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About hehono9

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  1. This would be the first time. I will certainly acquaint myself with the rules.
  2. I agree. As I said, I am aware of what I did. I cannot offer much else besides an apology in that regard.
  3. Server you got banned from SCP RPYour name in-game: Hee HoYour SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/i_slay_mobs/Admins' name that banned you: Believe their name was Lucy?Why did you get banned?: Mass RDM most likely.Evidence N/AWhy do you deserve to be unbanned?: I played on the server for a good few hours. Nothing out of the ordinary happened really. Around the end of my tenure I played with a guy and we just sorta started goofing off. We wanted to escape the facility(we were guards at the time). We got to the door in the cafeteria and the mindset was to kill any witnesses I guess. Pretty sure I shot the Lucy person first. After that many many more people showed up and it got really out of hand. It was a heat-of-the-moment ordeal that was definitely stupid, and I regret doing this. I should've stuck to RP and just did my job but I guess I got a little stir crazy. To the people that I offended by this: I apologize. This does not represent who I am as a person, and I just want to apologize outright for not taking other people's feelings into account. Anything else?: Promises don't really mean much unfortunately. There's nothing I could say that can wash away the way I acted towards the people on the server. With that being said, I will make an effort to be more considerate to those trying to enjoy the game. And I certainly will not RDM or kill anyone in ways that break RP.