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Everything posted by Quinn

  1. What your suggestion is: Add new jedi GeneralScriptfodder/workshop link: Any additional information: This is jedi Master Depa Billaba she's a force-sensitive human female who serverd in the jedi order. I think it would be awesome to add this model to the jedi generals. i'm asking a develepor to make this model for gmod but it's not finished yet. i think that it will good addition for the jedi generals since almost all jedi general already got claimed by someone. -Quinn
  2. My In-Game name: Quinn STEAMID: ID STEAM_0:0:224812232 Steam Name: Praise The cactus What is the reason for your warn : I was selling alcholic in the bar when a Battalion asked for it, for no reason he cuffed me and he exiled me from the base. So i build a bar outside the base and made a door so i could open and close it when i want someone in or out. then 3 CT's came up to me and asked for a drink so i opend the door and closed it when they were in. Then the quite CG came up to me and i saw his mic saying something but the other CT's were yelling so i didn't hear anything about it. and then staff came and removed my bar and said and warned me for prob blocking. Name of the staff member who banned you: Zab Why do I believe that I should be unwarned : i did not know i could not make a door for my bar and Zab did not say anything to me personnaly atleast i didn't hear anything like :"dont prob block thates warnble or remove the door" no he just removed my bar and warned me Evidence: /