Ali Mills

Platinum VIP
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Everything posted by Ali Mills

  1. Bowman’s been banned for about 6 months now? I think this has been long enough for him to change and think about his actions. From what he told me I believe he did change; he hasn’t been minging on a different sever and actually did rp. Because of this I believe that Bowman has changed and should be allowed a second chance so +1 from me.
  2. Each time I see Cody as a D class he is Male_07 every single time but I don’t understand how this is possible Male_07 is one of the rarest model a D class can have yet this man is always the perfect model!??/d? this has to be some kind of inside job it's impossible to be always the perfect model. The most common D class model is Male_01 and Male_03. And on some occasions you also have the other models How's this possible?!?????!?
  3. Your name in-game: Ali Mills Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:225662372 Person's you report name: Nabiha Duquette Person's you report SteamID: STEAM_0:0:593350630 Why do you want him banned?: RDM/Metagame Evidence(It's a must. If not provided, request is denied.):
  4. +1 (Almost) Always plays as a researcher and never breaks the rules
  5. +1 I have faith in Muggles he seems to have a basic understanding about 096 and probably did more research during this month of waiting.
  6. +1 John is active alot and smart enough now to not break any rules again
  7. Which Rank/tag do you need: Platinum VIP What is your RP Name on the server(only use one): Ali Mills Evidence (A image of your name ingame with the said rank, or a image of yourself on the old forum. Do not post sensitive information such as emails/PayPal payments please:
  8. Sounds fun but i can already imagine the chaos of people shooting around corners with only their hand exposed and tracking bugging out. (Picture as visual example of how it would look like if a pro gamer tried full body tracking)
  9. +1 Bjorn is a nice and funny guy that jokes around sometimes, i think that a one month ban is a bit extreme he should've atleast gotton a ingame warning.