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Everything posted by Zedbox

  1. does this server suffer from the same many problems of the star wars RP. To pick one out of my head at random: CG and law enforcement no longer giving a shit if anyone breaks a law or rule including themselfs? or how in every battle there was no real ranking it was just whoever was highest ranking gives out an order and the rest just do it with no real delegation?
  2. -OOC Section - Steam Name:aircon RPname:Ben Henson SteamID:STEAM_0:0:156797157 In game level:50 Playtime(At least one week):4 weeks 3 days Amount of Warns and the reason of why they were given: (Uncropped Screenshot must be included here) - IC Section - [Insert your CV here] Name Ben Henson Sex:Male Age: 44 Birth: 07/06/1976 United Kingdom County: North [REDACTED] Email: [REDACTED] Telephone: [REDACTED] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Education 2 years Applied Science 5 years Manchester Law School --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Service outside Foundation 4 years Royal Navy auxiliary (reserve) 2 years Private Maritime Security 1 year legal consultant -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Service in Foundation GENSEC 4 years MTF 4 years (CO Within NU-7)(E11 8 months) Department of external affairs: Bureau of Intelligence 8 years (former HoEA) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills Passive Interrogation Enhanced Interrogation Hand-to-Hand combat Silent weapons tactics Advanced Knowledge of Law ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strengths Honest Unquestioning of Superiors Loyalty Kindness Lower Body strength calm demeanour Takes punishment Weaknesses Digraphia Anti-social Somewhat uncompromising I give thanks for a consideration for a position within the ISD and hope for a response soon Sincerely Ben Henson