Auster Schumacher

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Posts posted by Auster Schumacher

  1. Accepted


    Award shall be issued. IC rank requirement achieved & proof of activity during these 2 years given to me on TeamSpeak.

  2. Consortium+flag+V3_1585217545.jpg
    Welcome to the Karlsberg Consortium!


    It’s late 1870.
    5 men of 5 professions and 5 nationalities gather in Hauscheuer, a small village near a thriving town of Karlsberg. The first gentleman was Albert Lunfer, a German Royal from the house of Nassau-Weilburg whose advantage over the others was political connections; the second gentleman was Ranko Cisek, a Sorbian landlord whose advantage of the others was manpower; the third gentleman was Hanusz Dudkowiak, a Polish weapon manufacturer whose advantage over the others was firepower; the fourth gentleman was Dalibor Pospíchal, a Czech construction foreman whose advantage over the others was the ingenuity and the fifth gentleman was Stanislav Biely, a Slovak bartender living in Karlsberg, he had no advantage over the others except for being at the right place, at the right time. They came to a conclusion that the government of his holiness Kaiser may not be willing to protect them from atrocities of war. “The fields of Alsace-Lorraine are full of blood that once ran through the veins of over 250.000 civilians, they all died in this pointless war.” - said one of them. “This is the height of the German-Franco war – hundreds of thousands dead, nothing has changed. What do you think will happen if Russia decides to join?” All of them agreed that they must do something to prevent pointless loss of life by defending themselves against a possible aggressor and together they decided to form The Brotherhood of the Roster, an organization that taught townspeople how to use weapons in the event of defending the city walls.


    The presumed mountain shelter in Hauscheuer in which the 5 gentlemen met, 1880

    Such state continued for the next 50 years. The brotherhood provided the citizens of Lower Silesia a possibility to defend themselves when the First World War arrived, avoiding the bloodshed that came with it. The townspeople successfully repelled multiple attacks on the cities of Lower Silesia, effectively preventing the Russian invaders from reaching the heart of Germany. After the war the brotherhood continued to operate, mainly due to the Weimar Republic attitude towards the fate of their people, allowing multiple rebellions in Poland to rip away major chunks of the land. This enraged the brotherhood that decided to ignore the Weimar government and declared that they shall continue to defend people of Silesia, even if it means that they have to fight the government itself.

    This forced the brotherhood continue their actions as a secret society, still teaching the townsfolk the basic defensive strategies should they be enlisted to the army or forced to defend their home. Sometime in early 1920s, the Consortium aquired a fort build in Karlsberg in 1780 (known as Blockhaus Karl) on the order of the Prussian king Frederick William II and moved their new Headquarters there, allowing them to expand on their activities within the small castle and commanding their operations from there. Yet the grip of the new government was getting tighter, many brotherhood operatives were arrested for carrying illegal weapons or anti-government propaganda which forced the remaining brotherhood members to go underground and gain profits from questionable practices. With the memory of the brotherhood fading away in the Lower Silesia, the brotherhood members soon started using their connections to get involved in illegal trafficking, weapon trade and bootlegging. This is the point at which the brotherhood is said to have been converted into the Karlsberg Consortium.

    A presumed member of the Consortium talking to a civilian near the outskirts of Breslau, 1940 (A heavily modified Schubert 38 with a plowshare is seen on the left side of the photo which is assumed to be of Consortium's own design)

    When Hitler rose to power, many members began involving themselves politically, usually sympathizing with governors of the land and buying their trust and protection in exchange for shares in their profitable businesses. Persecutions against the Consortium ceased when by 1938 most of the Milician district was in control of Consortium subordinates. This included multiple members of the Milician Kreispolizeibehörde (Milician District Police) and local NSDAP activists, turning the district into an effective quasi-state under the control of the Syndicate.


    Territory of the Karlsberg Consortium in Germany by 1938 (Green)

    In the following years, many members of the consortium have spread across other districts, expanding their activities to tobacco and drug production. By 1942 their presence was established in districts of Groß Wartenberg, Oels, Guhrau, Wohlau, Trebnitz and also german-occupied districts of Krotoschin, Rawitsch and Adelnau with over 2,300 confirmed members.

    In 1943, the Consortium decided that the last step would be to secure their assets by sending one of the Vogs to Berlin to get their connections established at the center of the nation before the war ends…

    Organizational structure:

    The Karlsberg Consortium is a Criminal Syndicate acting one step ahead of the law. Little is known about their internal structure other than having 5 Vogts – administrative directors in joined rule of the Consortium. Every 5 years they elect one of them to become the Starost, a Godfather-like figure who leads of the Consortium with Vogts supporting his rule until the next vote. Their law is guarded by so called “Enforcers” - extremely trusted members of the Consortium who act as a kind of internal police force for the syndicate, making sure that every consortium member follows the code of honor and prevent the Consortium from being exposed by dealing with traitors and spies among their ranks. The remaining branches consists of common dealers who provide the Consortium with various goods, such as food or weapons via their associated factories and finally the Operators who are the backbone of the Consortium field operations. The Consortium also hires outside associates to expand their influence in the region and become the source of new Consortium operators once they prove they are worth of it.

    The Consortium has very similar roots to Italian mafia with traditional values of civil defense being cultivated. Unlike most of Criminal organizations, the Consortium is more focused on economy and defense of harmless civilians rather than spreading general chaos and terror among the civilian population. The Consortium is usualy involved in exerting influence, bribery and illegal trade with blackmail, kidnappings and assassinations being a rarity. The only exception when the Consortium members gets to use lethal force is when they are threatened or the Consortium itself is in danger of being exposed to the public. The supreme law for the Consortium is the Code of Honor that is said to have originated from the times of The Brotherhood of the Roster and is brutally enforced by the Vogts and Enforcers with anyone found breaking it usually being sentenced to death by a bullet to the head.


    Unlike a regular crime organization, the Consortium has somewhat democratic values. The Vogts, who are appointed among the most loyal Enforcers, vote for one of them to become the Starost every 5 years. The Consortium members usually share their profits among themselves in a mutual atmosphere of brotherly friendship and respect. One of the most astonishing achievements reached by the Consortium are legit businesses in which they hire civilians to work for a fair share, allowing the business owners to pay taxes to the local governments, lulling the senses of tax organs and winning the favor of citizens.

    The Consortium is distrustful of the government, seeing them as the oppressive combine that prevents a man from making their own destiny. Yet, if necessary, the Consortium will cooperate with the governmental forces to ensure that the Consortium and/or innocent civilians suffer not from the upcoming calamities. They may even announce a temporal truce with the government in favor of saving as many lives as possible.

    Other Mafia/Resistance groups are considered neutral by the Consortium who see them as a source of recruitment and trade rather than rivalry.

    The most important group to the Consortium are Civilians who are considered not only as the source of revenue and recruitment but also the source of traditional values the Consortium once swore to protect as the Brotherhood of the Roster.


    Little is known about the process of recruitment in the Consortium. The only data available shows that the Consortium recruits it's members via connections among civilians and mafia circles. It is also said that the Consortium is dispatching it's operators to observe promissing people in order to evaluate if they are worth joining the Consortium or not.

    Positions within the Consortium:

    The Vogt - A district commander of Consortium forces. He’s responsible for coordinating their operations in the region, recruitment of new members and bureaucratic cohesion of Consortium district under his control, such as securing necessary permits, licences or buildings for future use. They have total power over their subordinates and will stop at nothing to reach the goals for the Consortium.

    Consortium Enforcer - An extremely trusted member of the Consortium who acts as a kind of internal police force for the syndicate, making sure that every Consortium member follows the code of honor and preventing the Consortium from being exposed by dealing with traitors and spies while enforcing security procedures. Enforcers participate in raids on enemy compounds and provide security to the Consortium Facilities. Enforces are are allowed to recruit associates to assist the Consortium in raids and other tasks that might require assistance from outside.

    Consortium Operator - Being the backbone of Consortium, Operators are given all sorts of tasks to fulfill in order to provide profit for the Consortium and keep it safe. Their daily tasks are focused on managing illegal businesses, such as Consortium property protection, producing drugs, printing money, protection racketing, and managing businesses under Consortium control. If it is necessary they may participate in raids against enemy compounds and get involved into more violent actions. They are also responsible for hiring citizens to work in Consortium facilities and on farms for a fair share.

    ✉ Custom Jobs(s): ✉
    Custom Group RGB value: 3b0075 (59, 0, 117)

    Job One:
    Slots: 1
    Name: The Vogt
    Type: Mafia
    Equipment: doi_atow_webley, doi_atow_m1928a1, lockpick, weapon_cuff_shackles
    Abilities: FakeID
    Model: German Upper Class Civilian + Mafia

    Job Two:
    Slots: 2
    Name: Consortium Enforcer
    Type: Mafia
    Equipment: doi_atow_webley, doi_atow_ithaca37, lockpick, weapon_cuff_shackles
    Abilities: FakeID
    Model: German Upper Class Civilian + Mafia

    Job Three:
    Slots: 5
    Name: Consortium Operator
    Type: Mafia
    Equipment: doi_atow_webley, doi_atow_m3greasegun, lockpick, weapon_cuff_shackles
    Abilities: N/A
    Model: German Upper Class Civilian + Mafia

  3. RbTZeDj.png




    The Ahnenerbe was a think tank that operated in Nazi Germany between 1935 and 1945. It was an appendage of the Schutzstaffel (SS) and had been established by Heinrich Himmler, the Reichsführer of the SS. It was devoted to the task of promoting the racial doctrines espoused by Adolf Hitler and his governing Nazi Party, specifically by supporting the idea that the modern Germans descended from an ancient Aryan race which was biologically superior to other racial groups. The group comprised scholars and scientists from a broad range of academic disciplines.

    Hitler came to power in 1933 and over the following years he converted Germany into a one-party state under the control of his Nazi Party and governed by his personal dictatorship. He espoused the idea that modern Germans descended from the ancient Aryans, who he claimed—in contrast to established academic understandings of prehistory—had been responsible for most major developments in human history such as agriculture, art, and writing. His racial theories and claims about prehistory were not accepted by the majority of the world's scholarly community, and a decision was taken to give them greater scholarly backing. The Ahnenerbe was established with the purpose of providing evidence for Nazi racial doctrine and to promote these ideas to the German public through books, articles, exhibits, and conferences. Ahnenerbe scholars interpreted evidence to fit Hitler's beliefs, and some consciously fabricated evidence to do so; many of their ideas are regarded as pseudoscience. The organisation sent out various expeditions to other parts of the world, intent on finding evidence of ancient Aryan expansion.

    The Nazi government used the Ahnenerbe's research to justify many of their policies. For instance, the think tank's claim that archaeological evidence indicated that the ancient Aryans lived across eastern Europe was cited in justification of German military expansion into that region. Ahnenerbe research was also cited in justification of the Holocaust, the mass killing of Jews and other groups—including Roma and homosexuals—through extermination camps and other methods. In 1937 the project was renamed the Research and Teaching Community of the Ancestral Heritage (Forschungs- und Lehrgemeinschaft des Ahnenerbe). Some of the group's investigations were placed on hold at the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939. Towards the end of the war, Ahnenerbe members destroyed much of the organisation's paperwork to avoid it incriminating them in forthcoming war crimes tribunals.

    Many Ahnenerbe members escaped the de-Nazification policies in West Germany and remained active in the country's archaeological establishment throughout the post-war decades. This stifled scholarly research into the Ahnenerbe, which only intensified after German reunification in 1990. The Ahnenerbe's ideas have remained popular in some neo-Nazi and far-right circles and have also influenced later pseudo-archaeologists.



    On 1 July 1935, Himmler organised a meeting at the Berlin headquarters of the SS where he discussed his desire to launch a prehistoric research institute. Both Wirth and the agriculturalist Richard Walther Darré were present, and both responded with enthusiasm to the idea. The group was launched as a department of RuSHA. Wirth became the group's president, while Himmler took the role of superintendent, a position entailing considerable control by placing him in charge of its board of trustees. Its formal goal was "to promote the science of ancient intellectual history".

    The organisation was initially named the "Deutsches Ahnenerbe" Studiengesellschaft für Geistesurgeschichte (Society for the Study of the History of Primeval Ideas", but this was soon shortened to Ahnenerbe. This was a German term for "something inherited from the forefathers". The Ahnenerbe's first premises were at number 29 and 30 of the Brüderstrasse, a thirteenth-century street in Berlin. These corner buildings were rented from the city's department store magnate Rudolf Herzog. Initially, it employed seven members of staff. Reflecting Wirth's fixation on the idea of an ancient Aryan script, the organisation's early focus was upon what Wirth called "script and symbol studies". One of its researchers, Yrjö von Grönhagen, was for instance tasked with collecting the Finnish wooden calendars which were engraved with various symbols.

    Starting in 1934, Himmler began financially supporting and visiting excavations in Germany. This brought him into contact with archaeologists like Alexander Langsdorff, Hans Schleif, Werner Buttler and Wilhelm Unverzagt, director of the Staatliches Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Berlin. Initially, there were two departments within the SS engaged in archaeology: the Abteilung Ausgrabungen of the Persönlicher Stab des Reichsführers der SS and the Abteilung für Vor- und Frühgeschichte at the RuSHA. The latter ("RA IIIB") was established in 1934 and was supposed to serve as a "general staff" for all SS activities related to prehistory. It was responsible for archaeological research and related propaganda and led by Rolf Höhne, a geologist. Höhne was eventually replaced by Peter Paulsen, an archaeologist, in October 1937. The department did not conduct any excavations itself, but was intended to extend the influence of the SS over other institutions, especially those responsible for education/research and monument preservation. In fact, Langsdorff did this in Himmler's personal staff. The department also tried to make use of pre-history in the training and indoctrination of SS members. When the RuSHA was restructured, the department was dissolved with its responsibilities passing to the Ahnenerbe. The Abteilung Ausgrabung in Himmler's personal staff was established in 1935 on the initiative of Langsdorff. In March 1937, Höhne joined the leadership of this department. By 1937, it was responsible for SS excavations and maintained its own personnel for this activity.

    The Ahnenerbe was, according to historian Heather Pringle, "an elite Nazi research institute". Its official mission as twofold. Its first purpose was to reveal new evidence for the accomplishments of the ancestors of the modern Germans "using exact scientific methods". Its second purpose was to convey its findings to the German public through magazine articles, books, museum exhibits, and scholarly conferences. According to Pringle, it was however "in the business of myth-making", repeatedly "distorting the truth and churning out carefully tailored evidence to support the racial ideas of Adolf Hitler." Some members of the Ahnenerbe consciously altered their evidence and interpretations to match Hitler's beliefs; others appear to have been unaware of how their adherence to Nazi doctrine was shaping their interpretations.

    Himmler regarded the Ahnenerbe as an elite think tank which would sweep away previous scholarship on the development of humanity and reveal that Hitler's ideas on the subject were true. Himmler also believed that the group's investigations might reveal ancient secrets about agriculture, medicine, and warfare which would benefit Nazi Germany. It employed scholars from a wide range of academic fields, including archaeology, anthropology, ethnology, folkloristics, runology, Classics, history, musicology, philology, biology, zoology, botany, astronomy, and medicine. Himmler believed that scholars active in all of these different fields would piece together a view of the past that would revolutionise established interpretations; in his words, it would represent "hundreds of thousands of little mosaic stones, which portray the true picture of the origins of the world."

    On July 1, 1935, at SS headquarters in Berlin, Himmler met with five "racial experts" representing Darré and with Herman Wirth, one of Germany's most famous but also most controversial prehistorians. Together they established an organization called the "German Ancestral Heritage—Society for the Study of the History of Primeval Ideas" (Deutsches Ahnenerbe—Studiengesellschaft für Geistesurgeschichte), shortened to its better-known form in 1937. At the meeting they designated its official goal, “to promote the science of ancient intellectual history,” and appointed Himmler as its superintendent, with Wirth serving as its president. Himmler appointed Wolfram Sievers Generalsekretär (General Secretary) of the Ahnenerbe.



    The Ahnenerbe seeks to add a new aspect to roleplay on the server (again) as we have the army, the police, the Party, etc. but nothing like the Ahnenerbe currently.

    Yes, the Ahnenerbe has been done before, both times by myself, but it died due to lack of leadership and poor management, as well as the fact it got pretty broing to stand at the mines all day. With this iteration, both myself and members of the SMT hope to fix the errors of the past to make the group genuinely fun and interesting.

    The group aims to provide players with a more scientific experience that delves into the Racial Ideology and Human Experimentation of the Third Reich. As the group is focused on the more scientific aspects of the Third Reich it revolves around Passive Roleplay and the interactions with fellow areas of the Reich as well as the general Citizens of Berlin.

    The Ahnenerbe will be based within the city in different buildings, having no set group base, and can instead own one citizen base. However, they can still utilise the mines as well as the MOI should it be needed.

    The research conducted by Ahnenerbe can be split into the following categories;

    Eugenics: Research into Genetics and proving Aryan superiority.
    Occult: Research into ancient artifacts and civilisations.
    Medical: Research into identifying and curing diseases, illnesses and conditions that affect the Citizens of Germany and the Wehrmacht abroad.
    Technological: Research into developing German technology for both Military and Civilian purposes.
    Military: Research into biological and chemical weaponry to be used on resistance and foreign armies.

    The Ahnenerbe will utilise the disease mod in their research but will also focus on many other means to roleplay, aka more passive RP with other players. ID Papers will now hold more value in RP other than just job names, as religion, height, hair and eye colour can affect whether a person is wanted by the Ahnenerbe for testing purposes or racial purposes. The Ahnenerbe will also assist the wider Reich by writing and publishing documents on diseases and other discoveries that could aid the German people either by releasing documents themselves or sending documents to the relevant Offices so their papers can be included in Newspapers.

    Everything that the Ahnenerbe could do is not listed here as we hope to expand our research opportunities and group duties.

    The Ahnenerbe will work with the all areas of the Reich but most prominently with the SS as well as Sanitäters from all areas of the Reich.

    The Ahnenerbe also will make use of extensive documentation, as they will utilise an Archive system as well as several document types.

    Ahnenerbe Handbuch

    Ahnenerbe Spreadsheet

    Ahnenerbe Dress Code



    Sturmbannführer der Forschungsgemeinschaft Ahnenerbe

    Model(s): models/kriegsyntax/germans/ss/medi/cos/playermodel.mdl, models/kriegsyntax/germans/waffenss/medi/cos/playermodel_2.mdl
    Color: 54, 54, 54, 255
    Weapons: doi_atow_bayonetde, doi_atow_p08, weapon_cuff_shackles, swep_diseasemod_kit
    Command: ahnenerbesturm
    Slots: 1

    Truppenführer der Forschungsgemeinschaft Ahnenerbe

    Model(s):models/kriegsyntax/germans/ss/medi/cos/playermodel.mdl, models/kriegsyntax/germans/waffenss/medi/cos/playermodel_2.mdl
    Color: 54, 54, 54, 255
    Weapons: doi_atow_bayonetde, doi_atow_p08, weapon_cuff_shackles, swep_diseasemod_kit
    Command: ahnenerbetrupp
    Slots: 2

    Unterführer der Forschungsgemeinschaft Ahnenerbe

    Model(s): models/kriegsyntax/germans/ss/medi/ncos/playermodel.mdl, models/kriegsyntax/germans/waffenss/medi/ncos/playermodel_2.mdl
    Color: 54, 54, 54, 255
    Weapons: doi_atow_bayonetde, doi_atow_p38, doi_atow_mp40, weapon_cuff_shackles, swep_diseasemod_kit
    Command: ahnenerbeunter
    Slots: 3

    SS-Mann und Wache der Forschungsgemeinschaft Ahnenerbe

    Model(s): models/kriegsyntax/germans/ss/medi/enlisted/playermodel.mdl, models/kriegsyntax/germans/waffenss/medi/enlisted/playermodel_2.mdl
    Color: 54, 54, 54, 255
    Weapons: doi_atow_bayonetde, doi_atow_p38, doi_atow_k98k, weapon_cuff_shackles, swep_diseasemod_kit
    Command: ahnenerbemann
    Slots: 4

    Description for all Jobs
    The Ahnenerbe was a think tank that operated in Germany during WW2. It was an appendage of the SS and had been established by Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler. It had the task of promoting the racial doctrines espoused by Adolf Hitler and his governing NSDAP, specifically by supporting the idea that the Germans descended from an Aryan race which was biologically superior to other racial groups. The group comprised scholars and scientists from a range of academic disciplines.




    - Be a Member of the SS, Wehrmacht or NSDAP / SA.
    - Have 5 Days Playtime Minimum (Exceptions can be made).
    - Have Less than 10 Warnings.
    - Be higher than Rottenführer/ Obergefreiter/ Bereitschaftsleiter (Exceptions can be made if you have past experience as a higher rank).

    Application Template

    --- OOC Section ---

    Steam Name:

    Steam ID:

    Server Playtime:

    Number of Warnings (Active and Overall):

    Most Recent Warning (with Date, Reason and Staff Member Name):

    Why do you wish to join the Ahnenerbe? (200 Words Minimum):

    --- IC Section ---

    Character Name:

    Previous Group(s) / Regiment(s) you were part of and what Rank(s) you held:

    Current Group(s) / Regiment(s) and Rank(s):

    Briefly describe the Third Reichs Racial Ideology (200 Words Minimum):

    Do you understand that most of your work in Ahnenerbe will be Passive RP?:

    Do you understand you are expected to document all your Research according to Ahnenerbe rules?:

    Any Additional Information?: