
Platinum VIP
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Posts posted by Aleks

  1. In Game Name: GM Colonel Aleks & Jedi Initiate Aleks

    Steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:94062156


    Are you currently staff on any other server or WG server: Negative

    In-game rank (VIP and 501st SGT): Plat Vip & GM Colonel & Jedi Initiate

    Have you got experience in staffing RP servers: Yes altho i only have exprience staff 3 small servers

    Age: 16

    Playtime: 2 Weeks 5days 

    Predicted time on server per week: 40Hours Minimum

    Warns/bans: None

    Do you use a microphone: Yes

    What do you aim to achieve in our staff team: I Aim to add another very active staff member to the staff team, i aim to help everyone that requires any help in any ways possible in my power and in the best interest of the community and server, I am to try and make the server an even better place then it already is so everyone who is here to RP and have fun can do so, I aim to stop people from breaking the rules and ruining this community we have here.

    Why do you stand out among other candidates: I Aim to add another very active staff member to the staff team, i aim to help everyone that requires any help in any ways possible in my power and in the best interest of the community and server, I am to try and make the server an even better place then it already is so everyone who is here to RP and have fun can do so, I aim to stop people from breaking the rules and ruining this community we have here.

    Why should we pick you to staff our server(200 words): All the reason above are very good reasons to pick me to staff your server. But never the less you should pick me to staff your servers because of how extremely active I am being on every day this will result in claims being gotten to a lot quicker (now am not saying their slow because their not but if I am staff you better know if am not doing anything important I am clicking that claim button ASAP).2nd of all I have shown how dedicated I am to this server with my activity and because of how much I love this server I would never do anything to warm its reputation or player base, to say to this if I am staff I will always act in the best of the server and never in the best of myself or someone else. You should also pick me because I am trustworthy and serious I do not fuck about (sorry for the language) now yes I may not be apart of this community for a long time only since midway January but if you ask anyone in Galactic Marines (GM my regiment) they will say I don't mess around & that I am trustworthy. Another reason to pick me to staff your servers is that I know between right and wrong and I will never be one-sided (even if its something to do with someone I know and are close to me) saying that I will always hear every side of the story and will never act on impulse.i will always act as a responsible staff member and will always act like the "bigger man", I will always act professional, saying this if someone tries to make something personal for whatever reason I will never take it to heart and I will just act as a responsible staff member and just get over it and deal with the situation as it should be. Lastly, as a staff member, I will always be friendly and never be disrespectful which I think is very important to keep a good and nice community

    Do you understand that if you are unsuitable as a staff member your rank may be removed: Yes

    If a trooper didn’t salute to you, what do you do as a staff member: Because not saluting is such a little thing I would just pm the person that didn't salute and be friendly about it and say something along the lines " hey mate just a friendly reminder please remember to salute everyone that is 2nd LT+, of course, thank you"

    You haven’t done your duties as a staff member as much as you should one week, how do you handle this: I would apologise to the staff team and make sure to work hardest I can because only working harder for one week I see that as not a good thing because of whats the point of only working harder the next week if you can work hard all the time.

    You don’t like a staff member, how do you handle this: If it's the way thier staffing that is bad like handling stuff badly I will talk to them personally but of course friendly saying like " hey mate the way you handled this and this is bad because of this and this reason and instead you should of handling it like this because of this reason" now hopefully they will improve and then it will end there, now if they do not improve and keep handling situations incorrectly I will tell a higher up staff member and hopefully they can talk to them. If it's for a personal reason which will never happen ill keep it to myself

    Anything else: wgswrp