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About Saito

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  1. I've played on this server for a pretty long time. I've got level 50 when the money printers were a thing and there was a money wipe a long time ago and I took a pause from the server so that's why I have a low amount of money. Also I applied for SCP 096 a long time ago, I don't remember what was the minimum playtime required but it wasn't 4 days, it was 2 days or something like that. I didn't cut out the level and playtime on purpose, I gave a screenshot of what was requested from me and that is a screenshot of my warnings, nothing more. I can come up with proof to the staff if it is necessary, I've got nothing to hide everything I've said it is true, the staff can check.
  2. State your current/most common RP Name: I roleplay very much as SCP 096 so my most common RP name is: SCP 096 Shy Guy. When I roleplay as a human I'm using a random name each time. State your current Steam Username: My current Steam Username is Saito Provide your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:196157086 State your current in game level(Level 30 required, exceptions can be made): My in game level is 50. State your current in game rank (User,VIP,Gold VIP etc.): I'm a Platinum VIP. State your current playtime in game (2 days required, exceptions can be made): 4 days and 3 hours. How many warnings do you have?(15 warns is the limit, exceptions can be made)You MUST PROVIDE A SCREENSHOT: I don't have any warns. Do you understand the rules of SCP-RP? (1 sentence is not an answer.): Yes, I do understand all the rules of SCP-RP, like NLR, Metagaming, Non-RP Fear, RDM etc. I have read the rules multiple times and I am very sure that I understand them. Do you understand the basics of 1048? (1 sentence is not an answer.): I have read the basics about SCP-1048 on the forum and on the SCP Wikipedia, also I have played SCP Containment Breach so yes, of course I understand the basics of SCP-1048. I'm just a little bear that roams around the facility, but I can be a dangerous SCP too. Do you understand that PassiveRP is very important in this job and why?: I surely understand that PassiveRP is important. SCP-1048 is not about collecing ears and killing people, if you want to kill people go play SCP-096 or 173. Sometimes it is more fun to roam around the facility and just roleplay with people and interact with everybody, than killing people. PassiveRP is very important and should exists, otherwise the server would be a continuously breach. Do you understand the rules of SCP-1048, and are you willing to follow them at all times?(1 sentence is not an answer): I've read the rules of this SCP more than one time and I'm sure that I understand all of the rules and that I will follow them at all times, no exceptions. I know that I can't leave the facility whenever I want, I know that I have to roleplay fear if someone threats that they will contain me etc. Describe how SCP-1048 should act with and around Foundation Personnel: SCP-1048 should be docile and nice with the Foundation Personnel, the bear would hug their legs or communicate with them through gestures or with the help of a drawing so it can gain the foundation personnel's trust. Describe what SCP-1048 does: SCP-1048 is trying to gain foundation personnel's trust so it can take their ears. With their ears he can build SCP-1048-A, a teddy bear similar to its creator but entirely made out of human ears, also he can build SCP-1048-B and -C, so the bear could try and build those versions of himself too. A GOI has breached you out of containment and take you to Gate A, they tell you to come with them, what do you do?: I can't leave the facility without senior administrator or higher, permission so I would tell GOI on the OOC chat that I have to wait for the administrator permission. If I get the permission, I would follow and breach but if I don't get the permission I would tell GOI that I can't breach and I would return to the facility.