Lorex Krato

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Posts posted by Lorex Krato

  1. -1

    I believe you may be spoiled with the vision of SCP Secret Lab's iteration of SCP-173 where he moves very fast until someone observes him.


    If we were to implement this, 173 would become a racing car and containment would proove impossible as it would be moving all the time, and a lot of warn would need to be given when they FailRP with this new feature of theirs.


    I believe it would be better to keep it as it is, where containment can capture it, but it can also use a special ability that TP's it away. 


    But it's a good suggestion though!

  2. 10 minutes ago, Rusty said:

    Smh. Jacked version of Wildfire.

    And even I know that's too much. 

    Bro, one swep is fine. Then you can;

    Enchant (RP)

    Set up barriers (RP)

    Banish ghosts'n shit (Through RP)

    Interact with GOC and Foundation (RP)

    I suggest you lower your list of "necessities" down to 1-2.

  3. 049 allows for RP to happen

    Be it the RP of converting someone to a -2, or simply talk.

    035 possess people, therefore those who play him, possess people as the RP.

    If research got equipment they could use that avoided them being possessed when conducting an interview with 035, then tests would skyrocket. 

    For 913, he eats the test, the Class D Personell,  and the Researcher. 913 literally eats the RP. Hence why so little of it. 

  4. Lando, you joke constantly and believe everyone knows when a joke is a joke. And when you DO offend someone,  you just claim it's a joke. 

    This, is the behavior I was specifying when I did say exactly what you said I told you. 


    And Bango,  you should have been much more clear about it. Lando doesn't understand when a joke has gone too far, and will never say he's sorry, but rather cuss at you saying you're retarded for not getting the joke.

    However,  Lando does not intend to be directly rude. And I KNOW he was not calling you Captona because he felt good about doing it.

    Both you and Lando should have either DM'ed each other or very specifically stated that you do not like being called what the other opposing party is calling them. 

    Lando should have told Bango on text format to please stop calling him Puggo, and would then need to explain how it hurts him and how he does not see it as a joke. Same goes for Bango. 

    I've told people this before,  and myself talked with others about how I treated them just to be sure no feelings were hurt. 

    Remove the warn, but remember this at least. Be clear about your message, instead of responding "but he said this, so that's why I did it"

    I mean, i fully understand what Bango is saying.  But Lando is a very different person.  Some people don't mix. 

    Also, I'd like to mention that I feel like I am being misrepresented here;

    Bango did tell me to talk to Lando

    But never specified anything other than 

    "His behavior towards me is not enjoyable,  I tried to tell him but he doesn't seem to listen"

    Me having no idea of how specific the problem really was, TP'ED to Lando and told him to improve his general behavior which I guess he kinda did, apart from this. Since I was never informed of the Name-calling,  how never managed to speak to Lando about that fact. 


    Lando was misjudged based upon his character,  so nobody is at fault except themselves for not being able to be clearer about the problem at hand. 

  5. There is a difference between running into a "firefight" with NLR and not.


    GOC raids Club. Some bouncers were killed before the raid started but were killed outside the club, so they stand down the street waiting for their NLR to be over. They get shot by GOC. 

    The bouncers decided to go there, GOC sees them return, so of course they shoot them. The bouncers could have waited anywhere else and not been shot. 

    But I believe we are trying to find a solution to those who dont go to a fight with NLR.