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    Melon reacted to Blaster in Little John's Unban request   
    There seems to be different opinions whether you should be given a chance, so for now this request is on pending.
    SMT will contact you once we make a decision.
  2. Like
    Melon reacted to Jendo in Little John's Unban request   
    -1, would be neutral however:
    recently you have been reaching out to random members of the community asking for forgiveness, not saying this is an attempt to pre-emptively advertise your unban request however you can understand why it may look this way. The aftermath of the "event" was so shambolic on your part that it has actually became a living meme on SWRP, mostly because of your constant denial.. perhaps if you just told the truth as you are doing now instead of making shitty excuses such as "Locking your Y-axis" etc. people would hold you in a greater light.
    Not to mention you attempted to bypass your perma ban when we swapped to the new IP and all perma-bans were accidentally lifted, on purpose or not is another question altogether.
    I'd fucking hope not for your own sake, this would add substance to your appeal if it was something other than hacking on garry's mod.
    Edit: if you want to respond to me do it on discord, not here as I dont care for people who reply to shit on their own forum appeals to beef up the replies.
  3. Like
    Melon reacted to ethan in Little John's Unban request   
    I think it would be fine for you to be unbanned  but you already made an unban request and you lied in it, that could already be seen as a second chance, which you wasted.
  4. Like
    Melon reacted to Corn in Little John's Unban request   
    Was in the arc eval in which he used aimbot. Not only did you use aimbot to blantly lazer all of us through the trees, you also shit talked all of us especially Dex for actually surviving your killing spree
  5. Like
    Melon reacted to Harvey_ in Little John's Unban request   
    at least u have admitted it and u have waited quite a while, however u was lying in the past about it saying u was using arrow keys and other stuff like that which is not alright however i do feel like u deserve a chance and to be able to play on the server again as you have waited 6 or so months 

    Good luck i guess
  6. Like
    Melon reacted to Victor in Little John's Unban request   
    Yes it has been a while and another chance would be good however you were lying and i am sure most people if nit almost all the people who took part in that ARC eval are pissed because you had an advantage over them.
    Good luck nevertheless
  7. Like
    Melon reacted to Dyno in Little John's Unban request   
    I was only an ET in DU when the situation happened. We had barely communicated during the time he was on the server. However, in recent weeks me and him have been talking quite a lot. I can tell you with 100% certainty that this man is genuinely sorry for his mistakes. I also believe he should be unbanned as quite a long time, just about 6 months, has passed since the ban and he has matured and come to his senses in that time. Good luck little John.