. CV Results @Tikomatura - Lyren Trou Denied - Nice autobiography, but not a CV. Reapply in 2 weeks if interested
  7. CV Results @Jay Gregg Denied - Casually went to a Medical school to not work in anything related to it, poor feedback from agents, failed to add image of warns/time Reapply in 2 weeks if interested
  8. CV Results @oliver crisp Denied - your app confused us Reapply in 2 weeks if interested
  9. that was the addition of !pm, not the ability for staff to enable/disable
  10. Isn't in current ISD/No mention of him in the previous spreadsheets for it Neutral regarding app btw
  11. CV Results @Foxie gamer Denied - not keen on the multiple metagaming warns - [REDACTED] a tonne... it is clearance 4 - Also i'd recommend using a auto-corrector for your CV after creating @Peter file Denied - Written closer to a biography than a CV @Richard Steiner - Accepted (app is on the short side but decent in past) Reapply in 2 weeks if interested
  12. CV Results @YorBros Accepted @AlexMagus Accepted - Extended Trial John Stance Accepted @John Killvel I Sammy Denied - Wrote something closer to a biography instead of CV Reapply in 2 weeks if interested
  13. -1 Unneeded/doesn't ever seem to work out
  14. Just accept this idea isn't that good something like a private timer which tells ci when 20 mins is up would be better
  15. ..just why? and as said before, rex is administrator