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About Han-Tyumi

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  1. As title says basically I’d like to get an idea of some things like the hierarchy, most active players, and how the server is run long term. Asking as I came upon the server over the weekend. Spent a good 16 hours on it since friday, and have generally had a good time. However it seems the day and night differences in demeanor (no pun intended) could really complicate my enjoyment. I.E. I had a solid 8 hour session Saturday into Sunday (9pm- 5am) and left on a sour note where some random screaming kid breaking all rules of RP started harassing me. Then got several people I had spent all night with piling on not hearing me out. logged on again Sunday evening and got flak from the active players not knowing I had put in time, claiming I had promoted myself based on my played time... etc. I abide by the rules , and really enjoy 95% of the folks I’ve encountered. But I would like to know what ceiling I should expect on feeling welcomed and not having to break RP to explain myself because so and so wasn’t online when I was given a green light to do something. And please understand I’m not criticizing anyone here as I know how tough running a server can be. I just see potential enjoyment in the foundations built here and don’t want to get put off entirely, and thus wanted someone to perhaps fill me in on what’s what as far as how to go about continuing to progress in yalls little community without stepping on toes but also not having to take a verbal beating every time the players turnover. P.S. For transparency and in case anyone sees this and remembers me. I was playing as Han-Tyumi / Sam Boogea respectively (different roles) over the weekend. As far as I know no one I had any friction with was a regular much less an admin. thanks for any response here