Broken Assembly

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Everything posted by Broken Assembly

  1. Not my problem, I have loading screen html disabled and that rule does not follow the rules in the ruleset rule.
  2. Why does no one understand the concept of no unspoken rules exist because they are disallowed it says in the rules that there are no rules that are not listed in the rule set.
  3. I have loading screen html disabled so I don't get bombarded with garbage music and very slow moving gifs
  4. Harland? Who is he, how can I contact him? Comm ban? Like an OOC ban?
  5. Every single time I am given an explanation on how I got banned for breaking an advertising rule the user always leaves something out. First, you linked to the FORUM rules not the SCP RP server rules which is where the Advertising took place Second, It is even stated in the rules that so unspoken rules aren't allowed in the server Third, there is no rule that disallows for advertising in the SCP RP server The issues with my case is that there is no "Admin can decide to ban you for an offenses not listed" clause like in other Roleplay Servers and the rule cannot exist by the server's rules due to the "If a "rule" is not listed in the ruleset then it is not a rule" rule. I want to make this clear to anyone that may reply I did not directly violate any rules on advertising because there are none that effect the SCP RP server. The Rules Specifically state "If a "rule" is not listed in the ruleset then it is not a rule" so there is no way my advertising directly violated any rules. Yet I still got perma-banned with no sign of an appeal being accepted
  6. You're overthinking the fact that I joined and left the server, I joined at the begging of the stream, promoted it (I recall mentioning merch once. I tried to AVOID promoting their merch so thus brought it up once as more a side note), the joined hours later to promote it. This was meant more or less as a joke and the second join hours later was suppose to sound like asking why you weren't watching after you were already told. I didn't wait for Norra to get off or for any admin to leave the server, I joined at a random time later not even recalling I had a warning from a mod. Even if I was trying to avoid that mod why would you think that I think that joining later would cause another warning and not punishment. I also got a quick question, you said you were order to ban me by SMT, would that mean (assuming SMT is a group and not a single person) I would have to try appealing my ban to an SMT member if I ever wanted to get unbanned?
  7. There is no loophole here, there simply, are no rules that address advertising at all.
  8. Yes, I already had a thread but that was for understanding what I got banned for because the ban notice lacked any info. Readme: I did not directly violate any rules on advertising because there are none that effect the SCP RP server. The Rules Specifically state "If a "rule" is not listed in the ruleset then it is not a rule" so there is no way my advertising directly violated any rules. Yet I still got perma-banned with no sign of an appeal being accepted now quit saying there are unspoken rules in the SCP Server, the rules say there are none your point is invalid. Your name in-game: Broken Assembly Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:220646980 Admins' name that banned you: (Unknown not listed) Admin's steamID: (Unknown) Why did you get banned?: I was banned for advertising a youtube channel Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: There is no rule in the rule book that states that says advertising is against the rules. This is the current rule book for the SCP server which is what I will be referencing. First of all, there is no clear rule that even says anything related to advertising, I feel like to be permabanned when I only have 4 warns for a rule that does not exist is ridiculous. I don't disagree with the idea that I did something wrong, but I don't think I should have been perma-banned, I was told in the original thread that a mod that goes by Norra verbally warned me however, I can find no evidence of this warn. The rule specify that LTAP causes your punishment to have a 2 day ban appended to it, so if it is to be assumed that I LTAPed I still did not commit a perma-banable offense. Second, at the bottom of the rules it specifies so why did I even get anything but a 2 day ban for a possible LTAP in the first place. Third, I advertised the channel because I liked it and it was ending that day during a live stream I had/have no association with the youtube channel. I gained nothing by promoting it, the final live stream lacked ads, thus the youtube channel gained nothing monetary from people watching. What I had done was more akin to a Subscribe to PewDiePie meme and not like promoting my own product. Anything else?: I think there needs to be another way to prove chat in an ban / unban request, people don't just randomly screenshot chat.